RedSpan Revealer/19th July 2006: Difference between revisions

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title=Change of Ruler in Abington|
title=Change of Ruler in Abington|
article= After a long hissy fight about stealing food from allied nations, a TL the King wished to ban which triggered a crisis when the Judge refused to, a second TL forced to apologize to an important local family and plenty of hulabuloo the reporter was banned for laughing uncontrollably. After these events a challenge to duel to the death was issued from Judge to King... after some chaos and several days of constipation in the royal loo the former King of Abington left the throne due to an inability to lead.
article= After a long hissy fight about stealing food from allied nations, a TL the King wished to ban which triggered a crisis when the Judge refused to, a second TL forced to apologize to an important local family for grievous insults and plenty of hulabuloo, including the judge challenging the King to a duel to the death the reporter was banned for laughing uncontrollably in lieu of having 'threatened' someone with a death oath to duel their family.  
After some more chaos and several days of constipation in the royal loo the former King of Abington left the throne due to an inability to lead.
Abington future was looking brighter with every day as a character with a reknowned legacy, roman numerals and a fancy name came to be the new Queen of Abby. Her name is Armitage III. It has truly come to pass that the grandchild of the legendary hero that saved Abington against innumerable odds has come to reign. This at a time where half a continent had made up it's will to test the members of Abington's ancient organization. Will the the strength of this prosperous land with it's near five hundred thousand citizens resist this gargantuan force? Is there truly any army that can partition Abington into three or even four seperate states? Will the NA be free to do what they please once the 'disruptive' Abington is removed from island politics? Will Atamara be embroiled in Total War? Or will Abington's geographical bottleneck and remote location at the southern tip of the continent once again prove an invincible Thermopylae?  
Abington future was looking brighter with every day as a character with a reknowned legacy, roman numerals and a fancy name came to be the new Queen of Abby. Her name is Armitage III. It has truly come to pass that the grandchild of the legendary hero that saved Abington against innumerable odds has come to reign. This at a time where half a continent had made up it's will to test the members of Abington's ancient organization. Will the the strength of this prosperous land with it's near five hundred thousand citizens resist this gargantuan force? Is there truly any army that can partition Abington into three or even four seperate states? Will the NA be free to do what they please once the 'disruptive' Abington is removed from island politics? Will Atamara be embroiled in Total War? Or will Abington's geographical bottleneck and remote location at the southern tip of the continent once again prove an invincible Thermopylae?  

Revision as of 17:00, 21 July 2006

Banner-D.png RedSpan Revealer
Price: Free Editor: Tony, Knight of Stargard & Itterind H. Grenviol, Knight of Stargard Issue No10 19th July 2006
Printed In Stargard

Disclaimer: The Redspan Revealer would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Redspan Government, Only that of an old Man.

All Change
Well....its been a very busy time since the last edition of the Revealer came out. And a lot of people taking up new positions. Shamus abdicated, Tony elected King, but abdicated next day due to family commitments, Manaydur is now the king. But thats not all, the high marshall job has been passed around as well. Tony stepped down, Leonard (RIP) was appointed the next general, but was killed leading the armies of Redspan in battle, now Dielo is the New High marshall and is doing a good job. AJ is back as Judge and Shamus is now Duke of Stargard.

Whats going to happen next?

Written by Tony

Old War Re-ignited
Yes, you guessed it the war mongering ASI has once again declared war on Abbington. They are like a broken record, that keeps on yelling about the Islands and how Abbington has betrayed them and broken the treaty. The Revealer has inside information on the messages that have been sent between the rulers.

Roleplay from Armitage III

"ASI want land that we own twice to three time longer than they had ever own it. And yes severals time we thought about giving part of it back to them as a sign of friendship and hope to gain an alliance. But events coming from ASI alway kept that from ever happening.

Again ASI threaten us by demanding 25% of our lands, two of our cities or they will declare war on us. They never offer us gold, trade of region, and even offer an alliance for it. They just demanded we give up 25% of our realm to them or else, and we get nothing."

Seems like Doc wanted an excuse for going to war. But yet again he has not taken on Abbington on his own. Oh no he has called on Minas Ithil and Talerium. I dont know what propaganda they have been spreading through their relams but the Minas ithil Messenger seems to have the wrong end of the stick Minas Ithil Messenger/July 06

More when it comes in.

Written by Tony

Peace With Tara?
With a new war on the horizon and a stalemate with the war with the NA, with equal armies in both Tandsu and Foda. Peace has been on the agenda for both rulers. But the first major proposal from Tara is that they want Tandus back as compensation for a war they started and losing! That's ingenious that is.

No wonder they are losing the war with that kind of intelligence. When proposed to the inner council the reply was the polite version.

