Sacred Ring of Lightning

From BattleMaster Wiki

East Continent

Type Ring
Discovered By Stephanie
Discovery Date 24 June 2010
Discovery Location Tabost, East Continent
Abilities Prestige +1
Current Owner Stephanie

Stephanie shifted into a more comfortable position, taking great pains to ensure that she kept as silent as possible. The sentry was due past any minute now.

A wood sparrow called out in the distance, but all else was still. Stephanie was half concealed behind a dead log, amidst a layer of brown leaves freshly fallen from the trees. It'd been a foolhardy venture, entering into Fontan land while the enemy was on high alert and supposedly ready to move out at any turn. But it had to be done.

One last task, she told herself, and this foolishness would all be over.

A crackling of dried leaves signalled the approach of the sentry. His brown cloak made him hard to spot, but Stephanie had been observing his routine patiently for the past few hours and ha determined he was like clockwork. Regular infantry were so... predictable.

Soon, he was past and disappearing into the distance. Stephanie gathered her things, and with one final look around, scampered across the road. he leapt a small brook and flung herself to the ground. So far, so good.

Suddenly, there was an almighty roar and a flash of lightning leapt out of the sky, striking ground not a hundred paces away within the woods. Stephanie almost leapt out of her skin as she looked up incredulously at the clear blue sky. There was no indication that the sentry had heard anything amiss or was coming back, so after a short wait, Stephanie got to her feet and crept further into the forest.

She soon found the spot where the lightning bolt had struck home. The ground was charred in a ten metre radius, but apart from a slight burnt smell, there seemed nothing particularly amiss. It had to be sorcery, Stephanie grimaced to herself. As if she hadn't enough problems for the moment without a rogue warlock on the loose nearby.

Right before she turned away, she caught sight of something from the corner of her eye. It was a gold ring, glinting in the sunlight filtering in through the trees. It was on the ground, roughly in the middle of where the lightning had struck, yet the immediate area around it seemed unblackened.

Stephanie picked the ring up and examined it. It bore no markings and wasn't particularly notable in any way. It felt cold to the touch though, as cold as ice. Shivering a little, Stephanie drew her cloak tighter around herself and pocketed it. Karden would know what to make of it. If she got back.



24 June 2010: Stephanie Mersault chances upon Ring while infiltrating unfriendly land in Tabost.

25 June 2010: Karden Ni'Tessine seeks out a sage who successfully repairs the Ring in Parm.

Other Continent

Type Ring
Discovered By Asmodean
Discovery Date 4 May 2007
Discovery Location ??, ??
Abilities Prestige +4
Current Owner ??

After slaying his first undead champion Asmodean picks up seemenly normal ring. At a first glance it was a seemenly normal gold ring. At the end of a hard day this seemed a great find. Perhaps he will be sleeping under a roof tonight if exchanged for a few silver.

Stopping at a stream he washes it off. Taking a closer look, a battered script is found on the inside of the ring.

"Sacred Ring of Lightning"

Relising what he found Asmodean walks into the woods, chuckling to himself.

(OOC: Found at 70% Condition)