The Oritolon Times/May09

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Oritolon Coat-of-Arms
The Times of Oritolon {{{Month}}} Edition
{{{Month}}} {{{Year}}}
Price: 1 Silver Piece
"Truth Always" Archives / Main Page
Battle Reports
The unofficial Chronicler of Republic of Oritolon

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Other News

We are pleased to report that our forces our now moving into the anarchic region of Narrowdep in preperation for returning it to the buxom of the realm. Sources report that the people of Narrowdep would welcome liberation from the anarchy in which they currently live, but regrettably our forces there are not yet numerous enough in order to be assured of overthrowing the opressive regime which dominates the region. However, senior sources within the government confirm that, as soon as Warmanoras has been liberated, our forces will move into Narrowdep and reclaim it for Oritolon. Expect more to follow as this story continues to develop.


Takeover continues in Warmanoras for the fifth day. Though the government is still loyal to the rogue forces, the first people are already switching alleigance.

Takeover still running (3 days, 7 hours ago)
The government of Warmanoras is still loyal, but the first people are already switching loyalty. Keep it up, maybe send in some more troops to speed things up.

Takeover initiated (07-05-1008)

Devona has initiated a Friendly Takeover of Warmanoras, currently a rogue region.

Sabotage! (07-05-1008)
Gold has vanished from the tax offices in Oritolon. The tax collectors are certain that thieves or enemy infiltrators are at work.

Huge Battle Fought (1008-05-11)

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Asker:
Lukon vs. Wetham
Estimated strengths: 510 men vs. 510 men
Attacker Victory!

Battle in Narrowdep (1008-05-10)
Oritolon vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 40 men vs. 30 men
Attacker Victory!

Disclaimer: This is only a test run designed to test the new layout. Information appearing in it may be fictional.