Rigou Family

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I am Eric Danson and I had the honor to meet lord Rigou, who is an friendly, wise and patient father of several sons and daughters. He raised them one by on and taught them to serve and help the poor and weak and to be righteous, courteous, patient, brave and loyal to the ones above them. Now that his sons have grown, I asked Rigou to allow me to write down the history of him and his children.


He his an admirable man, who truly deserves his title. Literally, since he did not start as a rich nobleman, but as a poor nomad in the Talerium desert.

Talerium youth

He was born out of Jofom, leader of a nomad tribe, and his wife Gisfa in Talerium, Atamara. He also had an older brother, named Sfoegil. Sfoegil was a great hunter and loved most by his father, who loved meat. However, Sfoegil was careless and not responsible. Therefor his mother disliked him and loved Rigou more, who could be trusted in all things. One day Gisfa prepared some meat for her younger son and told him to bring it to his father and ask his father for a blessing. Rigou did and his father, thinking he was Sfoegil, blessed him and performed a ritual by pouring some blood over his son's head, which meant he was to become the next leader of the tribe. When Sfoegil came back he was fourious and complained at his father. Jofom realized he made a mistake, but the ritual could not be undone and gave Rigou a new blessing, in which he acknowledged his leadership. But Sfoegil remained very angry and planned to kill his brother. Gisfa noticed the hostility of Sfoegil and told Rigou to flee. Thus Rigou did.

Servant of Tumad

Rigou ended up in Galadia of Falasan, Atamara. There he started as a carrier in the stock houses of a trader and nobleman, named Tumad. Because Rigou worked very hard, always did his very best and proved to be always honost, Tumad slowly gave him more and more responsibilities. Eventually Rigou became his right hand. During this time Rigou married a Galadian woman, named Amanda, who was even more patient then her husband. Rigou and Amanda loved each other very much and got 5 sons and 5 daughters. But also after his marriage, Rigou worked very hard and traveled a lot. He tried, however, to be home as much as possible. On the other hand, Tumad did not merry, because he was too busy with trading, wherefor he never got children. Because of this and his good friendship with his servant, he adopted Rigou's children, so that they could be raised as nobles. Even more, before he died he left all his posessions to Rigou and told him that his children should keep their father's name. Thus Rigou earned his nobility and the house of Rigou was born.


Rigou never cared much for politics, for this was mostly about wars. But one days the Dragon in the north was killed and a new realm was raised by, as he says it, some Darkans. He always distrusted this new realm and eventually proved to be more or less right, when a war was unleashed upon the mountains, which ended in the defeat of Falasan troops in Galadia. But Rigou stayed in Galadia, accepted his new leaders and helped to restore peace in the region by speaking with the people. Some years later his oldest son, Risfou, wanted to join the army, while Rigou hoped that he would follow his father and take over the company, when the time was there. But Risfou wanted to join the army, so his father agreed and supported him in this. There was peace for some time, but a city, Tarasac, broke oof the Cagilan Empire, was conquered by Falasan and handed to Drachenwald in exchange for Galadia. That way he was Falasan again.

Modern day

The Tarasac-conlict was not over however. The joint force of Cagilans, Tarans, Darkans and even Carelians marched towards the city and a devastating war followed. Rigou was informed by his son Risfou and because of Risfou's complainments, he ordered his second son, Dilim, to join the Falasan army, in order to support his brother. One important event to Rigou was when the enemies managed to break through and marched towards Barad Falas in Falasan, Atamara. They did not stay there for long, since they were hunted by the Falasan army. And although the majority fled to Beleriel in the east, a small group went to the east and entered Galadia. This army acted dishonost and started to loot and even worse. Which costed the lifes of a 12 year old son and 16 year old daughter, Fifil and Tifa. Rigou does not seek personal vengeance, since he looks at them as victims of war. His only hope is that one day all rulers will disapprove lootings and other abuse of power. More he has not to do with the war, although this loving father follows it through the letters of his sons. At the moment Tarasac is taken, but the war is not over, yet.

