Kaltenthal Family

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The Family of Kaltenthal

The true origins of the Kaltenthal family have been lost trough the centuries and so the last story that remains is the one of Thurogir Kaltenthal that travelled around the Eastern Continent 200 years ago.

In this time,it is believed that the whole eastern continent was pure wilderness.

Thurogir travelled from the southern shore of today Itorunt up through the mountains of Bursa and the big Braga forest till one day he reached the northern shore of the continent. Allthough the land he was in hadnt the most beautiful landscape, nor the most profitable grounds, he just felt in love with the land and decided to stay there.

Months later, after he finished the first building on our, today's family estate, he met the beautiful Arianne Summerfell. Three years later they married and started a new live in the badlands of today Caquetta.

The rest is history

Today, 217 years later, the first two childs Arramis and Solaria of the Kaltenthal Family where sent to aid the Realm of Old Rancagua, to protect the familys wealth and to bring glory to the Family Halls.

After the complete obliteration of Old Rancagua by the realms of Fontan and The Sultanate of Asena, Arramis and Solaria both joined the Obsidian Islands

There was a period of the Kaltenthal family after Arramis death on the fortifactions of Ashforth during the 3rd daimon invasion on Beluaterra. where the fame of their Uncle Norgard brought the familys renown to unprecedented heights. He was a devout follower of a Religiom called Sanguis Astroism on the continent of deilight. While his niece Solaria was preaching a completely different religion called Dagdaism on the eastern continent. For a period, most noble offspring of the family where priests. Norgard Kaltenthal was the ruler of the realm of Corsanctum amd light of the maddening for many years.

After that there were only rumours to be heard about the Kaltenthal family for almost a decade. Norgard seems to have died of old age, after his mind was killed by a poison of one of his foes while solaria apprently jumped into a life volcano in order to "commune with the dagdas" or so the rumour has it.

The newest record shows that there seem to be new members of the family that have taken up the duties of nobilty and the futushow how the three named Solaria, Santyr and Mendechaus will fare.4