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[[Family ShadowStalker/Lantel|Lantel ShadowStalker]]
[[Family ShadowStalker/Lantel|Lantel ShadowStalker]]
Seraphina Morningstar

Revision as of 06:36, 18 July 2008

The natives of island were led by a ruler named Tom. One noble of notable mention at this time was Akasha Wamphyri.

A group of nobles led by Seraphina decided to join with Remenant to fight Arcaea because of their mistreatment of the natives of the Dark Isle. They included:

Octavio Lawson

Lantel ShadowStalker

Seraphina Morningstar



Seraphina Morningstar was a member of Arcaea, sent to the northern island as duke of Enlod on orders to remove the troublesome Remanent, and restore order for the Arcaean king...after some time on the isle they (was it a male or female char) fell in love with the people of the isle and their ways of life. After seeing the truth behind the shameless Arcaean war, she flew into a fit of rage...Seraphina was not alone, some fellow nobles who were sent to deal with the problems also saw these people for who they were, and understood the truth that they spoke....one by one these nobles aligned themselves with the duke...first Wigleif, personal friend of Seraphina, then Lantel ShadowStalker, captain of the ShadowKnights, and finally Malus, a capable knight with a bright future. Together this band of men removed the Arcaean influence from the island with the addition of Octavio (fill in the names of whoever else helped with the rebellion) and overthrew the current king, Tom. Official documents were found proving Tom to be of no noble birth and nothing more than a simple farm boy. Arcaea had no choice but to deal with the new threat of the dark Isle. Now ruler, Seraphina appointed Malus to general, Lantel to duke of Enlod, and Octavio as Count of Rrerat. Seraphina focused on restoring the people of the isle to what they once were, Lantel set up his ShadowKnights to defend the isle, and Malus led many highly sucessful raids into the mainland.

Seraphina ruled on the dark throne for a long time before eventually handing over rule to Malus and sailing for OT. Malus ruled for a short time during which he appointed a new bureaucrat, Madras Drako, as Marquis of Soniel. During Malus' reign, Duke Lantel went missing. Some say they he was last seen amongst a band of the Remanent. After solidifying the defenses, Malus handed over the position to Wigleif. Wigleif ruled for a short period of time before the General, Malus saw an opportunity to overthrow the current government and acted upon it. He started a rebellion and pretty soon overthrew Wigleif changing the government system in the process. Malus reigned supreme for some time. The Arcaeans were upset with the nobles who had left and went to Arcachon and decided to overtake the Dark Isle. Arcaea, Lasanar, and Nighthelm joined together to attack the tiny nation but were turned away after a number of glorious battles. They were never able to make it past the coastline of the island.

Malus had a brother by the name of Acturus. He had been speaking with the locals and had adopted their faith in the Adgharhin. He thought the Arcachon would be better if it were ruled by the faith of the natives so he led a revolt against Malus once again changing the government system, this time to a theocracy. Once Pontifex he made the Adgharhin Way the national religion of Arcachon putting one of its elders, Lechis, as head of the religion. As Pontifex, Acturus was the god's chosen leader of the realm. The Pontifex is supposed to be closest to the gods and performing their direct will. Malus soon left the Dark Isle after he was ousted.