Bhranthan Family

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The Bhranthan Family is born from the noble Sir Amness Bhranthan 'The mad' who cursed him self and all his offspring after Challenging a god to a game of Memory. With both constantly scoring perfect, the god memorized three more random other things then Amness could time and time again. The god warned him for his hubristic nature, but Amness ignored this. His gift was taken from him and from his offspring until they, from their despair will find wisdom.

His offspring is born with a (few) mental weakness. They excess in most things they do but there defects will always hold them back.

It is rumored that the intensity of their madness waxes and wanes over cycles. They don't seem consistent yet all of the family members seem effected at the same time.

General Player rules:

All characters have unique traits with specific weaknesses and individual player rules in order to play a more interesting game. The game focus for the Bhranthan family will be on the characters at all time and should always consider their individual psyche. This means that these characters will not always be played to win, but also to fail and destroy.


The first born son, this man is a vile manipulative beast without the slightest form of empathy. A sociopath all through. He has little interest in his mother or his family name. For him he IS the house Bhranthan and doesn't suspect anything to come of off his little brothers. This man will do anything to make the path more easier to that throne in his mind that belongs to him, the throne of the king of the world.

His personal staff contains several members who have been 'replaced' several times, yet his personal steward Confirmus has always stood by his side(never disagreeing or questioning his Lord). Confirmus is his scribe advisor and captain, executing Brutus's actions, plans and plots. His appearance is not very inviting and is thus rarely seen in public.

Brutus went straight from his family home to the East Continent serving a 'real' realm on a 'real' continent instead of the Dwilight he knows as young and worthless. He went straight to Perdan who he believed was worthy enough of his presence and good enough to actually learn from. When he arived in Perdan city he was immediately suspected of the Murder of a fellow passenger in the boat from Dwilight. The passanger was brutally stabbed to death in an alley somewhere in the harbor district of the city. It caught the attention of the King who kept an eye on him through his secret police. Brutus found out and used this to win the King's trust by showing perfect behavior and dedication to the realm. After fighting the wars against Eponllyn, Armonia and Caligus,(where one should note, he used excessive looting on several occasions, but rarely got caught) Brutus made a name of him self and became a personal associate of the King, who eventually managed to find a Governement position as General for Brutus in the newly created realm of Fallangard.

After accepting the offer, Brutus plotted to fight Armonia again under the banner of Fallangard and prepared the realm militarily and diplomatically for an intense war of conquest. He founded the Panther_Claw_Academy, a school of war, where he plans to educate Troopleaders and Marshals alike where he wrote his first publications on warfare, marshaling, troop leading and ethics in warfare. In his publications he promotes the concept of waging war against the civil population in order to cripple the enemies military. A particulair sentence in the marshal guide catches the readers eye, revealing some of the ethical concepts of his philosophy: "We must always understand that war will take casualties and that those are but to be seen as numbers and tools to win. We do not let our actions be decided upon moral or ethical values but the pursuit of victory only."

Special Player rules:

  • Cannot feel or experience love, just enjoyment.
  • Primarily makes the most rational decision.
  • Always takes revenge.


Middle born son, trouble from the start, tried to kill his mother after being confronted with his repeating impulses of theft at the age of 13, roamed the streets as an outcast ever since. Kleptes primarily focusses on theft to earn his bread and liqour...

Kleptes has eventually turned him self towards the adventurer community, where he found many commoners working for nobles based on a trust relation of service. He found a good way to abuse that trust and has made a great amount of money, stealing personal legandary items of Lords and Dukes alike. After fleeing his home region he eventually ran from Astrum altogether after having stolen from several of its nobles, selling the items to the relams enemies. He eventually settled in the Faronite republic where he is looking for the theft of his life, so he never has to take these big risks again. If as a born kleptomaniac he can ever say goodbye to the greatest theft of all...

Special player rules:

  • always steal when he gets the chance.
  • will focus mostly on gathering when using his hours, this is role played as stealing from commoners.
  • Primarily uses his bedroll.


Youngest son, suffers from various panic disorders, cannot stand vast open spaces, high concentration of people and being separated from his captain. He did not losen him self from his mother Elphides who is constantly behind him pushing him to gain fame and power for the family, her only hope for the House Bhranthan.

Atreus has chosen to stay in Dwilight and sailed south to the war torn Fissoa, who had recently lost its mother realm and almost lost its self against the evil Kingdom of Aurvendil and its puppet state, the Falkirk 'free' state, build on the ashes of the destroyed Republic of Madina. It was the only real conflict at the time close to home, where his mother has motivated him to go to. He has since then earned a name as a great troop leader and eventually Lord of Bol. His born problems occasionally cause him trouble, with in particular the secret obsession he cherishes towards Lady Evelyn of the Gardens. After destroying Aurvendil and the Falkirk freestate, Atreus and Fissoa now face an even greater enemy, the Lurian empire who has been expanding towards Fissoas north and the thomb isles of D'hara. It has put Atreus in an uncomfortable situation as he has friends on both sides of the conflict, particularly the recently appointed new Emperor of Luria, Duke Seoras.

Special Player Rules:

  • Serious wounds will cause permanent injury to Atreus, like losing fingers. Critical wounds will cause more serious permanent damage.
  • all ambitious attempts are role played as motivated through his mothers letters to him. Without his mother, Atreus would never dare to be a hero.


The bastard daughter, offspring from Sir Amness Bhranthan but not from his wife Elphides. Her mother was most likely a whore in Helhir. She also carries the curse, and carried it all the way to Beluaterra where she managed to get on her own accord. Animated and moved by the 'spirits' she believes to be on a holy mission to find and defeat the source and personification of evil. These 'spirits' visit her in her visions or talk to her during the day. This usually means searching and eradicating Undead threw out the Continent. She barley seems effected by fear and resides in an absolute belief of beeing the immortal warrior against evil, fully guided by her vissions.

Special Player Rules:

  • Focuses on hunting undead.
  • Rarley gathers, only for items to help her hunting undead.
  • All her actions are motivated by her visions and voices.