Avalon/Roleplay Section/Soulreaver/Part Five

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“Well that was a good fight wasn’t it Soulreaver, do you think there are other ones we have to fight.”

“You’re really enjoying this aren’t you Minsc”

“Hey I wouldn’t be a barbarian if I wasn’t enjoying this Soulreaver.”

But to Minsc disappointment they didn’t meet anymore demons until they reached the end. A demon was waiting there to and he was furious.

“You humans are going to die a very painfully way, I will avenge my brother”.

This demon looked exactly like the last one but he was much smaller. Both men thought this was going to be an easy fight but this demon was very fast how hard they tried they couldn’t catch it. And then Gwydion start saying some things in the true language. Suddenly there was a yellow light surrounding the demon and the demon couldn’t run that fast anymore but Gwydion couldn’t bring him to a full stop. The demon couldn’t move as fast as before but it was still a hard fight and Soulreaver got wounded on his left arm. Gwydion put a special mixture of herbs on his arm and it was healing nicely. But Soulreaver couldn’t use his left arm anymore but this wasn’t that bad he always was two-handed so he put his sword in his right hand and continued.

There it was they had finally reached the city of the ancients. It was bathing in a heavenly light that seemed to came from crystals that were all around town.

Minsc looked around with his mouth wide open: “It is beautiful here how do those crystals give out that light?”

Gwydion came standing next to Minsc: “It seems that the ancients found some kind of energy source to power up these crystals; maybe they stole it from the gods to.”

Soulreaver couldn’t wait and rushed to the main temple in the middle of the city and there it was the treasure room. But the energy source that gave its power to the crystals had rissen some kind of shield so he could not enter. Soulreaver struck the shield with his blade and the shield broke. Soulreaver stood right in front of the mirror of Urion when the others came in Then a gentle voice came from within the mirror: “What do you desire from me mortal.”

“Could you remove the curse that has haunted me and restore me to my former self.”

“I don’t have that power brave warrior. There is only one that can remove the curse and it’s not me.”

“But if not you then who has the power to cure me?”

“You are the only one that can remove the curse. You and you alone!”

“But how do I do this. How do I break the curse?”

“You have to give up the item that came with the curse.”

“You mean I have to give up my sword.”

“Yes you have to go to a temple and put your sword on the altar and give it back to the gods.”

“But then I’ll lose this amazing power to defeat my enemies.”

“Yes then you have to fight like any normal human.”

“I’ll do it if that is what it takes to break this curse. Then it is time we should leave.”

Minsc goes to Soulreaver:” Shouldn’t we take some of these treasures with us.”

The mirror said one last thing before it went back to his sleep: “No human don’t touch any of this stuff, the gods lost it once and they will curse or even kill anybody that tries to do it again. Now go and stand on that glowing platform over there.”

The three men did this and they saw a bright white light and were suddenly back at the gates of Cteduul. They all travelled to Zod together but at the entrance of the temple Soulreaver asked his friends to wait outside, he had to do this alone. Soulreaver walked up to the altar and put his sword on the altar. Then a white light surrounded the blade and the blade started to crumble until there were only small pieces anymore on the altar. And those turned into dust that was picked up by a sudden breeze and disappeared through the open window. Suddenly soulreaver felt heavy pain going through his body and he fell to the ground. When he got up and stumbled to little water fountain to get refreshed and there it was his reflection like it was before the curse. He went outside and thanked Minsc for all his help he couldn’t have done it without him. He also thanked Gwydion but after Minsc returned to his troops Gwydion asked him for a favour and he told him everything there was about the prophecy.