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==Current News==
==Current News==
===Peace In The South===
24th October 2006
News has come through that the war between ASI and Abbington has come to an end. This measn that Abbington have relinquished their claim ont he islands. With this new it also means that Redspan gets Byblack and Sullenport back. This is really good news for Redspan and her allies as it brings peace to the south. Now Abbington have only to make peace with CE and MI before total peace is restored.
--''Article written by Tony''
===Tara Beaten in Craigmore===
===Tara Beaten in Craigmore===

Revision as of 19:36, 24 October 2006

Redspan Revealer
Price: 1 Gold
Written by Tony Malone, Shamus O'Shea and Dielo Filador.

Disclaimer: The Redspan Revealer would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Redspan Government, only that of three old Men.

All you Need to Know about Da Great Goat And Redspan! October Edition

Current News

Peace In The South

24th October 2006

News has come through that the war between ASI and Abbington has come to an end. This measn that Abbington have relinquished their claim ont he islands. With this new it also means that Redspan gets Byblack and Sullenport back. This is really good news for Redspan and her allies as it brings peace to the south. Now Abbington have only to make peace with CE and MI before total peace is restored.

--Article written by Tony

Tara Beaten in Craigmore

17th October 2006

As the sun set Carelian and Taran forces lined up in Craigmore. The forces acording to the rumours were evenly matched. With the Carelian forces coming out ontop, but losing the Hero Hylda. Tara has suffered a major set back in her control of the region which she gained from the war between her and Carelia. Many Nobles were wounded and some seriously, such as the manxy, Executioner of Tara.

Is this another war which will not end?

--Article written by Tony

Peace At last

17th October 2006

Peace has decended upon the realm of Redspan, first peace with Tara, the two realms have finnally decided to end their hostilities and both are profiting from the trade of food. Secondly, Redspan has accepted the proposal of a cease-fire with the Caligan Empire. This is welcome news as Redspan is tired of war as of now, we need to rebuild our strength and get our population up again.

--Article written by Tony

Tourney Anounced...Weding Bells Ringing

17th October 2006

A tourney was anounced a few days ago to be held in Minas Ithil to celebrate the marrige of two of their nobles. This is a chance for everyon to go and enjoy the free beer and food avaliable and the chance to show off their skills. Also Minas Ithil are not going to be crusaiding again for at least a week, which gives our Allies Abbington a much longer time to prepare their defences for the next colony take over which is more than likely to happen.

--Article written by Tony

Talerium Can't fight a Battle to Save their Lives...Literally

12th October 2006

Scribes rushed into Stargard this morning bringing reports of Talerium troops trying to get past the guards at Lurgrod and Meldeen. At both places the Talerium troops were defeated and sent packign on their way home. We have worked out that on and even engagement the Redspan forces will come out on top. We have seen this many times, but who ever plays fair in war?

To the west of Redspan Tara was seen moving into Taree. Why? Isnt there war over? If they attack will this not incur the wrath of CE and ASI, as per the treaty? We will report more once news has come through.

--Article written by Tony

Free Beer!

10th Otober 2006

Philippe, last night paid his bill. But being so drunk and in the bad light signed a piece of paper held out by Duke Shamus. This was for a family investment into the Dukes city. It wasnt until Philippes bank balence came through that he relised what he had done. Oh well... the beers are on Philippe from now on.

--Article written by Tony

Idiotic Monsters

10th October 2006

This morning after a good night sleep, the call to arms came down from the guards ontop of the walls of Stargard. When we got there, we fell about laughing. 11 Monsters had started advancing across the killing ground of the city wall. Under a hail of Arrows, Philippe decided to go and finish them off. He did so very quickly.

We here cannot understand what goes through the minds of these pea-brained behemouths.

--Article written by Tony

Catch Up Time

9th October 2006

That was an interesting weekend. Mayandur still in his drunken state, two battles in Lurgrod, a new King, an old High marshall and a new banker. What more could we ask for?

Anyway to the detail. Mayandur was still unable to wake for his hard night of partying several days ago. This ment that a new king had to be found, The candidates lined up and there was a heated debate betweeen the General and the Judge. The kind of debate Redspan loves!

With the polls open the people of Redspan Voted. The result, yours truelly was elected the next King of Redspan. Now with being king I could not have the General position as well, this went to Dielo, A man who has shown he can lead the armies of Redspan well, and Namus is the new banker, although he said he will only be temporary until Eilt wakes up aswell from his hangover.

Now the battle part.....the bit that Redspan loves. The forces of CE/Fal/MI/Tal had gathered in Sullenport. The forces of Redspan lined up agianst them (unknowingly) were pratcicing in Lurgrod at the time. When the time for the forces in Sullenport to move out the rains had come in and the scribes refused to go out...especially when one came in with nothign on his paper as the ink had all run off it. This lead to a small contingent of CE/Tal forces fighting the Redspan force and being destroyed. The rest of the CE/Tal/Fal/MI army then moved into lurgrod and unfortunatly there was a battle. 24000cs lined up agianst just 7000cs of Redspan Courage. And unfortuante battle but one that tested the metle of Redspan.

Lets hope that this is a one off and that only peace will be here from now on.

--Article written by Tony

Something Big Is Brewing

5th October 2006

Sharpe Eyed scouts from the Redspan units that are on tactical manouvers drill have spotted larges amounts of Falasan, Minas Ithil and Caligan Empire soldiers gathering around the city of Sullenport. This looks like there is a battle looming and we all know where they are inented to go. Thats right, straight down through Lurgrod and into Abbington. More than likly to start a CTO of Wayburg. The small Army of Stargard which is currently in Lurgrod doing repairs and drills in the region will, stand on the side and watch as friends from both sides batter seven different types of stuffing out of each other.

The Army of Stargard has been in battle again in Ambermel. This time fighting the offspring of the monsters vanquished the day before. The battle went really well with the archers doing the mainstay of the work while the infantry stood an watched. Good work People!

--Article written by Tony

Army Of Stargard In Action In Ambermel

3rd October 2006

The Army of Stargard was once again in action in Ambermel, saving the people of Ambermell from the monster incursion. The army had made the detour after setting off from Stargard on manouvers to get some training and movement discipline.

The training and discipline that they have been working on in recent weeks paid off as the Monsters felt the full wrath of the soldiers hungry for blood and action. The casulties were light on the Redspan side and the victorius troops are now continuing on their training.

--Article written by Tony

New Look to The Revealer

3rd October 2006

Welcome, everyone to the new and improved Redspan Revealer. Thanks to a handsome donation from the guy with the hood over his head, this offce has been regenerated, and brought up to scratch with the modern times. This meant changing the layout of our papers. This style will allow us to give up to date responses on what goes on in and around Redspan. The editors would like to thank the Luz Be Dia Chronicles, the Itorunt Informer and all those in the background for the layout. If you would like to come to Rode Ridder Alley for a drink or 10 you're very welcome.

--Article written by Tony

Comments for this month

Tony's Comments

None Yet

Shamus's Comments

None Yet

Dielo's Comments

Ooh! Shiny section just for me? How nice. Anyway, I'd like to give a big thank you to both Tony and Shamus for recent appointments to High Marshal and Count of Meldeen, respectively. I will do my best to continue to serve Redspan in both offices. ~Dielo