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*'''Thou shalt be always a champion of the Right and Good against Injustice and Evil.'''
*'''Thou shalt be always a champion of the Right and Good against Injustice and Evil.'''
==The Seven Loyal Ancients==
When the world was in chaos and all hope was lost, the Highfather imbued his essence into the Seven Loyal Ancients, in the hope that they might be able to restore the world to the way the Highfather had intended before the Betrayers destroyed it. Though each Ancient takes a different form, and searches for different types of people as followers, all share 2 primary goals:
1) '''The preservation and advancement of humanity.'''
2) '''The destruction of evil, in whatever form it may take.'''
<u>Here are named the Seven Loyal Ancients, the marks of their presence in our world, as well as who we believe they have called to serve them:</u>
'''Kard''' – ''Wisdom, Wind''
*not yet revealed
'''Komar''' – ''Courage, Earth''
*Followers are known as '''"The Valentic Order"'''
'''Rigan''' – ''Benevolence, Water''
*Followers are known as '''"Eretzism"'''
'''Quil''' – ''Respect, Trees''
*Followers are known as '''"The Order of Druids"'''
'''Thesilia''' – ''Honesty, Light''
*Represented by the followers of '''"The Old Gods"'''
'''Rin''' – ''Glory, Fire''
*Followers of '''"The Path of the Great Dragon"'''
'''Le''' – ''Loyalty, Ice''
*not yet revealed
==The Five Betrayers==
''The Knightly Orders seek to remove the Betrayer's influence over the Souls, whether by the Word or by the sword.''
'''Avar''' - ''Greed''
'''Invi''' - ''Lust''
'''Kyth''' - ''Pride''
'''Xed''' - ''Hate''
'''Uhle''' - ''Deceit''

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Revision as of 01:46, 30 January 2007

Traditions of The Valentic Order

Sacred Texts: "The Scrolls of the Vale"

Sacred Hymn: "Ye Who Are Warriors of The High Father"

Ye who are warriors of The Highfather and of his law, pray to the Father for help and have faith in Him; that finally with Him you will be victorious.

Classes within The Valentic Order

We are currently undergoing a reorganization period to accomodate our rapid growth. Information will be posted here as we have scribes available to do the writing. - Darrin


The Highfather's Chosen

Council of Bishops:

Valentic Templars:

  • Lords who have built, protected, and maintianed a temple of the Order in their region. They not only practice the teachings of the Order and adhere to it's code of honour, but but also having taken the protectors oath like the Protectors of the Faith take up arms to defend the Order against all those who would do it harm. If every a crusade is called, it is expected of all Templars to gather thier knights, and go forth to purge the heretics.

Valentic Diaconates:

  • These are those who have taken up the cloth, to spread the word of the Highfather. These priests often work under direct orders of the Valentic Order as member of Valentia, and may be assigned to certain regions, realm, or tasks. Converting nobles and peasnts alike, they spread the faith. They are also resoponsible for searching and uncovering any signs of the betrayers within the Valentic Order.

Valentic Presbyterate:

  • These are those who have taken up the cloth, to spread the word of the Highfather. These priests often work independently of the Valentic Order, and may be assigned to certain regions, or have allignment with ther realm of occupance. Converting nobles and peasnts alike, they spread the faith.

Protectors of the Faith:

  • Those members of the Valentic Order who have taken the protectors oath. They not only practice the teachings of the Order and adhere to it's code of honour, but also take up arms to defend the Order against all those who would do it harm. If every a crusade is called, it is expected of all Protectors of the Faith to gather sword and shield, and go forth to purge the heretics.


  • Full members of the Valentic Order. They practice the teachings of the Order and adhere to it's code of honour.

Valentic Wonderers:

  • Full members of the Valentic Order. They practice the teachings of the Order and adhere to it's code of honour. They as adventurers have no home and are cursed to wonder the lands fighting the undead to gain honour till such a time they become a noble.

Finders of the Faith:

  • New members of the Valentic Order who have not yet been formally initiated. They have come to seek the truth, and it will not be denied to them.

Teachings & Beliefs of The Valentic Order

All members of this Knightly Order follow a Code of Honor compiled by Komar's chosen Priest, Saint Darrin of Winifael, founder of The Valentic Order, and share a common faith in the Highfather, the Ancients (named below), and the Betrayers (named below). Beliefs & details regarding the Ancients have been translated from The Old Tongue directly from The Scrolls of the Vale. These are the Highfather's wishes for all Souls.

The Valentic Order's Honorable Code of Conduct

All members of this Knightly Order must strictly adhere to this code of Honor:

  • Thou shalt believe all that the Order teaches, and shalt observe all its directions.
  • Thou shalt defend the Highfather, the Ancients, and thy Brothers with thy life.
  • Thou shalt constitute thyself a defender of all Souls who are weak.
  • Thou shalt love the country in the which thou serves.
  • Thou shalt not retreat in the face of thine enemies.
  • Thou shalt make war against the Betrayers without cessation or mercy.
  • Thou shalt diligently perform thy feudal duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of the Highfather.
  • Thou shalt remain faithful to thy pledged word.
  • Thou shalt be generous with the blessings of the Highfather and the Ancients.
  • Thou shalt be always a champion of the Right and Good against Injustice and Evil.

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