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In-Game, In-Character

10th report

"If I were not a noble, I would Point a certain finger up to Ibby and Tuchy !!!!"-Dal van Belhanka

Famous Last Words

Roleplay from Thorson Jorvik
Message sent to Message sent to the Rulers of Beluaterra (21 recipients)
Scout Report (Lacint): Scribe Note

JeanOlivier, you have written your own death sentence. I will have your head if it took me forever.
Thorson Jorvik (Duke of Cteduul)

Approximately 12 minutes later:
Huge Battle Fought (24 minutes ago)
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Cteduul:
Republic of Fwuvoghor vs. Avalon
Estimated combat strengths: 33000 CS vs. 6000 CS
Sir Nezumi Vecchio Ratto, Baron of Norjke is spotted wearing the Splendid Band of Glory.
soulreaver thor (Knight of Wilwau) is spotted wearing the Splendid Ring.
The hero Sir Thorson Jorvik, Duke of Cteduul was killed.
Sir Nezumi Vecchio Ratto, Baron of Norjke was seriously wounded.
Vel'dunin M'suryn'kar (Knight of Lacint, Avalon) was seriously wounded.
Attacker Victory!

High Marshall Tharan's inspirational briefing

Although all seems quit at the front…. Be aware that there is always a period of calmness before the Great Storm breaks out….. So, for everyone who thinks he could take it easy and enjoy the summer sun these days :

……GET THE @#$#@% ON YOUR @#%%$&@# FEET AND REFIT NOW !!!!! ….

Warriors of Carelia, Carry on.

The Third Invasion, BT, on hearing about the Astonishing Book of Necromancy

Report from Jorn Ironborn (6 hours, 52 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (58 recipients)
Battle in Ardmore
Sir Bocephus Biggie, Pontifex of Sint is spotted reading from the Astonishing Book of Necromancy.


I see no "Bocephus Biggie" in the scout report of Ardmore! Did anyone who was in the battle see him?

Was he leading the Undead?!? With his Book of Necromancy?!?? A Mortal man, the Pontifex of Sint, sided with Demons and Undead against fellow Men of Blood?!?

I have heard of this Bocephus! I know of the Sint and their Blasphemous, Mad, Evil Gods!!! They have sold their Souls for Trash, and they shall suffer in Hell evermore for their Hideous ways!!!!

I am coming for ye, Bocephus!! I shall cleave thy maggot-ridden skull and swim in thy blood and brains!!!

Sir Jorn Ironborn Arn
Marquis of Avengmil

Letter from Rasputin (6 hours, 50 minutes ago)
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The Astonishing Book of Necromancy... is that anything like the Big Book of Necromancy? I had that one when I was a child. Oh, how I loved coloring in the drawings.

Rasputin Dolohov
Marquis of Mio Dupakiv

Letter from Jorn Ironborn (6 hours, 43 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (58 recipients)
Blasphemy! Corpses rising from the grave is no laughing matter!

(OOC: "The Boy's Big Book of Bones"? "Everything You Wanted To Know About Ghouls, But Where Afraid To Ask"? "Graverobbing For Dummies"?)

Sir Jorn Ironborn Arn
Marquis of Avengmil

In-Game, OOC

Hawk Quickblade apon joining the realm CE "I am luckly at cards. I have an Ace up my sleave, Literally"

A New Player...

I'll not say his name because it's a little embarrassing for this guy. I put it in OOC because it's both IC and OOC but more OOC

Sahd:Hello, newcomer, if you would like to be taught by me I would happy to share ALL my knowledge.

New Player:you think I cnt hanle myself you ********!! I'm no noob!! yur lyk the gayest mother*************** I hav eva met in ma hol entire gaming cariaR. Wy du u speke so uper-class. Because yur a ****** ******* **** ***** *****!!! Taht's why!!!

Sahd:Oh, perhaps, I did speak your language. Let me try. I was taught this at a young age by my uncle. Here goes: Ok, noob. Dis iz lyk so damn stupid, so her is waht i wil say, yur a noob!!!

New Player:what!!?!?!?! you ******** **** ***** **** *** *** and ur mom is a *** **** **!!! How's that, noob!!!

Sahd:Wow, I successfully communicated in this "noob" language. Astounding?

New Player:So you lyk dun care? dis place is wiard im outa her!!

Sahd(OOC):That was the most hilarious thing I've ever seen on BM!!!

Hilarious song

- BattleMaster adaption of the song "Rockstar" by Nickelback

Out-of-Character from Jambo (just in)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (110 recipients)

Cause we all just wanna be big landlords
Living in hilltop mansions driving fifteen carts
The gold comes easy and the troops are cheap
But i'll stay rich cause its just plain greed
And we'll hang out in the rudest bars
In the back room with spinning stars
Every gold digger's
Gonna wind up there wanting 50%
Of my regions share
And well..
Hey hey I wanna be a landlord
Hey hey I wanna be a landlord

I wanna be great like Tom wothout the tassels
Hire eight assassins the love to beat up a*h***s
Hold the court
So I can sleep in peace

I'm gonna arm my belt
With the latest weapon
Get a front door key to Reilwin's mansion
Gonna duel the a*h**
That throws insults at me

I'm gonna trade this life
For fortune and fame
I'd even draw my sword
And make my name

Cause we all just wanna be big landlords
Living in hilltop mansions driving fifteen carts
The gold comes easy and the troops are cheap
But i'll stay rich cause its just plain greed
And we'll hang out in the rudest bars
In the back room with spinning stars
Every gold digger's
Gonna wind up there wanting 50%
Of my regions share
And we'll hide out in the private rooms
With the latest bounty board
In today's who's who
We'll get you anything
With that evil smile
Everybody's got an assassin on speed dial
Hey hey I wanna be a landlord

Discussion List

Welcome to the third invasion. Please take a moment to familiarise yourselves with all emergency exits; as you can see, there are none. (The1exile)

>  Dude, nobody is *preventing* you from doing this!  You sound like you
>  think there's some conspiracy where we all get together every time
>  there's a position available, and agree not to give it to psymann!
--Tim Collett


The first rule of Operation psyblock is that you don't... ah, you get the idea.

- rick


On its own page: Quotes