Sanguine Times/Issue 3

From BattleMaster Wiki
Sanguine Times.JPG

Volume I, Issue III
Theocratic News
Starvation in many regions causes dismay.
Coffermistress Alanya resigns, election
results pending.
War with Everguard continues. Proves profitable
with much gain in territory to Astrum.
Down to one region. Many nobles abandon to join
Morek and Thulsoma. (See main article)
Expansion to nearby territories continues...
The Flower festival is coming up soon.
The expansion comes to a halt when Corsanctum
settlers reach the border with Morekian claims.
Contains one region. Recently founded. Prospects
and claims remain unknown to Times correspondents.
War Against Morek Colony!
Recently, Astrum declared war on Morek Colony after
hearing word that the Grandmaster is a nonbeliever!
Follow-up soon to come!

Election for Coffermaster in Morek

Candidate Religion Duchy
Knight Pasha Sanguis Astroism Springdale

We will provide constant coverage of the election.

Three Days Remaining

  • Viscount Kiyth submits his candidacy
  • Knight Pasha submits his candidacy
  • Viscount Kiyth withdraws from the election
  • Viscount Marco supports Knight Pasha

Exclusive Interview with Ruler of Thulsoma, Glaumring

Lord Glaumring, how do you feel about the recent trial?

The recent trial was a most wonderful way for nobles to get together and enjoy a good laugh together.

Do you regret anything you said in the past?

I regret everything I said and everything I didn't say.

Your recent answers say very little to the topics. Do you have anything to hide from the followers?

What more can I say? Am I now on trial with the newspaper? I have answered your questions. If you want a circus I hear the eastern continent is full of clowns.

Star Phases

Austere Star, Dark.jpg Austere Dark

Auspicious Star, Dark.JPG Auspicious Dark

Maddening Star, Dark.jpg Maddening Dark Superior

Scriptural Writing of the Week

The Stars rest above us. They change in their Aspect, and yet they remain fixed and constant in their place. -Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Holy Prophet

(An excerpt from a sermon in Donghaiwei.)