The Elven Tribune/November 2010

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Revision as of 16:50, 9 November 2010 by Corwyn (talk | contribs) (Added breaking news: Torture of Sir Dallian)
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Free Circulation Editor: Sanford Pirelus Issues: 22
News and Events from the great Elven Realm of Sirion on the East Continent!

All articles written in the Elven Tribune are NOT necessarily the views of the Sirion government. They are the editor's opinions and veiws. If you seek more information regarding certain policies, please contact the Prime Minister of Sirion for official answers.


Most recent to oldest

Breaking NEWS: Fontan tortures Sir Dallian!

The Elven Tribune is the first to deliver this troubling news. Word has reached us that Lady Gabriella Kinsey, Supreme Justice of Fontan, personally oversaw the torture of Sir Dallian Alumaani, one of the nobles of Sirion.

This is very troubling and unexpected news. For instance, Fontan and Sirion had a long-time agreement that infiltrators would not be executed, and this was adhered to honorably for several years. So this is a very sudden change that now captured Sirion nobles will be tortured. Needless to say, this has caused quite a bit of anger among the Sirion nobility. While at one point many were considering reaching a peace agreement with Fontan, those days now seem long gone.

Some reactions:

  • This is simply outrageous. Something will be done about it, be assured. - Prime Minister Meristenzio Peristaltico
  • Lady? That is no lady. - Sir Ryu Hinamoto
  • That they even consider electing someone like Gabriella as a travesty of a judge is a sure sign of how desperate they have become. We have our sword at their throat and they are now sacrificing their honor to try to wriggle away of it. They won't succeed and will lose both this war and their honor. - General Ilias Thunthorn

Sultanate of Asena crushed in Caqueta

In another series of inexplicable attacks, the Sultanate of Asena attacked Sirion the very next day despite being outnumbered and outclassed. Not surprisingly, they suffered a crushing defeat. Many of their nobles had been in the field a while, and no doubt will need to refit soon or risk their men deserting them. With many of them now wounded (it was truly a vicious battle), this could portend poorly for the Sultanate. - Sanford

Fontan Suicidal?

The attack on Nov 4th by Fontan on Montijo, a little more than 350 men vs Sirion's entrenched 800+ men, confused many Sirionites. One of the Marshals is overhead saying "Is that battle report real? Has the Fontanese military council finally been replaced with chimps?" - Sanford

Election Results

The results are in, and once again it was a landslide victory for the incumbents. Prime Minster Meristenzio Peristaltico gained 89% of the votes, and Judge Erik Eyolf gainted 63% of the votes.

Of course it didn't help that one of the candidates said "You probably shouldn't vote for me".