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Mhanna is a symbol of the male. A circle with a point. This constellation lives within the Manacog pointing towards neutralization. This is debated within some circles on man’s position in life. Some assume this means man may be good, natural and evil all together, some say it means nothing at all.  
Mana is a symbol of the male. A circle with a point. This constellation lives within the Manacog pointing towards neutralization. This is debated within some circles on man’s position in life. Some assume this means man may be good, natural and evil all together, some say it means nothing at all.  
The Star of Humunis is theorized to have much influence of the males of all species, bringing them both a savageness and balanced calm, making the potential for all alignments of soul.  
The Star of Humunis is theorized to have much influence of the males of all species, bringing them both a savageness and balanced calm, making the potential for all alignments of soul.  

Revision as of 05:26, 15 September 2006

DUSA Astronomy Center.

Here is the collected studies of the Battlemaster skys and stars. Stars are still being named and studied as time passes. The science of Astronomy is new and introduced offically by Dafayo Vashmere and Andrew Mckay equally. The first studies of the stars and the effects of stars on mankind is a new and groundbreaking science all together, with its begining roots leading to Eston.

East Sky

The East sky above Atamara. DUSA Astronomy Center.

Nightsky.gif Nightsky2.gif


West Sky

The West sky Above Atamara.

Nightskywest.gif Nightskywest2.gif


North Sky

The North sky Above Atamara.

Nightskynorth.gif Nightskynorth2.gif


South Sky

The south sky Above Atamara.

Nightskysouth.gif Nightskysouth2.gif


Stars and their influence

The human race as a whole is constantly bombarded by starlight and energies from the heavens above. It is a science to debate and label and study these effects with the proper scientific methods of DUSA’s teachings. Stars indeed seem to have some pull on the typical human mind. Sometimes this pull is subtle or often impotent. While other times the stars can seem to control a individual to the point of slavery. The moon also has effect on man and has not yet been documented or studied further then basic theory.


When meditation is achieved of a star, certain things can be debated on happing or not happing. Meditating deeply on a star, some argue, can alter or lead an individual’s mortal life in desired or undesired directions depending on the star’s suggestive influence. This meditative science is known as “Star Scrying” (or to Star Scry) and is argued on its validity by many sides of science. If the theory is correct, a mortal man (or woman) can guide himself towards a desired goal by focusing his efforts on a single star, a group of stars or an entire constellation of stars. The full range of effects for each star is unknown and is being studied within DUSA’s Astronomy center by heads of the field.

Origin of Stars.

The origin of stars has begun many debates within DUSA’s faculty and student body alike. No conclusive facts have been obtained or published on these matters yet.


The Eastern sky

  • The rounded square

This constellation shows the mathematical squaring of the circle. It contains many stars that reportedly influence wisdom, creativity, philosophical thought and chaos. The constellation when meditated on as a whole, seems to promote change in a positive manner. The star of Tiamat is contained is contained within the Rounded Square and therefore should be studied with caution.

  • The Crown

The constellation of “The Crown” represents leadership and rule of man. Meditating on the constellation as a whole may promote advancing in title or rank of any governed body or working system. The star Drago is within The Crown, making it a positive constellation for meditation.

  • The Lion.

This constellation seems to promote victory, fury and control. It also may promote royalty and king’s grace when meditated on by a governor of any working system or faction. The constellation itself is a driving force of good and and positive force in the night sky. The star “Marouane” is a star that seems to promote victory over endless foes.

  • The Crow.

This constellation promotes pride, intelligence and clarity. Meditating on this constellation as a whole seems to promote lucid thought or a keen attention. The crow is also theorized to be able to bring revenge on another mortal. The Crow is studied as both a positive and negative force of the sky. The star of Beziel (also known as the Hawk Star) rests within the beak of The Crow, allowing one to speak with influence or do damage with words.

The Western sky:

  • Rand’s Hand

This constellation seems to promote the directions of man. When meditated on as a whole Rand’s Hand seems to sooth or agitate the mind (depending on the type of meditation used). It is suggestively reported that this constellation is able to calm or produce madness within a Star Scryer who devotes much time to meditating on Rand’s Hand.

