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The Ceremony ok Spiked Chalice

The ceremony must be held near a waterway, deep enough to allow the aspirant to immerse himself till the waistline. In the water, the aspirant have to recite the Credo, while the running water wash away his past: all his remorses, his wishes, his bad wills, his dreams of personal glory flow away with the current, and his soul has a rebirth, reaching a new state of self-consciousness and perseverance on his devotion.
When the aspirant ends telling the Credo, he have to wash his face FIVE times, to celebrate the five martyrs (Iestyn the Wise, Tudyr the Brave, Rheinallt the Strong, Diniol the Just, Emyr the Kind) who sacrified their lives to open the eyes of the people toward the rising Chaos in the world.
Done this, the aspirant come out from the waterway and kneel in front of the Grand Master, or his substitute, with all the Brothers surrounding him in a circle.
Then, he must recite the oath of the Brotherhood:
"I, (name), paladin of Ordenstaat,
get sense of the Chaos and the Terror wich surround us,
and i swear, in the name of Tyr and Zisa,
to protect these lands and the people who live in,
until i have breath in my mouth.
I recognize the Grand Master as my supreme leader,
and under his good lead i will crush his opponents."
The aspirant stand up, and continue:
"From now on, my sword will fall furious on our enemies,
and my shield will rise to defend my Brothers.
From now on, i will become part of the Brotherhood."
The Grand Master take the spiked chalice with two hands, rise it up so anyone can see it, and passes it to the Brother on his left. He pierce one of his finger on a spike, making some drop of his blood to fall into the cup, and then passes the chalice again to the next Brother on his left, who will do the same.


When the chalice come back to the Grand Master, he repeat the act, wounding himself and filling the cup another bit. Then he gave it to the aspirant and says:
"You are swearing on the blood of the Brotherhood.
Drink, and may Tyr bless your path, my Brother."