Ironheart Family/David

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David son of John Ironheart
Status: Alive and active
Continent: East Continent
Realm: Sultanate of Asena
Previous Realms: N/A
Current Titles: Sultan of Sultanate of Asena, Marshal of the Iron Wolves of Asena
Titles Held: Grand Vizir of Sultanate of Asena, Marquis of Pucallpa, Knight of Pucallpa
Class: Warrior/Hero
Honor: 119
Prestige: 32
Age: 31
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Sword skills:
Jousting skills: >30%
Leadership skills: >50%
Infiltration skills:
Bureaucratic skills:
Preaching skills:
Unique Items:
Unique Items Held: None

His Story so far

David began his career in the Sultanate of Asena. Unlike the patriarch's other children, David was raised in the east continent, where his mother's family lives. Initially, he was planning to leave the lands of Asena, but at the time the Marchioness of Pucallpa Catharaina Danlawer offered him an oath, and convinced him to stay. He fought in a number of battles, initially with the family retinue "The Iron's guard". He was also frustrated by some constant pickering within the Sultanate, and he made his dissapointment known by a public message. It did not take long for the outspoken knight to be promoted to the Lordship of Pucallpa, upon his liege's ascension to the ducal seat of Kazakh.

As Marquis, David had initial difficulties at stablizing the large region. He was later able to finally settle the town with the aid of his elder brother Joseph, who was by far the more skilled beuracrat. Among the Lord's early achivements was the establishment of the first generation of Asena's feared Archers centers "The Pucallpa's marksmen". They remained for a time the Sultanate's best archers, until the establishment of "Asena's Arrows" center at Oroya.

David soon disbanded his father's retinue, and replaced them with a unit of Pucallpan marksmen, and thus was born the "Arrows storm". This unit would serve the young Marquis in battle for a long time. Meanwhile, he managed to develop strong relation with his knights of Pucallpa Sir Gama Wader and Sir Edmund George

During the many battles that took place in the north, Pasha Apollyon requested three volunteers for raiding osslamar. The young David volunteered immediately, the attack was to take place during the day, few hours before the sunset. For some reason, none of his Asenian comrades showed up at Osslamar after sunset... be continued