Leon's Roar/Issue v1i2

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Cost: 7 silver Volume I Issue II Editor: Lazlo Lemont II
News Articles
News Briefs

October 3rd - Minas Leon troops emerged victorious against the Silnarian Horde in Elroth. A counterattack by the Silnarians later that day was further rebuffed by our stalwart troops.
October 4th - The Ash'rily tournament ends. No Leonian troop leaders left with victory, though that was perhaps because we were too busy winning a real war!
October 6th - A huge battle was fought between Darka and the combined forces of the Cagilan Empire and Suville. The combined weight of the allies routed the Darkan Army.
October 7th - Suville declares war on Darka.
October 8th - The Silnarian Army was once again cast away by the might of our Minas Leon forces in Elroth.
October 11th - A crack unit of Minas Leon soldiers attempted to assault Barad Gardor but were betrayed by a Silnarian tavern wench. All were quickly surrounded and jailed for their quixotic attempt.
October 11th - Silnarian and Minas Leon nobles cast aside their differences to put down a peasant revolt.
October 11th - Eston and Silnaria signed an alliance, whatever good it might give them.
October 12th - A lone Minas Leon unit bravely charged the walls of Shanandoah in a largely symbolic attack.
October 13th - Earl Curtis Julian abdicated from his position as Earl of Winham.
October 14th - Silnarian forces re-exerted their iron fist over the poor peasantry of Elroth.
October 15th - Darkan forces successfully routed the combined might of Tara, Suville, and the Cagilan Empire at a mighty battle in Tertul.
October 15th - Silnarian forces captured a lost Minas Leon noble- for what dark purpose they intend, this newspaper can only speculate in horror.
October 15th - Silnaria and Lyonesse have joined in an alliance.
October 16th - Darka took the initiative, leading a successful battle against the Cagilan Empire and Tara in Malor.
October 16th - Following Darka's success on the battlefield, the Cagilan Empire, Tara, and Suville rode against the celebrating forces. Darka once again repelled the threat.
October 17th - Darka has took control of the previously unruly Tertul.
October 17th - Observing a shift in prior attitudes, Minas Leon and Darka signed a peace treaty.
October 17th - In seeing that the cause of our nations were intertwined, Rieleston and Minas Leon entered into a Federation with one another. <br.> October 18th - After their successful battles against the coalition forces, Darka took control of Malor.
October 19th - Boris Hauptman was wisely selected by King Raoul to become Viscount of Mansbridge.
October 20th - King Raoul appointed Asmodeus Harte Earl of Winham
October 22nd - Minas Leon forces successfully rout the Silnarian dogs from the field in Corniel.
October 22nd - Following a successfully sortie in the field, Taranis Ironsides, Marshal of the Legion, resigned for a hero's rest in his family estates.
October 23rd - Joyous Day! Minas Leon forces utterly defeat the Silnarian dogs in the fields of both Beleriel and Corniel. Surely this shows favor to our cause.
October 23rd - Following the victory celebrations, King Raoul appointed The Eastern Puff Earl of Uforth.
October 23rd - Minas Leon forces continue to crush Silnarian opposition in Beleriel.
October 24th - Silnaria once again attempted to assail the Leonian positions in Beleriel to no avail.
October 24th - Rieleston brought the peasants of Lower Tell to heel after some time as a rogue state.
October 24th - The battle in Beleriel continued unabated, with Minas Leon continuing to assert control of the battlefield.
October 25th - With both sides refreshed with new recruits, Silnaria and Minas Leon continued to fight in Beleriel. Viscount Hauptman and Field Marshal Ciryatan won honors by putting down the Silnarian dog Pasha Laterre. Minas Leon carried the day, as has been custom.
October 25th - Continuing the battle of Beleriel, newly appointed Marshal Burep captured the Silnarian "noble" Nuallán Kaltenthal. Despite the continued pressure of the Silnarian Horde, our noble Leonian heroes continue to hold their ground.
October 26th - A Minas Leon assault on a Silnarian defensive position in Beleriel proved to be, once again, successful. Truly it is a great day to be a noble of Minas Leon!
October 26th - Loki McEntire, Earl of Northhill, abdicated from his position on this day.

By __________????? The Editor's Roar: ??????? Opinions & Editorials
By Lazlo Lemont II The Drowsy & Victorious March of Minas Leon State of the Realm

A debilitating sickness has seemed to spread throughout the Minas Leon lands, plaguing primarily those of noble birth. While peasants and sheepherders fend off the Undead, Yetis, and Dire Wolves of the plains, the Nobles seem to be fighting off a sickness of dour and bored complexion. No less than two nobles have yawned their way back to their family estates, leaving the regions under their care leaderless for short periods of time- and this following the many abdications prior to them! To be sure, this is the privilege of every noble- one can be as active and as inactive as one may choose to be- but the rate at which Minas Leon seems to be losing due to languor should nonetheless be viewed with some worry given the size and expansion of our realm.

Yet what an expansion we have seen. The campaign against the non-realm Silnaria continues to drive forward unabated. Our armies threw Silnarian domestic poltics into turmoil when we instigated the Elorth peasantry to renounce their prior masters, and despite a few singular noble people making symbolic stands against the Silnarian strongholds of Shanandoah and Barad Gardor, our army has been virtually undefeated on the field. Nowhere has this been more apparent than the multiple-day showdown between Silnarian and Leonian forces in Beleriel.

Located just under the shadow of Barad Falas, the capital of Silnaria, Beleriel was an extremely bold choice of target by our fearless leaders. No doubt spurred on by such behavior, our troop leaders have successfully held the field in Beleriel since they set foot there on October 23rd. Time and time again Silnarian nobles have thrown their peasantry into the meatgrinder that is our noble army. In the duration of the Beleriel campaign, our forces have even successfully captured and injured two Silnarian nobles. It is thus, with great joy in my heart, that I enthusiastically praise the glorious abilities of both our Armies and our Military Command. Huzzah! Huzzah!

Ruler Updates

The following list details the results of the various ruler elections in Atamara this past month:
Caligan Empire - Torsaan ka Habb
Lyonesse (3) - Nivek Corcoran
Lyonesse (15) - Raziella I Himoura Nifelleisca
Rieleston - Christofer II Kane
Talerium - Aldarion Tezokian