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article =<i>January 12th, 2007</i>
article =<i>January 12th, 2007</i>
After a long hiatus the Tara Times is once again back in action! Reborn due to unique mix of boredom and patriotism, this rejuvanted paper hopes to bring a balanced report of Taran and Atamaran news.
After a long hiatus the Tara Times is once again back in action! Reborn due to unique mix of boredom and patriotism, this rejuvenated paper hopes to bring a balanced report of Taran and Atamaran news.
Although the old editor and publisher, Achilles Arilius, will still head the paper, a new host of journalists have arisen from the ranks of Taran nobles. Among them Jose Dela Cruz, the manxy, Rojo DeVesta (me!), and Lister O'claude Ve.
Although the old editor and publisher, Achilles Arilius, will still head the paper, a new host of journalists have arisen from the ranks of Taran nobles. Among them Jose Dela Cruz, the manxy, Rojo DeVesta (me!), and Lister O'claude Ve.

Resurecting a long dead paper is hard work, so we'll be a little slow until we get everything figured out. Eventually though, we hope to be on par with the great newspapers of the continent. Anyone interested in helping write the paper is to contact all of the newspaper staff.
Resurrecting a long dead paper is hard work, so we'll be a little slow until we get everything figured out. Eventually though, we hope to be on par with the great newspapers of the continent. Anyone interested in helping write the paper is to contact all of the newspaper staff.

<i>Written by Rojo DeVesta</i>
<i>Written by Rojo DeVesta</i>

Revision as of 04:45, 14 January 2007

Tarabanner.png The Tara Times
Price: ONE GOLD PIECE Editor: Peter Kolak Date of Issue: April 26th, 2006

Archive History

Another Day, Another Tourney
January 14th, 2007

Sir Dead Angel3, King of Minas Ithil has announced a tournament of Joust and Swordfight to be held in Shanandoah 9 days from now.

The Announcement above is only the latest of a series of Tourneys held since the end ASI vs Abington War. Outside the occasional Monster Bash, Tourneys are the prime source of amusement in Atamara these days. Sometimes it generates the entertaining Death Duel but usually its just talk, talk and more talk.

All Taran Nobles are invited to attend. Just remember to bring your earmuffs to drown out the meaningless chatter.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

Sleepless In Foda
January 12th, 2007

Another morning hoping for a Monster Spawning. I must remember to water the horses first before anything else. Horse slaver all over your body after you've bathed and eaten kinda makes everything more depressing. After watering, the horses must be fed their oats and whiskey. Then drills for the Troop till mid-afternoon. Then tea with the General Staff. Then dinner in Foda Castle with the Dictator. With luck, cries of incitement and treason will be heard. Stagger of to bed hopefully too drunk to feel anything. Wake up... repeat.

The mindless tedium of doing the exact same thing over and over again. The constant predictability of routine. That Noble Kevin Whatshisname left for Beluaterra a few days ago. We are down to 66 effectives now. I hear told we went down to the low 40's before I signed up. Strangely enough, the money is STILL not enough. Maybe that's why Billious left so sudden, eh? Ha Ha.

The letters are the worst. My brother Javier is a Hero now on South-East Island. He claims seniority over ME!!! His tales of glory under the leadership of the manxy's brother, cronos, I find uncredible. Maybe cronos is making him lie? Never trusted a man with the same name as an enemy. Maybe I should check the manxy's lineage. Promotion through stabbing the Judge shouldn't be too unethical. Lawyers grow on trees, nowadays.

No one talks anymore. Even the gossip has grown stale. Except for that Carelian War false alarm, none had anything new to say for weeks.

I gotta stop drinking. Alcohol is a depressant. Maybe I should ask that suck-up Trader for stimulants? Good stimulants... Cocaine or Ritalin? I need to frame someone if I get cocaine. I think its illegal here. Maybe if I share?

Room getting dizzy... must remember to plant evidence on gullible student tommorrow. What was his name? Tom? No, Tom graduated. Got me a book off of him. I'll ask his name in the morning.

Got to sleep... got to...

