Jaron Family/Justus

From BattleMaster Wiki


Current realm : Corsanctum

Previous and Current Titles : Count of Mimiravair, Margrave of Unterstrom Vorstadt,Exarch of Corsanctum,Marshal of Ferrum Sidereus

The young cousin of the three brothers! He quickly return to the family mansion after his father force him to go to Ethiala due to his youth and immaturity. He lived with the family for years and finally Drake took on a new name, Justus as part of his initiation ceremony. Justus a young genius, he was skilled with the sword, the bow, the horse and the pen. His father saw great things in his future. He now settles in Corsanctum and has adopted Sanguis Astroism as his religion. He fights now for the Bloodstars. He has a strict sense of justice and never shies from defending the poor and the downtrodden. After the sudden loss of military leadership in Corsanctum, Justus decided to step up to first become the Marshal of Ferrum Sidereus, then subsequently took up the mantle of Exarch of Corsanctum. He has attempted to reform many old military strategies of the Ferrum Sidereus and has also planned to build quality recruitment centres.