The Blood Cult/Spread

From BattleMaster Wiki
Spread of The Blood Cult
BloodCultSpread Overall.png BloodCultSpread TemleShrine.png
(Overall) (Temples)
BloodCultSpread Pop%.png BloodCultSpread Pop-.png
(Population %) (Population #)
Last Updated 13:29, 18 November 2008 (CET)

Religious Sites

Sacred Locations


These are locations considered important to the religion as a whole.

  • Gaxano - The sacred mountain, the place of origins. It is where the truth came from and from where it first spread, the most holy place.
  • Coness - The blessed tundras of the north, it is where the faith was allowed to rebirth.

These are locations considered important to some cults within the faith.

  • Sect of Xerotl
    • Darhauyo - The region which held the Lord's original temple. This is also where King Ben's was put to rest.
    • Villriil - Contains Jean-Olivier's secret vault, which holds, among other artifacts, his death bed, though his body has disappeared.
    • Fwuvoghor - The promised land, upon which the Lord has set his followers, for his followers to rule and fight for the Lord.
    • Zisswii - The region which the great Arxantl arrived and ruled for some time.

Other Important Locations