Buckler of the Dragonslayer

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Revision as of 12:56, 15 March 2009 by Golodrhim (talk | contribs)

Current situation

The shield is at the moment carried by it's finder, Vijsktrol Stormbringer


A round plate, of exactly 19" diameter made in steel and covered with some kind of alloy that no one have been able to determinate. This green cover resists extremely high temperatures without getting hot. The plate is adorned with some red strips emulating the fire-shots of the middle-sized dragons and embossed at the centre it has an inscription that reads "From the deepest forge, where holy shields are made, we create this plate against the serpents" and flows in spiral shape until it's finish letter right in the middle of the buckler.

History and finding

It is said, as we can read at the inscription, that this shield was forged long time ago under a mountain of Beluaterra, in some hidden blacksmith's devoted to eliminate the dragons. This buckler, tell the tale, was given to the dragonslayer Marir Spehge to aid him in his personal crusade against this hatred life-forms that have controlled his homeland since he was a child. He liberated his people, killing almost a dozen dragons, but when He was following the path of the mountains that guided to the last dragon lair He was ambushed by a band of thieves. Before He could get his sword an arrow had crossed his right eye. With his last words He could only curse his attackers which become abominable monsters in that moment and were forced to live rogue for ages. Afterwards they begin to move and finally they placed their lair at Ffangor, near the coast. There were where Vijsktrol found them, during a monsters activity-increased period, and that was the end of this monsters life and curse. He found in their lair only the shield, that they have conserved, but nothing else. When he got out of the cave the creatures had return to their human shape and their leader, with their last words told Vijsktrol the story of the shield and the curse.

And that's how the Buckler was recovered.


Condition: 66%

Bonus: prestige +1.