  • The Sword

The sword seemingly promotes both life and death, war and blood, choice and revolution of spirit. The constellation can be used to produce both positive and negative effects. The War Star and the Blood Star are found within The Sword, and major influences on honorable warriors and lawless murderers alike. Meditating on this constellation can be very dangerous if the Star Scryer’s mind is in turmoil or unrest. The sword can also mark great choice.

  • The Shield

This constellation is a positive force of the sky. It promotes goodness of man and the Knight’s common code. To meditate on The Shield in times of need and darkness can produce gifts of light and goodness. The ethical and heroic may feel safe seeking this constellation as a whole.

  • The Judge.

This swaying constellation drifts towards judgment of all things. If meditated on correctly one can influence judgment in favor to the Scryer. Those seeking The Judge in meditation can search for declaration of innocence, independence, or liberation through legal judgment. The constellation my also bring swift justice on the criminal and unethical if they meditate incorrectly on the Judge’s good side.. Those who insist on a form of “right and wrong” or “good and evil” exist within the universe often meditate on this constellation.

The North Sky

  • The Serpent

The Serpent’s influence is up for much debate. With some humans worshiping the snake as a creature or symbol worthy of honor, while others deem the snake to be a creature of evil. The Serpent should be meditated on with great caution. As a whole it can be a strong force if controlled, but mishandled it can strike and poison the unworthy Scryer. This constellation can be used for creation and destruction equally.

  • The Femiss

The Femis results in much influence over humans (The male of the species particularly). The Femis dominates the Northern sky and sends the human race in the four directions, North, South, East, West. The Baalat star represents a fifth direction that can be summed, in theory, as a 5th dimension of direction left unseen by mankind. The Femis offers aid in direction when lost it acts as a very functional compass. The three green stars of the North (Fee, Quee and Fem) are theorized to give the females of most species spirit, heart, and fury unknown to males of most species. The Femis guids man across the land, even when he is to prideful to ask for directions. The Femis can also be called “The Sky Mother” and cares for those who meditate on her for warm, shelter or their mother.

  • Ghirl.

The Constellation of Ghirl is a circle with a cross below it. It is the force of the sky that promotes reproduction of life within the universe, influences true love and draws men to lust equally. Ghirl Is also a constellation that can bring peace or war and tends to influence females more so often then males.

South Sky

  • The Dog.

The Dog stands protective of the heavens, man’s best friend, loyal and strong. It promotes companionship, humor, battle, trust and brotherhood. It would seemingly be meditated on by those of honor then those of none. The Dog is a very protective servant of the human race and may attack those who approach it with ill intent. The Dog is also welcomed by some hunters, trackers and wood men who hail the wolf or wild dog as a friend.

  • The Manacog.

This cog shaped constellation is a powerful influence in possible futures or destinies. The ability to alter, influence or change the future is highly accused and debated within DUSA’s teachings and the Manacog’s true power is still unknown. The Cog may have something to do with the powerful forces of chaos. From fire to water, light to darkness, creation and annihilation. Study is still being done on this constellation and the forces it may bring. Extreme caution is highly advised when meditating to the negative sides of the Manacog.

  • Mana.

Mana is a symbol of the male. A circle with a point. This constellation lives within the Manacog pointing towards neutralization. This is debated within some circles on man’s position in life. Some assume this means man may be good, natural and evil all together, some say it means nothing at all. The Star of Humunis is theorized to have much influence of the males of all species, bringing them both a savageness and balanced calm, making the potential for all alignments of soul.

  • The Dragon

The Dragon represents man’s fury, rage, hate, and wrath when provoked. When not provoked it represents wisdom, intelligence, old age, mastered skill or craft and etiquette. The Dragon, when meditated on by a master of self-control, can promote epic strength in any task physical or mental. The savage who blindly meditate on the Dragon provoke its wrath and warlike nature. This constellation is equipped with claws to both claw away civilizations and defend honor equally.

No in-depth studies have been attempted on the Dragon as of yet.