Serpentis Family/Erik Eyolf/The Banquet - Part III

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The Banquet
Part III - Glinmar Flower

Roleplay from Leoma Tahlim

Leoma sat at her table inside her war tent camped just outside the city of Sirion. She sifted through the past few day's reports. Transcribing the important bits into her personal records and filing the rest away for later review. Becoming Vice-Marshal to the Glinmar Light Raiders was proven to be a challenging and time consuming task full of endless scout reports, battle summeries, and strategic advisement. Still, Leoma knew she wouldn't trade the privilidge she'd been given for anything in the world.

She was happy with her space in life, and the paper work before her was the only thing keeping her mind occupied while she anxiously awaited the tax day that would allow her to reoutfit her riders. Once more she would ride out into the thick of battle, plowing over enemy units with full force as she struck her lance against all those that dared get in her way upon the battlefield.

A wicked smile crossed her face as she picked up the next letter. Decorated with his official seal, Leoma knew right away that what she was holding was nothing more than an invitation from Judge Erik. What he desired with her, she hadn't a clue, but it would be an insult to reject an offer from Sirion's one and only judge. She took it as a sign that perhaps her efforts were beginning to pay off. People were beginning to take notice. She opened the letter quickly to find the exact time and place the meeting would take place. She had not attended an Elven banquet since she was a little girl. Hopefully she would not embarass herself too much during whatever it was the judge had planned.

An old trunk sat at the corner of her tent. A trunk that her men had carried for her since the very first day she left her family estate in Parm. Leoma couldn't think of one instance in which she needed to open it. That was until now. She lifted the lid up and over as she pulled out a slightly dusty, laced silk dress. It had been her mother's. Leoma recalled how her mother looked in the dress and prayed that she would look even a quarter as elegant.

Leoma shed her armor in great haste as she slipped into her mother's attire. There was something alien about wearing silk over her shoulders instead of the heavy steel she had grown so accustomed to. For a few minutes she considered abandoning the notion entirely. She was a warrior of Sirion... what would it do to her men's morale to see their troop leader dressed in frills and lace? Then again... the dress was not hers. It was her mother's and in Leoma's mind there was no greater hero. She stepped out from her tent, briefed her captain on the situation and called upon her courier to fetch the first carriage that left Sirion. She was on her way to meet the Judge of Sirion.

Lady Leoma Tahlim (Dame of Glinmar)
