Panther Claw Academy

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The Panther Claw Academy in Isadril is the oficial military school of Fallangard. Every aspirant troopleader has to join the Acedamy and proof there abilities and knowledge on a level suited for there place and rank. The School is fully financed by his Majesty the King, managed by the Head Master, elected as the head responsible for the Academy's finance and overal preformance. Exams are taken in order to raise in Rank and depending on the gained rank, become oficcialy permited to furfill certain roles, like troopleader, Marshal or a leading role in the acedamy as a Mentor or Master, teaching students and taking exams. More of this is explained below. The the first exams are fairly simple, but make sure un expirienced nobles learn all the basics they need. A Mentor (and in the case of higher levels, a Master) is always activley involved in teaching the students asigned to him by the Headmaster.

The goal of the school is to keep a high level of military preformance and gaurantee the competence of its realms leaders. Everyone is welcome to join, yet foreigners are expected to pay for there education, Nobles from Fallangard are obligated and thus free of charges. Famous foreign Military leaders or startegists are invited to join and get payed for holding lectures or better, becoming a Master of the Academy.

Rank System

Your rank is based mostly on the level of education with some minor exceptions. Besides the Guild ranks, the King and High Marshal of Fallangard are held in special regard and there wishes highly respected acknowledging there extraordinary influence on any decisions made by the Masters or the Head Master. Most Ranks are thaught basic and or advanced military subjects, with the exception of Mentors and Masters, who are also thaught educational values and basic guidlines for teaching and taking exams.

Head Master. Responsible for academy finance( directly requesting the military matters council)and overall preformance. Can make changes in the acedamy and or what is taught. Takes exams for generals with its master. Apoints masters from the mentor or general rank. Head master is voted upon by generals/mentors. Has to be a member of Fallangard. Gets a monthly grant of 200 gold.

Master. Teaches Strategists and Marshals, takes exams for all grades except generals, which it takes with the head master. Apointment from head master upon request from either side and atleast has thaught or taken the exam of three nobles as Strategist Mentor. Gets a monthly grant of 100 gold.

Strategist Mentor A mentor who achieved the rank of Startegist through education. Only Strategist Mentors can become Masters of the Acedemy. Position can be taken, like regular Mentors after taking an exam in teaching skill. Gets a Monthly grant of 50 gold.

Mentor. Teaches troopleaders and scouts and takes exams. A mentor position can be requested by any Marshal after taking an exam in teaching skill taken by a Master. Gets a monthly grant of 25 gold

Strategist. Highest student grade. These are thaught by the masters of the acedmy, know everything the acedamy can teach them and are ready to furfill the role of a mentor and eventually master. An exam is required to be taken by a master of the guild.

Marshal. Thaught to become a military Leader, educated in basic individual and overall startegy to be able to function in a leading role in Fallangard. Marshals are educated by Masters and sometimes Mentors or self study, exams are taken by a Master.

Troopleader. Thaught to become a wise and tactful troopleader, ready to command there units along the panther claw army members. Will move as one with the army and form the backnone of its sucses. Has learned the final details of sucsesful unit management and overall eficiency in combat Required to be able to command atleast 40 men and an exam from a mentor.

Scout. Passed first exam as students and become a scout for the panther claw army imediatley putting to use what the noble just taught. Knows the basic things and how to maintain and keep there unit safe. Reserved for unexpirienced nobles who cannot command atleast 40 men, will mostly be sent ahead with small units to scout. Taught and tested by Mentors.

Student. Any new member joining the acedamy. Foreigners have to pay 100 gold per month icreasing by 25% everytime they rise in rank.

Exam Standards

Exams are made by individual Mentors or Masters of the Academy upon there judgement acording to the directions of the Head Master. However these are the standard guidlines for each Rank of what an exam is ought to test. An exam is always taken by a Mentor or Master who has not taught the student him self.

The Panther Academic Library

Containing all gathered literature along its own aditions which is used by Mentors and Masters as well as students. These will contain all the sources of information needed to learn what is required for the academy's students.

Basics of Unit command and travel, a Scout guide

Gregor Relak's Basic guide on troopleading, for scouts

General Manual of War

Basics on Battle


On Paraphernalia

On Unit Upkeep

On Orders

On Morale

What is Combat Strenght?

Training and Skills


Formations and unit positioning

Unit Strategy



Taking Over Regions

Using Overkill and Overcrowding

Frequently asked Quistions on warfare