Talk:Sanguis Astroism/Charter before Adam

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Charter notes.


We believe that the Maddening Star influences our raw emotions and impulses.

We believe that the Auspicious Star influences our reason and capacity for logical thought.

We believe that the Austere Star influences our soul and capacity for serenity.

We believe that above all else, men should seek to reach a state of Harmony with the influence of all three Stars, so that we may act with Wisdom according to our knowledge.

We believe that to succeed at this is to attain Enlightenment, as the First Prophet Mathurin did.

We hold the spiritual writings of the First Prophet Mathurin to come from the greatest understanding of the Stars we have yet achieved. All should study them so we can better understand and study the Stars themselves.

We believe that everyone should know and believe this creed to be true. We do not shun those who seek honest enlightenment, and we seek always to spread our knowledge of the Truth to the unenlightened.

All this we believe.

Article I: The Justiciars

I. There should always be two Justiciars of the Elder Council. At least one of them must be a priest to preserve the priestly/secular balance in the Elder Council. If there is only one, then another must be appointed within a period of 4 weeks. There can never be more than two appointed. They hold the highest rank in the church. They are usually appointed by a previous Justiciar before he/she steps down. A Justiciar must be a mature, responsible, fair, active and intelligent individual. The Justiciars must be above church politics and so cannot vote in Elder Council, cannot hold any other Elder position, and should not campaign actively for any candidate for the Elder Council or any faction in the church. However they may give measured advice in council. They have a minor privilege, that they may appoint members to different church ranks, but their main function is as The Guardians of the Charter, responsible for making sure the charter is followed. Only the Justiciars are allowed to amend the charter with changes approved by the Elder Council. If any Elder, up to and including the Regent, does not obey the charter, then the justiciars can demote him down to any rank, initiating proceedings to replace him. Any church member can petition a justiciar about infringement of the charter or if they want a change in their rank. The justiciars are there to keep the Council honest and stop usurpers from seizing power.

Article II: The Elder Council

II. The Elder Council of the church is made of the following members:

a. Two Justiciars
b. The Light of the Austere Star
c. The Light of the Auspicious Star
d. The Light of the Maddening Star
e. Two Consuls

Article III: Amending the Charter

III. Amending the Charter requires a 2/3rds majority vote of the Elder Council. All other decisions require a simple majority.