BattleMaster Wiki talk:Style Guide

From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 21:06, 18 July 2005 by Nicholas (talk | contribs)

Link Style

Multi Word

Which is the better way to name multi-word pages: TwoWords or Two_Words? It would be nice to have a consistent naming scheme for these things. -- Dolohov

I strongly think it should be [[Link_Style]]. It makes it easier to read, as the two words have some space between them. -- Nicholas July 18, 2005 22:49 (CEST)


I think that the wiki should try to avoid using technical vocabulary as it spoils the feel of battlemaster. For example (This is all stolen from Dolohov's article on taxes. It's a great article, it just happens to be the only one available to critisize.) instead of "region's gold rating" use "region's wealth". -- Nicholas July 18, 2005 23:06 (CEST)