Westmoor (Realm)/Westmoorian Column

From BattleMaster Wiki


The Westmoor Tactical Force has long been the main army of the realm of Westmoor. After the realm declared war on Sirion, however, there has been a steady drop in the army's morale. So much so, in fact, that the Westmoor Tactical Force has ceased to be able to even defend the realm against roaming rogue armies within the realm's borders. After repeated failures to raise the army's morale, it was decided that the efforts has been fruitless. A new army was thus raised to replace the old one, representing a new start and a new hope.

Current Marshal: Armstrong Ironsides

Current Vice-Marshal: Scheckyos Achillien


Noble Troop Leaders of the Westmoorian Column,

Recently, the Dukes of Westmoor and Oligarch has kindly decided to put more funding into the Westmoorian Column in order to help mould the army into what it was originally intended to be - an army that can outmaneuvre and outcompete even the standing armies on the island. Of course, your dedication cannot go unrewarded and these extra funds are used just for that. The reward system will be as follows:

1. Twice a day, specific targets for scouting will be listed in the standing orders and; - 5 gold pieces will be awarded to those who provide the first scoutings of the targets - 1 gold piece will be awarded to those who provide subsequent scoutings of the targets - 1 gold piece will be awarded to those who provide the first scoutings of regions other than the targets - 5 gold pieces will be awarded to those who provide specially requested scoutings (such as late scouting of specific targets)

2. 25 gold pieces will be awarded to one individual who were deemed to have displayed tremendous dedication or leadership, above and beyond the call of duty for the week.

3. As you know, the Elite Legion of Oligarch is the elite army of the realm and though they have been formed only for a short time, they have been making much headway in their Northern Campaign. Memership of the ELO is an extremely prestigious position and affords you not only military honour, but also a leeway in political advancement. Should you consistently display qualities that deem you worthy of such a position, I will personally recommend you to the army whenever spots open up and make sure that you will get the position before anyone else does.

Thank you for your time,