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Hubbins was a noble lord in the Elder Days, who always made sure his men were fitted with the sturdiest boots for marching. He felt that "that which treads on the Holy Earth should be nothing less than the strongest and most noble". His admiration for strong leathers also inspired the beautiful tooled targes that his men carried as bucklers. He was known as courageous and just, and his people looked to him for guidance and protection in all ways.

Legend speaks of a time when monsters threatened his lands, led by an Eagle-headed ogre known as the Gryph. Hubbins took the fight to the monsters, and fought them in treacherous mountains rather than allow them to set foot across his borders. Hubbins eventually led his men to victory, and slew the Gryph with his short spear. As his foe's hot blood ran over him, he experienced a holy transformation. The Power and the Glory of the Father of Earth and Stone washed over him in his triumph, and he was granted wisdom and power and the Salvation of the Warrior Saints.

Thereafter, Saint Hubbins was said to appear as twelve feet tall. His targe was radiant and golden, and he wore a crown of stone that could not be broken.

Saint Hubbins' holy wisdom was recorded in two major texts, "The Prognostocese of Saint Hubbins", and "The Book of Leathers". His minor texts include "Valiance and Diligence" and "The Conversations of Cavalry Abroad".

Notable Scripture