Enstace Family/Haroldin

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Haroldin Enstance Past & Present

Haroldin Enstance
Age 21 Years old
Place of birth Trawiy, Cagilan Empire
Realm(s) Giblot
Class Hero
Title(s) Knight of Ammersfield
Alignment Evil
Habbits Pointless murdering
Smoking Rollsovan Fireweed
Drinking blood (preferably from goodlooking women)

Early life

Haroldin was the youngest son of the Enstance family. He was goodlooking, intelligent and strong, but nobody seemed to like him. Wherever he went, trouble came with him. Before his teens, he simply teased and beated the other children, but at the age of 12, he started a band of teenage ruffians and cutthroats who terrorized the peasantry. When they matured, Haroldin made sure that all the members got jobs in the guard. At the age of 15, Haroldin actually found someone who cared for him. That person was a girl from a lesser noble family who'd been blinded by Haroldin's good looks and saw only the good boy he pretended to be when he saw the need for it. A year passed in happy love, but then Haroldin showed his true nature to her. She was horrified and wanted to leave him, but he found out and killed her. He kept her head, setting the body free to go wherever it wanted to go. This was the first sign of Haroldin's madness. Although Haroldin was never proved to have killed the girl, his parents kept a very close eye on him. A few months after that incident, Olricka came home for a visit. She was greeted by Haroldin who smiled at her and welcomed her back. Puzzled, Olricka entered and walked into the livingroom, noticing nothing out of order. Haroldin took a large axe from the servants' storage and attacked his sister with it. Unfortunately for him, Olricka had been examining her shining new sword and saw him in the reflection. She spun around and blocked the blow, then disarmed him and pinning him to the floor with the tip of the blade. She then politely thanked her parents for the wonderful gift and stayed for dinner where Haroldin attempted to poisen her food and drink, but she sniffed it out and refused to eat or drink anything. After that, he went to jail..

The mad Haroldin

By far the least liked of the family, Haroldin has not yet been allowed into the world of soldiers untill one of the others either die or retire. "Three's more than enough!" his father used to say. This has made Haroldin make several attempted murders on his sister Olricka who often visits the family mansion. His mad attempts at killing his own sister has forced his parents to move his quarters to the jail in Trawiy. His guards, however, are his old friends and that has resulted in many a new prisoner's death just for fun. His guards have also smugled various equipment down to him and they plan a major breakout.


After finaly hearing that his assassins had killed Olricka, Haroldin has set to sea and is now starting his career in Giblot alongside his brother Renal. His first day has not yet passed, but already he is known to have killed at least one innocent scribe.

Haroldin has now been in Giblot for some time. His words are rarely heard as Renal forces him to sit tight, be a bad boy, but first of all shut up. Frustrated at being oppressed this way, Haroldin plans to set sail to Belutarra. His thirst for respect (and blood) will surely lead to him becoming an epic villain, for he sees fear and respect as one thing.

Proclaiming himself a dark hero, haroldin has been appointed to various positions of non-power in the government of Ammersfield. Bettered relations with Renal are sure to have come, but his plans remain the same.