The White Tree Times

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Editor: Snowe Mithridates
Commentary and Editorials
Power Rankings of the East Continent
Hello loyal readers! I hope you have enjoyed the first couple segments from my co-editor Vessol. I am sure there will be many more interesting stories to come.

One interesting thing we will be doing every month is the EC Power Rankings. These rankings are a compilation of noble count, military strength(both mobile and total are taken into account), food supply and production, gold output, and diplomatic ties. Other factors may be taken into account on occasion(such as religion/religion strength), but those are the major criteria taken into account.

So, without further to do, I unveil to you the first Power Ranking of the White Tree Times!

1. Sirion

Sirion has the biggest total military strength, as well as the most gold output, the most nobles, and a decent food supply. They have stumbled a bit against Westmoor recently, allowing Westmoor to get back a couple regions and win a few battles on Sirion territory. Nevertheless, there is no doubt who the top dog in the Sirion vs. Westmoor war is and no doubt that if the war were to drag on without interference, which side would prevail.

2. Perdan

Perdan has a bit more gold than Caligus does, as well as the second biggest total Military CS on the island(for now). Though they produce just enough food for themselves and have little room for growth at the moment, they are still the solid, second-best realm of the East Continent.

3. Caligus

Caligus rounds out the 'Big 3', slightly behind Perdan in seemingly every category. However, if Caligus were to take hold of the rogue regions to their North or South, they could quietly slide ahead of Perdan, and perhaps even Sirion. The potential is there and we will see what Dobromir, the veteran King of Caligus, does with it.

4. Westmoor

I have to be honest, I almost dropped this realm to fifth. What convinced me otherwise, though, was two things: the Church of Humanity, and the fact that they are holding their own in single combat against Sirion. Their military boasts huge numbers for a realm their size, weaving in and out between the second strongest total military to the fourth strongest. Much of this strength is tied up into militia, but they have protected their regions well as of late against the stronger Sirionite army. The Church of Humanity, also, has far reaching influence and has been become increasingly more and more involved with political affairs. Will they turn out like the Flow of the Balance? Or are they just enlightening the huddled masses? Only time will tell.

5. Armonia

Westmoor has been strong in their war as of late, but Armonia is actually winning their war. Armonia started off the 'War of the Southern Queens' by quickly taking Ejarr Puutl and then going on to win a battle or two in Jariedma. Eponllyn, although much weaker statistically, has pushed Armonia back from their inner rural regions and won a couple of defensive battles. However, Armonia is running the show right now, having more gold, more nobles, and 10K CS more total strength. Eponllyn has more food, but unless a long winter hits or another realm interferes, this showdown between the two Queens should go in Armonia's favor.

6. Nivemus

In sixth place is our realm Nivemus. Nivemus has a strong ally in Sirion and has as much total military strength as Eponllyn despite being at peace. This realm also boasts the second best food supply rate and still seems to have room to grow so far as gold production is concerned. If Nivemus continues rebuilding, they could turn themselves into a solid realm.

7. Eponllyn

Tied for the least amount of nobles, as well as somewhat overwhelmed in their current war, Eponllyn places seventh. Eponllyn has the smallest gold economy, but they try to make up for it with the best food supply rate on the continent. If they lose a few more battles, though, we could see them slip to last place in the power rankings.

8. Obsidian Islands

Three reasons why OI is in last place: One, they have 22 nobles and 11 regions, a bad noble to region ratio if there ever was one. Two, they barely have enough food to feed themselves. Three, they have the smallest military on the continent. OI has recently gained a slight gold edge over seventh place Eponllyn and has several powerful allies. If OI fixes a few of their small problems, or Eponllyn continues to lose their war, OI could easily move up a notch.

So, will Caligus rise in the standings? Can Westmoor hold on to fourth place? Can Eponllyn turn things around? As always, time will tell.-Editor Neji on August 1, 2012

Church of Humanity and the Order of the White Tree?
It has been recently reported that King Jor, of Westmoor, has been spotted in the region of Oberndorf in Nivemus. When inquired about his presence, he stated that he was here to speak to the leader of the Order of the White Tree, Obito Uzamaki. He stated that he wished to talk about matters pertaining to the Holy Church's Ecclesiarchy. We'll bring you any updated news on the relationships with these two religions if they develop. -Editor Vessol on August 1, 2012

Founding of The White Tree Times
This marks the day of the establishment of this newspaper, called The White Tree Times. It was co-founded by two nobles, Vessol Mithridates and Neji Uzamaki. It's goal is to provide objective and thoughtful news from throughout the continent, both through editorials and news items. This newspaper has used and edited templates that are provided by The Rampant Lion which was an excellent newspaper. Expect color schemes and some design to change in the coming weeks. -Editor Vessol on August 1, 2012

The News Ticker

July 29, 2012
Westmoor has taken control of Morshes. The region used to belong to (rogue).

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