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The glory of battle has given way,
to the dullness of peace again today.
Some men were made to till the soil,
others are merchants and trade is their toil.
I am a warrior from my head to my feet,
N'er should I spend this much time on my seat.
I need a fight, or even a melee.
a war, a clash, a battle or fray.
I need an enemy that I can kill, maime or smite,
an enemy to conquer, I need a good fight.
Well, another day is over, boredom has won out.
My excitement today? I lost my last scout!
A last check on my troops, their morale fifty percent,
Not much I can do so I retire to my tent.
I kneel with my sword, head hung in prayer,
My voice lifted up into the night air.
"Lord, if your up there and can hear this young knight,
Please send Maelg, Magnus and Mikolas a fight!"
For reference, here is a list of some of the Inns and Taverns that Mikolas sometimes calls home...at least for a night anyway.
For reference, here is a list of some of the Inns and Taverns that Mikolas sometimes calls home...at least for a night anyway.

Revision as of 01:17, 27 October 2006

Mikolas Din is the bastard son of a prostitute named Sarley and one of the many warriors she serviced. Adopted by Angus & Sabetha Din he was raised equally in the church as well as the woods. Angus gave Mikolas plenty of work to build him into a man as well as taught him how to handle a sword. The church gave Mikolas the character and knowledge to temper the tenacity of his upbringing by Angus.

Mikolas travelled as a mercenary for many years, honing his skills and abilities. It was during this time that he found that his size and strength were better suited for a different weapon. Mikolas had a warhammer built special for him. With a sixteen pound head and a 3 1/2 foot shaft, Mikolas can be heard raising quite a "din" on the battlefield. Mikolas named his warhammer "Stumpcrusher", due to the unique way that he trains.He can often be heard singing loudly while in battle:

Crush a stump, crush a stump, Kick the enemy in his rump.

Crush a stump, crush a stump, Never met a maid to plump.

After a battle two summers back Mikolas had found a barrel of mead in a celler of a burnt down house. As Mikolas was downing the first swallows of the mead, he noticed a warrior much like himself coming down the road. It appeared that this warrior named Magnus could smell mead from a mile away.

Drinking the barrel of mead, they shared stories of battles and women the rest of the night and became good friends. Magnus invited Mikolas to come and visit Perdan. After being banned from most of the taverns in his own country, he travelled to Perdan and is loving it so far.

Mikolas pulls out his wineskin and takes a drink of cool water. The training of his men today had been taxing to say the least. As he pulls the wineskin down he sees the Ex-High Marshal running through Brive as naked as the day he was born. Trying to catch up to him, and holding his clothes and banner is the Queen.

"By gosh and by golly, that's not something you see everyday." Mikolas thinks.

Just as he is about to take another drink, out of the corner of his eye Mikolas notices movement over by the Suffering Sloth. He looks just in time to see a different man go flying through the air and land at the feet of some men that his friend Magnus is sitting with.

"Must be a full moon today...." he says looking skyward.

Booooooommmmmm!!!! Mikolas is starled by a loud explosion in the distance over by Thrydwulfs tent. He turns just in time to see some guy impaled on a pole go shooting up into the air.

"That's gotta hurt." Mikolas says, "Well, I know one thing...Magnus was right about this place being interesting....a little crazy maybe, but interesting. I think I'll fit right in." Mikolas begins to sing as he returns to practicing his weapon skills against a dead tree.

"Crush a Stump, crush a stump. Kick my enemies in their rump."

"Crush a stump, crush a stump. Ne'er met a maid to plump."

"Yep, a little crazy is good", Mikolas says as drives the warhammer he named "Stumpcrusher" into the tree again, throwing splinters in all directions.

As Mikolas walks among his troops, he notices that many of the men are grumbling. Talk of sitting around too much. Talk of the constant training and drilling. The men are unhappy and he knows it.

As he listens, Mikolas he also knows that he needs to take the time to raise the morale of the men a little. Ordering one of the kegs of ale brought from the cart, Mikolas brings his men in around the campfire.

I know that these have been long days for soldiers that want battle not training." Mikolas says. "But, for now we must remain ready. The day will come to fight, and when that day does come, The Gutbuster Brigade will show all of Perdan our ferocity and skill. Our cunning and might. We are The Gutbuster Brigade and we are MIGHTY!!!"

From all around the campfire cheers go up. Mikolas smiles as he hears The Gutbuster Brigade begin to sing:

"Rest my men and enjoy the day, For tomorrow we make our enemies pay.

Tomorrow we'll march the road to war. We'll march until our feet are sore.

To defend the realm and all we swore, We'll march upon the road to war.

Upon order from our lovely Queen, We'll raise our voices and loudly sing.

Enemies of Perdan runaway all. Runaway now or die where you fall."

Mikolas (Knight of Partora)

Sitting with his back against the cart, Mikolas runs the whetstone down the length of his dagger. The dagger could split a fairy hair, but Mikolas continues to sharpen it, more, more and more.

"Damn the luck..". He speaks outloud, "Train, train, train and for what...police duty somewhere. I promised the Gutbusters a fight, hell they need a ...."

Mikolas notices Stoneshadow, his second in command of the Gutbuster Brigade, come running towards him. Stopping in front of Mikolas and trying to catch his breath, "Beggin' your.....pardon sire. I ...have...news."

"Well, spit it out man. What's the matter!" Mikolas asks impatiently.

"Monsters sire..." he says, "monsters are attacking Mulhouse! The Queen is requesting troops....troops to march there and stop the attacks."

Mikolas stands and sheaths his dagger, slowly a grin stretches across his face.

"Go and let the Queen know that the Gutbuster Brigade will march immediatley. I'll rally the men myself. Go, go on now hurry....I don't want to miss this battle." Mikolas tells Stoneshadow.


"Hey Stoneshadow."

Stoneshadow stops and turns, "Yes, sire."

"I do wish Magnus were here" Mikolas says, "He's gonna hate missing this. Maybe we'll save a couple of the monsters and bring them back for him as souvenirs."

Mikolas walks off laughing towards his men who are rallying at the campfire. Stoneshadow just shakes his head and starts running towards the castle.

The glory of battle has given way, to the dullness of peace again today.

Some men were made to till the soil, others are merchants and trade is their toil.

I am a warrior from my head to my feet, N'er should I spend this much time on my seat.

I need a fight, or even a melee. a war, a clash, a battle or fray.

I need an enemy that I can kill, maime or smite, an enemy to conquer, I need a good fight.

Well, another day is over, boredom has won out. My excitement today? I lost my last scout!

A last check on my troops, their morale fifty percent, Not much I can do so I retire to my tent.

I kneel with my sword, head hung in prayer, My voice lifted up into the night air.

"Lord, if your up there and can hear this young knight, Please send Maelg, Magnus and Mikolas a fight!"

For reference, here is a list of some of the Inns and Taverns that Mikolas sometimes calls home...at least for a night anyway. Perdan/Inns