Blakeshadow Family/Femme

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"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the Darkness always gets there first, and is waiting for Light."

Name: Femme Blakeshadow

Age: 24(before death)

Continent: Atamara

Realm: Cagilan Empire

Main Class: Warrior

Sub Class: Mentor

Title: noble

Honour: 25

Prestige: 5

Time of Service: 66 days 3/13/2011

Weapons: Black-sand (Her old sword)

Role-Playing Library

Femme in Red

Lurgrod's Trust I

A Family's Lies

A mob is...

Husband No More?

Vornion Life

Scarlet Murder-Part One

Scarlet Murder-Part Two


2010-04-12 Began her career in Carelia.

2010-11-1 Became a priestess.

2010-11-29 The priest Femme Blakeshadow (Priestess of Evgenism) of Evgenism has whipped a mob of followers into a religious frenzy and driven Sir Thomas Solari (Knight of Clyderee) from the region of Clyderee as an unbeliever, burning down his estate, destroying his possessions, and even killing some unfortunate servants who didn't get out of the way in time.

2010-11-29 Banned from Carelia by Malcolm. Reason: Carelia has no use for nobles who abuse their power against other Carelians in such a manner.

2010-11-30 Proclaimed herself a rogue

2010-12-23 Joined the realm of Talerium

2011-01-07 Joined the realm of Cagilan Empire

2011-01-25 Became a mentor

2011-3-28 Was murdered By Cailin.