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[[Hynes Family/Johann/~PSF~ Praetorian Hussars|~PSF~ Praetorian Hussars]]
[[Hynes Family/Johann/~PSF~ Praetorian Hussars|~PSF~ Praetorian Hussars]]
[[Hynes Family/Johann/~PSF Elf Plinkers| ~PSF~ Elf Plinkers]]

Revision as of 18:34, 30 August 2006

Johann, the only son of Adam and Katheline Hynes, grew up on the family estate in Woolton. He had spent his life studying the words of the greatest minds on the east continent. Well educated, well spoken and well schooled, Johann was the first Hynes to take up arms in the war against Ibladesh.

As a boy, he looked forward to the frequent visits of the Perdanese Army as they passed through Woolton, admiring the brave soldiers who rode into battle.

The first time he had set his eyes on the army his fate was sealed, no matter how hard his mother argued against his decision. By the time he had turned twenty his family knew he could either march off well-fed, well-armed and with some gold in his pocket or he would march off by himself.

Reluctantly, they broke into the family savings and hired twenty local peasants to march with him to Clermont. The unit took the name of the ProudBlades and Johann joyfully lead them into battle.

Tragedy struck at Al Aquabah, however, and the ProudBlades were killed almost to a man. Johann, growing more and more depressed as his men died on the long march back to Woolton until only three out of the nine survivors of the campaign remained and he began to question his decision to go to war every day for the next month.

Due to complications from a grievous wound suffered in Troyes during his first encounter with the NA, Johann was forced into early retirement from military service. He tried writing a book, but found drinking much more entertaining and lapsed into a life of liqeur, whores, and gambling until Sirion soldiers stormed Partora.

Now, much to his chagrin, he leads the same civilian Archer unit he had spent a year chasing monsters with into battle against the elves.

The Units

The Proud Blades

~PCW~ Mudfeet

~PSF~ Praetorian Hussars

~PSF~ Elf Plinkers