Golden Feather/Eagles Nest

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Eagle Guards

These are the loyal guardians of the temples, protectors of the priests, Defenders of the religion. They are trained in the larger temples, and the very best are trained in Vatrona temple. They wear a black tunic with leggings in there novice times. There education can take as long as the iron feather think they need. There training consist out of weapon training, protecting, riding, danger recognition, ceremonial services, and many more skills they need as a guard. Only the best of the best will become a officer.

Guards (temple service):

They wear a simple grey legging, with on top of that a grey tunic. On this tunic a small golden feather can be found at the heart region. This tunic ends in a blocked pattern at the ends of the sleeves. This pattern consists out of one line of blocks, repeating a grey block with a light grey block. This tunic reaches to below the waist and is kept on his place by a girdle, just like the priests have. At this girdle they wear a rapier. In one hand they have a long spear, just as long as the priests staffs. This spear is mainly for decoration uses, but a few of the guards can wield it with deadly precision. In there other hand they carry a large shield, showing a golden feather on it as an emblem.

Guards (escorting duty):

They wear almost the same clothes as on there temple duty, but now they also wear a light chain mail and a chain mail coif. They use a variety of weapons, just what that specific guard works best with. Although many choose the spear or rapier as there weapon of choice. All of them wear a shield, which suits there fighting abilities the best.

Guard Ranks

Novice of the Shield

A novice who still trains and studies in the temples of the ORder of the Golden Feather. With time, patience and studie they will reach the rank of a Shield Knight, at wich they will take the oath to protect the Order of the Golden Feather with there life.

Shield Knight

A full defender of the Order of the Golden Feather. They have sworn the oath to protect the Order of the Golden Feather with there life.

Feather Shield Knight

A prestige rank. This rank is granted to those who have donw something remarkeble to the Order of the Golden Feather. They have funded a catherdral or have defended a temple of the Order of the Golden Feather with there life and limbs.