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melhed-icon.png Agyr - Jewel of the North

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melhed-icon.png Agyr melhed-icon.png

Imperial District | Patricians District | Equites District | Plebeians District | Proletarii District

General Information

Welcome to Agyr, traveller. The largest population centre in the northern lands of Beluaterra, it is situated at the mouth of the Golden River along the cliffs at the entrance of the Bay of Souls. Of all places in the north one could live, it is no wonder that here humanity built their great city. Warmed by the ocean so close at hand the people of Agyr are blessed with only hideously cold weather, rather than inhumanly freezing when the harsh grip of winter closes on the land. The city itself has a bustling economy, being the major supplier of just about everything for the surrounding countryside, and a major stopping point for shipping of both imports and exports. Living where they do the northlanders are a fierce lot, proud of their independence and ancient traditions. They often disdain southlanders as soft and lazy, though doubtlessly envying their relatively easy life.