Lightstar Family/Adaria/Roleplay 13

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(Roleplay from Kenshue Kazukin)

The Blood Thirsty Squirrel traveled north from Erahol to arrive at the border of the woodlands known as Ornaz. As the surveyed the area, there were no sign of bears, or any other Greater Aenilian nobles. People began questioning if they were to late, and the problem had already been taken care of.

"Stay together men, if there are as many bear as the scout reported, we'll need everyone for this fight" Kenshue ordered, as they kept moving out.

As they made their way in further, they noticed a pair of peasants wandering the woodlands just enjoying the sights. Kenshue tried to warn them of the danger but just as he began shouting "Hey--" one of the peasants was mauled up into the air, and smashed to the ground like a rag doll. The other began to run away, the bear quickly followed, and just as the peasant was about to be mauled, Kenshue lifted his sword, and cut off the arm that almost took down the peasant.

"This picnic isn't for you Yogi, now you have a boo boo" Kenshue said, as his unit looked at him confused.

"Did he just call the bear Yogi?" His men began to ask one another confused.

"It seems we've found the bears, be ready for more, once they sense one of theirs has been wounded, they will all come." Kenshue surveyed the area, it seemed no one else had been informed by the scout, and that's just what Kenshue wanted. He knew he could handle these bears by himself, and it was exactly what his men needed.

The bear named Smokey felt the pain of Yogi's death and growled loudly to the forest canopy. Angry at the soft fleshy things now, he swiped a paw at the nearest bear's jar of honey; that smaller bear frowned and began to cry. Smokey shaked his head at Pooh, always such a cry-baby, and gathered two sticks. He was going to burn the invaders, his oath be damned!

(Roleplay from Kenshue Kazukin)

"Sir Kenshue, reports, reports!" Captain Heidric said, frantic, to tell his lord of the good news.

"I thought I told you only if you were getting mauled by a bear, and had to crawl back to me, only then you were to disturb me" Kenshue added, frustrated at the lack of anything to do for the past three days.

"That's just it mi'lord, we've had one scout report fifteen bears in Ornaz, another scout report five that have made their way to Ahael." Captain Heidric said with such delight in his voice.

"When did we get another scout?" Kenshue thought out loud. "When did we get another scout?" Kenshue asked.

"Who knows, maybe it belong to someone else, the reports still apply, there's bears mi'lord, we have something to do." Captain Heidric continued, almost sounding like a young school girl on her first date.

"Calm down captain, gather the men and ready them to move. Ornaz is closest, we will take care of the bears there first, if the ones in Ahael aren't taken care of by the time we're through with them, we'll move their next." Kenshue said, and with that sent his captain to gather his men. He didn't want to show it, but he was happy too, that there was finally something for him to do.

(Roleplay from Kenshue Kazukin)

"Get behind the palisade men, we'll use it to funnel them in slowly." Captain Heidric ordered the Blood Thirsty Squirrel, and just as they got behind the gate, it closed.

"Commence fire the moment you see them" Kenshue could hear from another voice of someone already behind the palisade.

"So there is someone else here for this fight." Kenshue said looking at the man, he had never seen before.

"Leader of the Lightstar Longbows, nice to meet you. We're the militia here, wish we had more time to introduce each other...FIRE!" He shouted mid sentence, and with that arrows rain down on the oncoming bears.

The arrows had little effect on the bears only knocking down one or two before they easily reached the palisade.

"Open the gate, my men will take care of the rest" Kenshue ordered, his men at the ready.

"I'm afraid I can't do that in fear those bears will injure or eat my men." the Leader of the Lightstar Longbows disputed.

"Look, either you're going to have to trust me, or I'll break down the gate to let them in so I can finish them off, seems like an easy choice. My men are well trained and one way or another will fight those bears." Kenshue said, looking sternly at this joke of a leader, who feared his Kenshue's unit wouldn't be strong enough.

"Open the gates, our fire is ineffective, save your arrows, and prepare for combat." The leader commanded, preparing for the worse of what could happen, looking at Kenshue he continued "do your best."

Kenshue's men didn't even think about going out into the open field, instead they one by one allowed the bears through the gate, and one by one took em out, until all that was left was a pile of rotting bear meat, and fur.

"That was quite fun, and very helpful for the region actually." Kenshue said realizing all the benefits, as he began to order his unit. "Start collecting the meat to cook to feed the locals, as for the fur, please leave it for any adventurers that may require it."

The Leader of the Lightstar Longbows seemed astonished at the strength of this young noble's unit, never would he believed that such a young man could lead such honorable men. "My apologies, I would of never--" he began to say till cut off mid-sentence, by the appearance of an even younger noble girl.

Smiling coyly, Adaria sauntered slowly in between the two men without looking at either one of them. Then, almost in an afterthought, she paused several yards away and looked back over one shoulder with a wink at the noble and the captain.

"Looks like all the fighting's already done. Thanks boys, good work!"

And with that, the girl continued walking off at a leisurely pace to wherever she was heading before she stopped. Her hips were swaying all the while.

(Roleplay from Kenshue Kazukin)

Kenshue watched as Adaria walked in front of the two of them, and was completely caught off guard. The leader of the Lightstar Longbows continued to mutter apologies about his lack of trust in Kenshue's unit, but he heard none of it. As he continued to watch he could see what looked like a wink, and he didn't want her to get away from him that easily. He had to think on his toes...

"Lady Adaria, please wait up" Kenshue ran after the young noble, trying to get her attention. "We haven't scouted the region to determine if it's safe yet to travel out."

"Mm? Hehe..." the girl giggled and paused with a half-turn, as Kenshue rushed to catch up. "I'm sure with you and your brave men around, the whole region is safe, good Sir Knight... Anyways, I'm heading back to the city, so the roads should be clear."