Tara Times

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Tarabanner.png The Tara Times
Price: ONE GOLD PIECE Editor: Peter Kolak Date of Issue: January 20th, 2006

Archive History

Carelia, Redspan, Abington plan sneak attack on Tara!
January 20th, 2006

Today, Achilles, Dictator of Tara learned that the alliance of Redspan, Carelia and Abington are seeking to strike at CE and Tara. In Gabriel's claims, it is in retaliation for CE preparing to wipe out Drachenwald. Achilles says he thinks that is an excuse, not a reason.

"Gabriel is calculating and always looking to cause trouble. He orchestrated the last alliance where CE, Tara and Darka would ally with Redspan, Carelia and Abington in an effort for Abington to do a greedy land grab from ASI. I admit, I was fooled by Gabriel, whom I thought was a trustworthy ally. Now, I know better."

At this time, this reporter does not know exactly what will happen, but it appears that Carelia has had a large hand in planning the attack on Tara and CE. A message intercepted by Achilles was intended for Manaydur and Gabriel, but the scribe accidentally sent it to Achilles and Gabriel instead. The content of the message is copied below:

Message from aramil (2 recipients)

Message sent to: Gabriel, Achilles

Subject: a possible idea/plan for the war:

What if RS starts this war with a skirmish with Tara and abby moves in a few turns behind that (or together from the start, but that way it doesn't look like Tara started it, anyway we'll see what we'll do about that). then you start TOing Jagla together. after that Carelia joins in and we go for ledunds after that we instantly move on towards Foda. with this blitzkrieg we can cripple Tara in no time. without foda ledunds and jagla they miss 5 RC's wich means they have very few recruits left. also they have no place to refit anymore. if we manage to take Foda we can take it somewhat slower, just choking Tara. RS and abby can refit after we TO Foda. after the refit we can take another few regions wich can be distributed among Carelia and RS (or given all to RS). then Tara is down.

the biggest problem is that we somewhere during the campaign have to face a pissed of CE army. apart from that small part we should be able to finish Tara with quite ease.

aramil King of Carelia

Lord Achilles sent an immediate message to Gabriel and Aramil asking for an explination of what this message meant. Aramil, as expected, coward away from any response directly to Achilles. Instead, Redspan, Carelia and Abington have formed a Federation and as far as Tara is concerned, are moving forward with their plans to sneak attack Tara. Which, is of course, no secret now.

ASI - Abington, Carelia, Redspan Peace?
January 20th, 2006

At this moment, no one is sure if there will be peace in the south. Abington, Carelia and Redspan has thus rejected peace offers from ASI, but no formal announcement has been made in favor of, or against ASI.

There will no doubt be a lot of pressure on ASI to sign a peace treaty, as with Abington's newest ambition will not allow them to focus on ASI and Tara/CE/Darka at the same time.

Abington, Carelia, Redspan form Federation
January 20th, 2006

After word came that Carelia was secretly planning an attack on Tara, announcements were made all over the land that Carelia, Redspan and Abington have formed an alliance.

News did not surprise the Taran Dictator as all morning long, he'd been questioning his former allies.

Word spread quickly, and fellow Leaders alike all sent their shocked responses of the current situation brewing. As for Tara, Achilles is not jumping to any conclussions. Until he sees a strike, he is simply waiting to see.

Welcome New Troopleaders
January 20th, 2006

Tara's influx of immigrants looking to join the great nation of Tara has declined a bit over the past few weeks. Still, Tara has received several new Troop Leaders who've shown their eagerness to fight and follow orders.

Achilles wishes to welcome the new troop leaders, and appologizes for their getting thrown in the fire rather quickly.

Recent Battle in Nazgorn, a Defeat for Tara, Allies
January 20th, 2006

Tara attacked Nazgorn to try and thwart the recent Take Over attempt there with Falasan and Minas Ithil. However, the numbers were just not there, and Falasan and MI were successful at defeating Tara and her Allies.