Gibson Family/Thyron

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Current Monster/Undead Reports

-May 5 (2009), Tranquil: In the villages and countryside, only rare rumours of Monsters exist. Rumours of Undead are old and unreliable. -April 27 (2009), Fatexna: In the villanges and countryside, only rare rumours of Monsters exist and nothing can be seen or heard of the Undead. The land has been cleansed for a while. Thyron reports to return to Fatexna as necessary when road conditions have improved.


Thyron, the nephew of Timothy Gibson and son of Henrik Gibson, grew up in Nida. Thyron ran from his family at the age of 20 to become first an adventurer in the Far East and then Dwilight after a monster horde killed his love.

A handsome and tall young man with wavy golden hair and bright blue eyes, Thyron was renowned for his excellent hunting skills.

One day in October of last year, Thyron was conducting some business in Nida when he spotted a beautiful young girl across the street. She had long brown hair and a soft demeanor. She was obviously the daughter of a peasant, but she captivated him. Thyron wanted to meet her and finding an excuse from his duties, he made his way across to the other side of the street. When Thyron introduced himself, the girl smiled sweetly. With a beautiful and melodic voice she answered that her name was Elizabeth. They talked for awhile and arranged to meet again.

A week later, Thyron met her near the watchtower of Nida and they decided to travel into the country for a picnic. Near a small fresh woodland stream, whose location was known only to Thyron, they talked the afternoon away. Thyron told of his great hunts and Elizabeth listened intently. Elizabeth told of her family and childhood and Thyron found himself falling in love with her.

After several months, Thyron finally decided it was the right time to tell his family about Elizabeth. Upon hearing the news, his father went into a rage. "How could you? You are of noble birth - my son! How could you even think of being seen with a commoner - a lowly peasant!" roared his father angrily. His father demanded that Thyron never see Elizabeth again. Thyron was distraught. At first, he tried to obey his father but after awhile his heart could not bear it. He had to see her and hear her voice again. Thyron and Elizabeth began meeting secretly. Thyron would often detour to Elizabeth's cottage on his way back from town to be with her. Often she would be out alone tending her family's garden or working in the fields and they would talk for hours.

Just before his 20th birthday, Thyron had to travel to another city on business. While he was gone, a horde of monsters went on a rampage through the region causing havoc and devistation. Elizabeth was gathering some wheat in a field when the creatures suddenly rampaged out of the nearby forest. She didn't see them until it was too late. They trampled her under their huge legs and began dragging her away with their claws. Seeing what was happening, some men courageously ran at the monsters screaming and swinging their weapons. The monsters left their pray and disappeared into the forset once again. As the men rejoiced, some women ran up to help Elizabeth up only to find that she had blead to death. When news reached Thyron, he was his heartbroken and distraught with grief. His father, however, seeing that his son still had feelings for a commoner, declared that it he was pleased to hear of the news. He tried to convince his son, that her death, though tragic, was best for Thyron. Thyron's feelings finally boiled over into a rage. He vowed to his father that he would never set foot in his house again. He promised himself that he would avenge his beloved's death. He would become an adventurer and destroy every last monster he could find. He left the Gibson estate for good and bought passage on a ship headed for the Far East.


After hunting in the Far East for several months, Thyron successfully combated several small groups of monsters - rising to a level of 3 honor and 2 prestige. Due to the amount of adventurers working in the same realm as Thyron, hunting was often unsuccessful and frustrating.

When he heard of severe monster troubles on Dwilight, Thyron decided to retire from adventuring in the Far East and move to Dwilight. Thyron arrived in the realm of Aquilegia and currently works at reducing the monster situation in the surrounding regions.