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

The Tara Times is Back!
January 12th, 2007

After a long hiatus the Tara Times is once again back in action! Reborn due to unique mix of boredom and patriotism, this rejuvenated paper hopes to bring a balanced report of Taran and Atamaran news. Although the old editor and publisher, Achilles Arilius, will still head the paper, a new host of journalists have arisen from the ranks of Taran nobles. Among them Jose Dela Cruz, the manxy, Rojo DeVesta (me!), and Lister O'claude Ve.

Resurrecting a long dead paper is hard work, so we'll be a little slow until we get everything figured out. Eventually though, we hope to be on par with the great newspapers of the continent. Anyone interested in helping write the paper is to contact all of the newspaper staff.

Written by Rojo DeVesta

Atblane Joins Tara
May 1st, 2006

News spread quickly that Atblane, after only 3 days, surrendered to Taran and Darkan Forces massed in Atblane. The local residents are in pretty good spirits despite Tara's necessary need to do a Brutal Takeover. Although, Tara is hated in Atblane, it won't be long until they realize taking baths and behaving like gentlemen is a much healthier life style.

"I was in City Hall to witness the surrender and signing of the papers. The governor their, is rather smart to have yielded so quickly. As he knew no help would come anytime soon." Achilles was quoted as saying. "We are nearly complete in our mission, the ball is in Shamus' court now. If he shall want peace, we shall see."

New Rules Govern Tara
April 26th, 2006

The rules of war have been changed. Now, when any nation takes land from another, it will be recognized as "claimed" or "under claim". And until the two nations sign into peace, it will remain that way. The issue is, one can not appoint a Regional Lord to govern the people, thereby making it more difficult to keep under our control. Further more, without the Regional Lord, peasants are less likely to pay the taxes owed to the claiming nation. No recruitment centers may be built, or any other building for that matter.

Meldeen Recaptured, again
April 26th, 2006

A couple of days ago, Tara recaptured Meldeen, under a brutal takeover. It was necessary in order to bring the region under our control. The peasants were none too happy with the brutality, and under the new rules of war, Tara is only permitted to lay claim to Meldeen.

"Meldeen was given to Redspan in exchange for peace some time back, however, the vile dogs betrayed Tara's trust and therefore, Tara plans to take it back. I am sorry it has come to this, but Redspan refuses to accept blaim for their treachury.", Achilles was quoted as saying. "Our next steps should be a bit easier given the amount of loss suffered by our enemies."

Welcome New Troopleaders
April 26th, 2006

Tara's influx of immigrants looking to join the great nation of Tara has declined a bit over the past few weeks. Still, Tara has received several new Troop Leaders who've shown their eagerness to fight and follow orders.

Achilles wishes to welcome the new troop leaders, and appologizes for their getting thrown in the fire rather quickly.

Is Redspan really hated?
April 26th, 2006

Shamus called on Achilles to stop the war because of his hatred. The Redspan revealer says Achilles hates Redspan. Is this all true? This report dove into the mind of Achilles himself to find out the source for this so called, hatred.

(R) Reporter - Achilles, there are rumors that you "hate" Redspan, is this true?

(A) Achilles - Not in the least. I feel they betrayed us, and that they want to not account for that and anything they may have caused our land, but hatered is a personal vendetta, and I am merly serving the will of the people.

(R) - How can you say that? Serving the will of the people would be to bring peace, would it not?

(A) - Depends on the will of the people. They want to be a bigger realm, and therefore I've ensured them we would be.

(R) - So what about hatered, it is widely felt you hate Redspan?

(A) - I do not hate Redspan. They are an untrustworthy realm. They were given chances to do the right thing, and apparently, they consider the right thing different than we do.

(R) - Do you plan on being merciful to Redspan?

(A) - Mercy is granted to those who properly ask for it. We have terms for mercy, but Redspan has to accept them. I do not suspect they will.

(R) - What of Abington and Carelia, did they not also plan to attack you?

(A) - Each bridge is different. Currently, we are at war with all 3 Nations. It is strategicly impossible to wage war at once on all 3 nations. We have strategic plans layed out, and unfortunately for Redspan they are the closest enemy.

(R) - Is there anything you'd like to say to Redspan or her Troop Leaders?

