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A running count of damage inflicted by each side in the ongoing Plergothian Civil War (and the Monster/Undead/Daimon conflict) in the month of August.<BR>
A running count of damage inflicted by each side in the ongoing Plergothian Civil War (and the Monster/Undead/Daimon conflict) in the month of August.<BR>
Battles: 1<BR>
Worvobaen: 1 (Plergoth: 0, Monster Swarm: 1)

==Netherworld Continues to Ravage the Northlands==
==Netherworld Continues to Ravage the Northlands==

Latest revision as of 12:32, 6 August 2007 The Plergoth Press
Bring in Valhalla's head, get a lifetime subscription! Editor: Mendrugo Issue Seven, August
The main propaganda sheet and newspaper of Plergoth!

The Scoreboard

August 1, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

A running count of damage inflicted by each side in the ongoing Plergothian Civil War (and the Monster/Undead/Daimon conflict) in the month of August.

Battles: 1
Worvobaen: 1 (Plergoth: 0, Monster Swarm: 1)

Netherworld Continues to Ravage the Northlands

August 1, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

The Netherworld crushed two more opposing armies today, demonstrating yet again that nothing in the northlands has the power to challenge their control. A Monster Swarm strike against Binoaramet was swiftly annihilated, while a small detachment of daimons in Porl overwhelmed and scattered a much larger force of monsters and Heenites.

Fighting in the Streets of Creasur as Rebellion Continues

August 1, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

Fighting broke out in the streets of Creasur today, as the Chancellor's militia battled Daishi rebels. Though the two sides were nearly evenly matched, the strength of spirit and the blessings of the armored gods enabled the rebels to prevail, largely eliminating the Chancellor's guards.

Rebellion Succeeds! Plergoth Becomes Theocracy!

August 1, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

In a late evening engagement, the rebel armies put the last remaining secular militias to the sword, eliminating the last opposition to Bleeder's assumption of control of the realm and its reformation as a Theocracy. From this day forth, Plergoth shall be ruled by the word of Daishi. All hail the armored gods! May they grant us strength and protection!

Monster Swarm Launching Suicide Attacks

August 2, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

A small force of monsters attempting to slip past Netherworld pickets in Fianik was intercepted and destroyed by the daimons. Monster Swarm attacks against the Netherworld have been weakening for the past several weeks, perhaps indicating that the monster population in Beluaterra may be approaching exhaustion.

Plergoth Prepares for Grand Crusade!

August 3, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

Now firmly in the control of the believers of Daishi, the newly theocratic realm of Plergoth is marshaling its forces for a grand crusade against the Daimonic scourge ravaging Beluaterra. An all-volunteer strikeforce will soon depart and ride forth to join with those from other realms, then journey in force to drive the daimons from their redoubts and seal the Hellgates.

Those that remain behind will see to the defense of the homeland and provide gold and logistical support to the field army, which expects to engage in a campaign lasting upwards of two weeks.

Inhuman War Rages On

August 4, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

Though the front lines of this conflict have since moved away from Plergoth's borders, we must not forget that the armies of the Necromancer's Servants and the Monster Swarm continue to seek battle with each other at every opportunity. Fighting has been most recently reported in Watto, where a large contingent of undead repulsed a probe launched by the monsters.

Meanwhile, the Netherworld continues to make gains against Sint, a realm aligned with the Monster Swarm, today consolidating their hold over Vaepex.

Monsters Stage Sneak Attack on Worvobaen!

August 5, 1007 | By: Mendrugo

Plergoth, lulled into complacency by the relative lack of Monster and Daimon activity near our borders, has been attacked by a large army of monsters led by the Beastlord Drool. Coming out of Vlaanderen territory, they struck hard and fast into our territory, overwhelming the personal guard of Pontifex Bleeder, who had been en-route to Cwellndell, and taking him prisoner, as well as Sarah of Plergoth, who had been en-route to Worvobaen when the monsters struck and had not received word in time of their presence.

The grand crusade is on hold while we ready ourselves to deal with this unexpected attack by the monsters.