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Laws of D’hara

D’Hara is a realm that allows its nobles to speak their minds as long as you are polite and do not insult another noble in doing so. Do not infringe on the rights of those around you, and act as a Noble should. OOC messages are allowed for their stated purpose. You should Role-play as much as you can. These laws are guidelines that allow the realm to run smoothly. The bottom line is that the ruler is the law and the chancellor must carry out the will of the ruler in most cases.

Feudal laws/rights are to be upheld
Respect those around you. Do not speak as a commoner.
Rules governing Religions
D’Hara’s State Religion will be Way of the Dragons. Other regions may be allowed at the pleasure of the crown.
A Duke may appoint any Knight of the Duchy to Region Lord.
And must consider all Feudal claims before appointing from outside the Duchy. And must state the reason he is not honoring the feudal claims if he does.
A Duke may ask a Lord to step down from the lordship of a region. Failure to do so is grounds for Banishment. A lord may appeal this to a tribunal of the His/her Duke, The Ruler, and the judge. This is a feudal right of the Duke and must be upheld. But the Lord has the right to defend himself.
The crown has the right to have any noble that it deems to be a detriment to the realm banished.
Insulting the Crown is grounds for Banishment.

Discussion groups

Council members have the right to speak openly and bluntly in the council chambers. As long is it is done with respect. This is the forum must be allowed to speak openly for the well being of the realm. Outside the council chambers, a united face must be put to the realm.
There will be a council of Lords that will consist of Region Lords and dukes. This is where discussion that concerns the wellbeing of the regions takes place.
There will be a military council that will consist of the Crown, the General, all Marshals, and any military advisors appointed by either the Crown or the General.

Creation of Law

The creation of law may occur in one of 2 ways. By decree of the crown and Proposal of the High Council, which may be vetoed by the crown.
Any of the discussion groups may submit proposals for Laws or changes in Law to the High Council. The High Council may deliberate and revise them before approving them. And then submitting those they approve to the crown for final approval.


Looting of rogue regions is allowed however never within 2 regions of our realm or any realm that we are at peace with.
Looting enemy territories may only be done when ordered or permission is granted. We may be TO’ing these lands and it may hinder our efforts.


Dueling is always leagal during peacetime.
No one is obligated to accept a duel from one of a lower rank that they are. And under this no honor is lost.


The only priests that may preach in any of our regions without being required to ask permission is the state religion of way of the Dragon.
with the exception of the State religion, ALL religions are allowed at the pleasure of the Crown, Duke, and the local Lord of the region. If any of them deny that religion, it may not be preached on those lands.
If a religion refuses to obey the decries concerning Preaching/not preaching in our lands, they can be made enemies of the Crown. At which time it would become illegal not to arrest the priesthood of that religion when within our lands.

Punishments for breaking our laws

Unless otherwise stated shall be fines. The amount of which shall depend on the severity of the crime, the circumstances at the time, and the pleasure of the judge.
A record will be kept of all fines issued and for what reason they were issued and repeat offenders may be subject to more severe fines or even banishment for refusing to obey the laws of the realm.