Arrakis Family/Asterion/Notable Roleplays

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In chronological order...

Roleplay from Nawat Crowe
Message sent to Sir Asterion Arakiss
Nawat, still in his leather armor, which now seems to bear a certain reddish hue to it, and wearing a red cloak, appears at Asterions' place of residence. He dismisses the servants with a wave, quietly finding the Senator and waiting until whatever seems a proper time to show up.

Smiling kindly, he approaches Asterion and reaches under his cloak, producing a tube of the sort used to hold scrolls, and passes it to Asterion.

The tube is sealed tightly, the inscription along the side glittering faintly.

"I do not know what the contents of this tube are Senator, but I was told by Consul Aldo to give it to you when the time seemed right. He occasionally exhibits some...odd powers however, among them some sort of...clairvoyance. His dabblings with the Scroll of Time only enhanced such things. Please consider it strongly, and if you have questions, I suppose I would be the one to ask, at least until he returns himself."

Senator Asterion,

If you are reading this letter it means I am unable to meet you in person. Either I am occupied for the moment or dead, I hope it is the former instead of the later, but Morgan has been rather quiet as of late. Perhaps he decided to finish the cycle...

Since you hold this particular letter it means you find yourself in a moral quandary, a great trial that tests your resolve. I can't say on the specifics, obviously, but if you are reading this it means you have chosen to run instead of fight. I'll not lie, it is not a choice I would have expected of you, but I cannot guess as to the situation.

If I am merely preoccupied, I ask for you to indulge me to wait for my return. If I am tragically slain, you should consider what I said about the issue before, perhaps ask others what I might have meant.

Either way, the choice is yours, may you find it the one you truely want.


Consul Aldo

Nawat turns away from Asterion as he finishes the scroll and begins to walk off slowly. "I can guess what it says though, and I will say this. The Senate may rule Melhed, but it is not Melhed itself. Private organizations can make things happen. I know of one such, which will be on the forefront of investigating and combating the daimon menace, as well as perhaps the Undead and Monsters, if it can get the right abilities on its side..."
Nawat Crowe (Priest of the Old Gods)

Roleplay from Sir Asterion Arakiss
Message sent to Nawat Crowe
Asterion was packing the last stuff from his manor in Lastfell which spoke and proved of his nobility; diamonds, gold and jewelry along with some shields and swords that have already began to rust. "How a position within the society can change a man...", he thinks to himself, "the newly elected Senators have already started to argue over petty differences and arguing who raise tone at who and why. Jewels, gold...they mean nothing. I wonder what will happen to Melhed when the Consul and the other Council members won't have any strength left in them. What will happen to the nation then..."

The stir among the servants in the courtyard suggested that someone important has arrived, probably to say his last farewell. It was the Augur and the priest of the Old Gods. Asterion was always disturbed by his strange outfit and his even more strange servants. He briefly remembered that on his first day in Melhed he searched for a sermon of this man which was kindly given to him. In those days Asterion's curiosity led him to join the religion. Only after, during his survey of the north, he found a small temple of the Valentic Order in Affkat; the temple was old and entangled in weed. However, a single priest there taught him about the values of spirit and not the material, which he from then sees as the guide in his life.

The Augur gave him a small letter from the Consul who was unavailable to attend himslef. Asterion shows his guest to the living room, closes himself in the library and starts to read. The certain humour and mysteries that Consul always enjoyed brings a smile to his face. After reading it twice, he puts some ink in the pen and starts to write.

"Dear Consul,

I am glad to recieve your letter and am glad that many here seem to care about my whereabouts. We are different people, which has been proved many times before. You think of that as the advantage, I think of that as a weakness. What you see as a moral quandary, I see as a moral salvation. Who is more right I do not know, but it probably has something to do with the different teachings of our different religions. As expected, leaving Melhed I wouldn't call running; there are many battlefields in this world, and I simply choose to fight on the different one. The important thing is that we're both on the same side, on the side of humanity. As you have stated before, among other things there is a wolf in your heart, which I cannot say for me. Perhaps all this is my youth crying out and my ideals motivating me. If it so, time will tell me more.

If you have any more questions for me don't hesitate to ask them. It will be a long time before I reach Bara Khur lands, and I will be able to respond if needed. Hopefully we'll be able to stay friends..."

Asterion calls for his guest and hands him the letter. "Noble Augur, there is one part which I do not comprehend...about the cycle and the private groups. If this organization officially exists, I would like to hear more."
Sir Asterion Arakiss (Noble)

Roleplay from Nawat Crowe
Message sent to Sir Asterion Arakiss
Nawat takes the letter and smiles. "I am unsure what you mean by cycle, but I suspect it might have to do with the Consul's death, at the hands of Morgan, who has for some time plotted and been caught, plotted and been caught. The consul does have an interesting relationship with others." "There are many private groups, the Factotorium, chief among them. The followers of the Old Gods themselves might be considered one. In this case I speak of the Procuratres Ignis. Seeing the lack of investigation into daimons by the Senate, Consul Aldo asked me to create an organization to do so. Unfortunately we have been unable to recruit any nobles, and there are two few adventurers, especially since we have no tribune. I had planned to use the Odeon Cruor as a recruiting tool, but it will take some time before it is up and running. The Procuratres could certainly use someone like you."
Nawat Crowe (Priest of the Old Gods)

Roleplay from Sir Asterion Arakiss
Message sent to Nawat Crowe
"...indeed it is a strange relationship, I concur with that. I am somewhat familiar about the Procurates Ignis, but very little of course. Certainly, there isn't a way that I can become both the official member of the Procurates and a member of Bara Khur; or is there?" For a moment Asterion quickly tries to read the Augur's thoughts by looking straight to his face, but the face stays smiled with a certain dose of enigma revealing nothing to him. "I am still a member in Odeon Cruor, and I don't see any good reason why I should leave the guild. That allows me, actually us, numerous number of possibilities for the future days in fighting the Daimon menace. Certainly, if the situation changes and the Procurates becomes an established guild or even a secret society, the fight against the Daimons would begin to have a "certain form", in my eyes that is."

Asterion blows from his pipe, and looks at this man's clothes once again, carefully watching. Again he is distracted by his unusual choice on what to wear. "Or is it a choice?" he wonders...

"Augur Nawat, I have made my decision, and I will pursue the path I choose; there is nothing that can make me stay at the moment; for the future, who knows. I do apologize, but I must excuse myself. My men are waiting for me and the road is long and hard. Please, if the Consul or yourself have any more questions for me, don't hesitate to forward them. Until we meet again..."
Sir Asterion Arakiss (Noble)

Roleplay from Nawat Crowe
Message sent to Sir Asterion Arakiss
Nawat bows. "That is unfortunate, but I pray that it is the right choice for you. Your aid as an agent of the Procuratres Ignis would still be appreciated, though until a guild or secret society is established, your reports and input will have to be forwarded through me. May the Daimon menace be extinguished."
Nawat Crowe (Priest of the Old Gods)

Roleplay from Sir Asterion Arakiss
Message sent to Nawat Crowe
"Certainly, noble Augur. Rest assured that all the knowledge I obtain will be for your ears only, through our channels in Odeon Cruor. May you lead your flock well..." The man leaves the room with his servants greeting him and escorting him to his chariot. Asterion quickly calls for his servants to prepare him a light dinner before the road. "Good man..." he thinks to himself. After a while he jumps in the saddle and leads his men to the south.
Sir Asterion Arakiss (Noble)