Written by Tony

Rest In Peace Leonard
Leonard, High Marshall of Redspan was killed in Battle 2 weeks ago. He died at the front of his army fighting in the region of Tandsu. The battle was lost when our general died. Many nobles from all round the continent have sent in their commiserations to the family. Rest In Peace leonard, you will be missed.

Written By Tony

Tandsu Now Belongs to CE?
Yes, Tandsu after suffering many months of war have decided they want to become citizens of the CE. This has provided a buffer zone between Redspan and Tara. Hopefully this will help the peace treaty, but the chance of CE holding the region is a different matter, the stats are in an appaling stat, and there is only 300 peasents living in the region. Its going to take a long time to get the region back to its former glory.

Written By Tony

War goes on?
Will the war between Tara and Redspan rage on now that a buffer zone has come to existence? As mentioned earlier last time an offer was made Tara offered peace demanding Tandsu back as retribution. Would the new leader have been more reasonable? Currently the region is of little more importance then a space of empty land, as the village consisting of no more then 300+ peseants has decided to come under the protection of the Cagilan Empire. Word has yet to come from CE of a return of this province to her ally.

Nearly two days after Redspanian forces began retreating, together with and followed quickly by Abington TL's, Falasan began to move back to her home provinces to reassess the situation, believing their new situation with Tandsu implied a mutual cease-fire. This was not to be however as Tara quickly followed up it's new initiative and drove straight into Aigaling, capturing and wounding a few troop leaders, perhaps killing one or two of them and sending the rest reeling back to Barad Gardor.

What kind of reply will this elicit from the Falasan High Command and will it mean anything for the icy relationship between Da Goat's loyal followers and Tara? Troop TL's in Redspan are highly antagonistic despite Redspanian and Taran peace efforts.

As an anonymous* Redspanian TL put it: 'Before we were allied with Tara, we were fighting them. That's the way it's always been, the longer we fight them the more good TLs they kill I will never stop hating them. Even back in the days of de Rode Ridder we fought them in Rogeshore we fought them in Byblack,

We fought them in Stargard.'

[Request to quote name currently pending, but the editor was impatient enough to quote the actual text at once.]

Written by Itterind H. Grenviol

Change of Ruler in Abington
After a long hissy fight about stealing food from allied nations, a TL the King wished to ban which triggered a crisis when the Judge refused to, a second TL forced to apologize to an important local family for grievous insults and plenty of hulabuloo, including the judge challenging the King to a duel to the death the reporter was banned for laughing uncontrollably in lieu of having 'threatened' someone with a death oath to duel their family.

After some more chaos and several days of constipation in the royal loo the former King of Abington left the throne due to an inability to lead. Abington future was looking brighter with every day as a character with a reknowned legacy, roman numerals and a fancy name came to be the new Queen of Abby. Her name is Armitage III. It has truly come to pass that the grandchild of the legendary hero that saved Abington against innumerable odds has come to reign. This at a time where half a continent had made up it's will to test the members of Abington's ancient organization. Will the the strength of this prosperous land with it's near five hundred thousand citizens resist this gargantuan force? Is there truly any army that can partition Abington into three or even four seperate states? Will the NA be free to do what they please once the 'disruptive' Abington is removed from island politics? Will Atamara be embroiled in Total War? Or will Abington's geographical bottleneck and remote location at the southern tip of the continent once again prove an invincible Thermopylae?

Written by Itterind H. Grenviol

Views From Redspan
This is a section for the Populance of Redspan to leave their views on anything they want. Disclaimer= The writing here may not be the same views of the editors.

A note from the High Marshal- Wow, It's been almost two and a half weeks already since I was appointed. Time moves quickly in war. A war that seems to be wrapping itself up to a bigger war. I must admit that I do not like to see the war with Tara end. I, like many Redspanians would have liked to see Foda burn to the ground, but the time for that is ending. We are now faced with the problem of where we are going to focus our efforts.

We could assist Carelia against Caligan Empire. It would help ensure their success, and keep us out of the mess that Abington seems to be in. But Abington helped us so much during this war with Tara that it would not be right to leave them to suffer alone. But to what point and what purpose? Redspan can only claim 12,000CS that can move to away from Stargard. We are among the three weakest realms on the continent, and Abington is faced with three of the strongest six. They are also in the top catergory. So how is a tiny realm like Redspan going to have a snowball's chance in hell to make any sizeable difference in this war? We could split our forces and help both federation partners. We could even let the wars rage around us, and stay out completely. But which are we going to choose? All options have benefits and downfalls, some more than others.

But when will we decide? I have made my opinion clear to the rest of Redspan's High Council. I will lead our army to the end of the earth, even if Redspan does not choose my plan, but I need a decisive decision made before I can do anything.

Dielo Filador, High Marshal of Redspan