(A) - Yes, you're going through a rough time now, similar to when Tara was at war. We know the feeling, we bear no pleasure in being the cause of that feeling, I assure you. And know this, Tara does not hate Redspan.

Achilles was unable to continue the interview, as he recieved orders from his General to return to Foda, he excused himself and promptly left.

Carelia / ASI Declare War
April 26th, 2006

The Allied Nations of Tara, Cagilan Empire and Darka have all moved back to refit for upcoming battles. Carelia and Ash Sea Islands have been given permission to cross Taran lands to conduct their own war as of late. Carelia will be focusing on ASI and ASI in turn will be focusing on Carelia.

It will be interesting to see whom will prevail.

An Interview with Shamus of Redspan
April 27th, 2006

I got to sit down with Shamus of Redspan. He was a gentle enough fellow, soft spoken, but determined. He didn't mince words, and he didn't soften his tongue for effect. Here's what he had to say to me:


(R) Reporter-What are your true feelings about Achilles?

(S) Shamus- Lord Achilles and I have very different ideas about many political topics and ideas, but I have found him to be a man very devoted to and respected by his people.

(R) - What are your true feelings about Tara?

(S) - I have not had personal dealing with many Tarans, but from my limited experience they seem to be a people of iron will & resolve.

(R) - Would you ever fight against Abington to gain peace with Tara?

(S) - Most likely no, but we all know how politics can change when government turnover occurs. Abington has done too much for my realm over the years for me to lightly turn my back on them. There would have to be a really damn good reason for me to break bonds with my Federation brother.

(R) - Tell me, why doesn't Redspan surrender like Tara did when she was surrounded and out gunned? She was able to come back later on to victory.

(S) - The people of RedSpan are a proud and hearty folk. Our lands have long been the battleground of southern Atamara. Being "surrounded & outgunned" is nothing new for us. We have weathered worse storms than the one at our doorstep right now; I'm sure we will persevere through this one as well, Goat-willing.

(R) - Do you feel Tara is justified in her actions on a pre-emptive strike against 3 countries who planned an attack?

(S) - This is a complicated question, so let me answer as simply as possible: If I had been in Achilles' shoes, I would not have launched an attack. Instead, I would have gathered my army and those of my allies in preparation for any actual attack on my realm, and asked the international community for exemption in sending infiltrators after the involved people, maybe even asking for their help in doing so, and placing an extra bounty on the heads of those involved with my own money.
I disagree with an attack on an entire realm or realms in this case, because it places blame and causes pain to people who were not involved in the planning of the attack, which is incredibly unfair. To me, blaming people for things they did not do is wrong and dishonorable. I would have handled it differently as I said in the above paragraph, placing the punishment on those who were truly to blame.

(R) - Do you feel a country should be allowed to plan an attack, then the ruler step down, and the country bears no responsibility for the actions, even if it cost another country a great deal?

(S) - I think this is a very circumstantial question. If a country participates in the planning of an attack and/or execution thereof, then yes, they should all be held responsible. But if only one man plans an attack, then only he should be held responsible. Blame needs to rest on the involved parties.
Hypothetically, if the Generals of CE & Tara are secretly planning an attack on Falasan, should Achilles, or the entire nation of Tara for that matter, be held responsible if it is discovered before any action is taken? No! Why? Because they were not involved, of course!
Costs should probably be taken into account, but should lay at the feet of the guilty party(s) alone to reconcile their debt. In my mind, it is a matter of personal and family honor at this point. Again, this would be very circumstantial.

(R) - Do you have anything to say to Taran's?

(S) - Re-evaluate your reasons for this war with RedSpan & her allies. You are searching for restitution in the wrong place, and hurting many people, nobles & peasants alike, who are innocent of the crime you charge them with. Seek a more honorable resolution than vigilante justice.

(R) - Any last comments?

(S) - I will leave you with a nugget of Da Goatly Wisdom: "First impressions that you make on unbelievers are very important," said Da Hairy One. "Nobody cares how beautiful the souffle is if the appetizer was terds-in-a-blanket."

This reporter has to say, I appreciate the candor and Shamus's heartfelt answers to very tough quetsions.