Muninn Newsrag/Adventures of one Drunk and her Rabbit/RP5Ch4

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Pie fight at the tournament in York - Chapter 4

Roleplay from Davendrall
"An agony aunt Anne, an agony aunt...and I did tell you...just now...and I did apologize...sort of...I have a rabbit writing up the article as we speak"

Davendrall tried her best to hide her grin at Anneliese being didn't completely work but she couldn't help...Anneliese's angry face was just so funny!

Roleplay from Anneliese
"Sorry-" She said as she caught Obadiah leaving, but he was already gone.

Anne turned and glared at Davendrall, "Dammit, I managed to almost have a nice normal conversation with someone, and then you have to bring up something stupid to scare him off!"

"For this, I ought to turn you into the judge..." She stared at Dave for a long moment, then suddenly pushed her over into the fountain, trying to hold her head underwater, "I think I'll just kill you instead!"

Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall pushed Anneliese off her and scrambled backwards

"Hey hey hey! Dammit! I just got into some clean clothes! I wish you'd stop trying to kill me! I though we had an agreement, I stop putting you in cages and calling you a rabbit, and you stop trying to kill me! I've been trying to be nice to you! I've never been nice to anyone before...its not that we're both soaked again"

Roleplay from Anneliese
Anne managed to let out all her rage in one long scream, and then stood staring at Davendrall.

After a moment, she seemed to calm, and lost all her anger. "Sorry. I just don't like having... responsibilities randomly placed upon me." She climbed out of the fountain, and sighed. "I'll try not to kill you... just don't do that again." It was a little embarrassing that something so simple could make her so angry, but Anne wanted to say nothing more on that subject. "C'mon, let go get something dry..." She held out a hand to help Dave out of the fountain.

Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall took the hand and got out of the fountain and sighed with annoyance.

"I didn't mean to forgot to tell you." She said finally, but didn't want to continue the argument so moved on "I'm running out of clothes"

Roleplay from Anneliese
"I know," Anne realized that her actions were out of proportion, but couldn't make herself explain; there was far too many people around for her to feel comfortable.

"You can borrow some of mine... although you are, uhm," She paused, "...a bit short, so I imagine you'll have some difficulty not looking silly."

Roleplay from Ain the random Caergothian
Ain supposed that the expression on her face must have told the tale, for though she hadn't spoken, the silly little twit seemed to be reading her mind--and challenging her.

Preferring not to do things in haste, Ain calmly ate the pie which was, frankly, merely adequate. The crust was somewhat soggy and lacking in flavour and the filling a trifle watery. She marked the stall it had come from and resolved not to eat anything further from that vendor. When she had finished she withdrew her handkerchief and stepped to the fountain to cleanse the residue of her unexpected repast from her person.

She inclined her head at the twit and her friend who were, at that moment, climbing out of water.

"I will have to challenge you, I'm afraid. I can't duel you now, of course--tournament rules--but after, I'll be visiting you. I'd say I was mortally insulted except that anyone who knows me would laugh. Truth is, I don't like people who break and waste for no reason. I 'spect you're going to get quite a bill from those food vendors," Ain inclined her head towards the wreckage of stalls and tables around them.

She looked back at the wet girl and eyed her up and down, "Also, I think you're an undersized scrap and I don't like your face."

Ain hoped that the concluding insult would cement her challenge. So many nobles refused to engage in proper duels without them.

Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall looked curiously at Ain

"Yeah, well you're just a boring meanie head! You are talking about a pie challenge right? Im no good with a sword...and I definitely won't except one to the death "

Roleplay from Anneliese
Anne looked at Davendrall with envy. "I've been trying to start fight with someone for ages, and here you have gone an' angered a woman so badly that she'll actually fight you! Not fair!" She crossed her arms.

Turning to Ain, she said, "I'm afraid Davendrall doesn't fight - I should know, I've been trying to get her to fight me since the first time I met her."

Roleplay from Ain the random Caergothian
"If you've no skill with the blade, then you shouldn't run around committing twenty duellable offences before breakfast, but I'm content enough to duel to surrender. It would be sad for your family to know that you died over a pie, after all."

Ain raised her brows at the other woman, "I'm not angry; I'm offended by that," she made a sweeping gesture at the destruction, wincing at the sight of good meat pasties smashed on the ground.

"Besides, your friend here attacked me. You don't attack people--even with food--unless you're prepared to back it up. Don't they teach you youngsters anything?"

Roleplay from Anneliese
Anne stared at the carnage they'd wrecked. She tilted her head. "I don't get it. It's just a little food. I don't see how you could possibly be offended by that," She said, "although I suppose I see how you might be offended by a pie to the face."

Don't they teach you youngsters anything?

Before Anne could stop herself, she automatically replied: "No, I-" Fortunately, she managed to stop before she could say anything else that might make Davendrall's situation worse. She didn't mind getting herself into a fight, but she didn't want to drag a wounded Dave all the way back to Eston.

After a moment's pause, she turned her head and whispered something to Dave, when she thought Ain wasn't looking.

Roleplay from Davendrall
"Yeah sure...i'll take your fight to surrender...even though i'll loose. My family worry about me being killed over a pie? Both my parents are dead and I don't have much contact with my brother. But if you want a fight, you come to Eston and message me when your there, I ain't going no where for a fight..."

Davendrall turned to Anneliese

"Ready" Davendrall grinned, motioning to her

Roleplay from Anneliese
Anne grinned, and then nodded. She and Davendrall both pushed their weight up against Ain, trying to knock her into the fountain.
Roleplay from Davendrall
Davendrall put her foot behind Ain's ankle to trip her over as she was pushed backwards into the fountain, then she turned and ran away as fast as she could to hide in the crowd. Hopefully Anneliese was following close behind and Ain was too busy having a dip to follow
Roleplay from Anneliese
Anne was running, albeit slowly; it is difficult to run very fast when you are laughing. She stopped once to catch her breath, then took off at a faster pace.
Roleplay from Ain the random Caergothian
Ain was preparing to respond to the slightly less ignorant girl, when she and the silly twit started staring off into space and giggling inanely before running off into the crowd. She had no idea what they had imagined themselves doing just then, but they were clearly insane. She briefly pondered the morality of duelling an insane woman, but decided that that was a matter for the gods.

For the next part to the thrilling Adventures of One Drunk and her Rabbit read Chapter 5