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==Current News==
==Current News==
===Which way now? Rines or Athol Margos? Maybe we should visit TRF?===
Thats right the decision ahead of the Luz De Bian commanders, is which way to go now. You may be thinking why are we making this decision. Well, there is a large number of Luz Be Bian soldeirs within striking distance of the Riombaran capital Athol Margos. With no mobile army insight, and only terrified milita, who thought they had a chussy number when given their draft. Well, we will find out tomorrow.
--''Article written by Sam''
===Delvins Getting Desperate!===
===Delvins Getting Desperate!===

Revision as of 19:16, 7 November 2006

The Luz de Bia Chronicles
Price: 1 Gold
Written by Sam Malone. The latest gossip from Luz de Bia! Third Edition

Current News

Which way now? Rines or Athol Margos? Maybe we should visit TRF?

Thats right the decision ahead of the Luz De Bian commanders, is which way to go now. You may be thinking why are we making this decision. Well, there is a large number of Luz Be Bian soldeirs within striking distance of the Riombaran capital Athol Margos. With no mobile army insight, and only terrified milita, who thought they had a chussy number when given their draft. Well, we will find out tomorrow.

--Article written by Sam

Delvins Getting Desperate!

November 7th 2006

News has just reached us that Delvin is advertising his desperation in Atamara. He has had his brother anounce his plea the the nobles attending a tourney there. This plea is for nobles and money. We laugh at this.....and find it quite funny. The 4 realms involved have nearly twice as many nobles as Luz De Bia, but yet they want more.

--Article written by Sam

Skirmish In Ardmore

November 7th 2006

The Army of Luz De Bia has marched out of Grekh and cut off the route of the Riombaran forces. This means that the stragglers that were caught up in the fighting will have to watch as the rest of the army has to fight through the blockade as the Riombaran forces have been out in the field for more than a week now.

--Artcile written by Sam

Ruffielo Lost!

November 7th 2006

Riombara have slashed and stabbed their way into Ruffielo, by killing all who stand in their way! They have killed the local authority figures and placed puppets in their place. This is a short set back and will soon be righted by the Luz De Bian forces.

--Artcile written by Sam

Fronen Have No Honour...Come To Think About It Neither Do The Rest!

November 7th 2006

There have been regular reports of Eno being looted by Fronen, they have raped and pillaged till their hearts content. Now they move onto Brovyl, where they continue their lust for Rape and loot. Shame on them. They have even destroyed the walls of Eno, the great city has been reduced to level 3 walls, by these barbarians.

--Article written By Sam

Eno Stormed! Looting Rife By So Called Nobles!

6th November 2006

A day ago Eno was stormed by Fronen, Irombrozia and Riombara. The battle ended in a vitory for the allies. But no sooner had the sounds of battle died, than the sounds of looting began. Fronen has looted and raped our citizens, Irombrozia Nobles have started to destroy the walls and rape innocent children and women. They have killed many old men who could not get out of the way fast enough. These are so called nobles. Irombrozia claime that we have done genocide. What are they helping to do now? They have also been looting in the region of Ruffiello and murdered whole families and stole their worldly possesions. They claim to fight for the benefit of good. We say they fight for the benefit of their purses!

--Article written by Sam

Monsters Taken Care Of

November 4th 2006

As the sun set two units of Luz De Bian troops waited on the field of battle for the monsters that had been terrorizing Bym for the past week. In a battle that lasted two hours the monsters were completely destroyed and the peasents of Bym are safe. With only 6 dead and 15 wounded on the Luz De Bian side, the battle was relativly cheap in terms of the current battles that have taken place.

--Article written by Sam

Irombro and Riombara Fighting Together?

November 3rd 2006

Whats this? Two realms who hate each other...fighting together on the same battle field? Thats right Irombrozia and Riombara are fighting together after previously declaring that they would never work together again. Riombara swore to crush Irombrozia after the realm ceded from them. Now dosent his go against all reasoning? That two enemies work together? to help each to grow stronger and survive? Na I thought it didnt either.

--Article written by Sam

Hero Died In Glorius Battle

November 3rd 2006

New has reached our ears that the Hero Duke TVFD3 was killed this morning in Ruffielo. This has left a great deal of sadness in Luz De Bia, TVFD3 was one of the oldest members of Luz De Bia, being entrusted with the great city of Jiddington. He will be missed greatly. Many of the nobles, my brother included, have sworn to avenge their former leige.

--Article written by Sam

International news

November 3rd 2006

First undead Take over? That right you read it correctly, a group of 120 undead creatures initiated a TO in the region of Wilwau (Avalon) yesterday. They were easily wiped off the map, and the captured creatures refused every comment on the subject. If my memory serves me right, the last undead invasion started with random To's. Is it going to start all over again? I don't know, the gods promised us no more undead for at least another 2 months. But maybe the undead are thinking something else! If there are undead To's or other strange behaviour in you vicinity contact me so i can continue to investigation this strange phenomena!

--Article written by Grim-Reaper

Irombrozia Judge At It Again

November 1st 2006

Once again the Irombrozia Judge, Hireshmont, has shot his mouth off again. This isnt the first time. No he has done something like this before. The Letter he wrote to the rulers of all the realms is a bit long to put here but in short it is basicly a plea to the world. He puts forwards the facts and pleads with the other realms to try and get us off his back. He accusses us of Mass Genocide, and that we are imperialistic barbarians. Just becasue he was defeated in that last battle of Rii and Irombro city. Do you wan to know what the reaction was in Luz? In one unanimous voice...Shut up Hioreshmont...quit your whining! A few of the other Rulers do not like Irombro becasue of this man. Just a quick question Hireshmont....isnt it Marcs job to do the pleading?

--Article written by Sam

Skirmish In Irombro City

November 1st 2006

The Luz De Bian force that chased the Irombro forces back to their city last night left it during the night, although a few were caught up in a minor skirmish with the peasants that form the back bone of Irombro defences. They seem to rely more and more upon these folk. Cant the nobles fight a battle themselves?

--Article written by Sam

Comments for this month

Sam's Comments

I would like to formaly welcome Grim-Reaper to the Luz De Bian Chronicles. He will be handling the international news while I handle the Internal News.

Grim-Reapers's Comments

A new month and new oppertunity's to piss off the competition :)