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A cheerful girl around the age of 17. She is a thief, and likes to steal when given the chance. Kali only listens to Night Hawk, and knows how to use daggers, and a shortsword.
==Strange Meetings==
==Strange Meetings==

Latest revision as of 03:27, 7 July 2006


A cheerful girl around the age of 17. She is a thief, and likes to steal when given the chance. Kali only listens to Night Hawk, and knows how to use daggers, and a shortsword.

Strange Meetings

The man definitely knew where he was going. After a time he stopped at a doorway with a sign next to it. The sign had a sword crossing a shield painted on it. The mark of a Mercenary Guild. As the man entered he adjusted the red bandanna on his head that covered a good part of his long, light brown hair.

As he entered the cool room few people glanced his way. People were at tables taking care of deals, drinking, playing cards, or a combination of the three. The man sat down at a table in the corner and waited until a serving girl came over.

Slowly he looked around the room. The place never changed. Poorly made wooden chairs and tables filled the room. The large, bald bartender sat behind the counter, and always had a dagger or knife on hand just in case things got rough. He was always watching the crowd with his beady black eyes. There were a few dart boards here and there missing pieces, and several rooms in the back for the more wealthy clients who wished to do business secretly.

"What'll it be sir?" A young serving girl not much more than a score of years old was standing next to the table. She had a nervous look on her face, like the man before her was one she'd rather not deal with. She quickly brushed a loose strand of her long blond hair out of her face.

"My usual." He looked straight at her when he said this. His piercing, hawk-like brown eyes seemed to penetrate the very being of a person, and the darkness behind them made people feel weaker than they were. This girl was no exception. The now terrified serving girl managed to nod before hurrying away. As she left an overweight man with short black hair and bright blue eyes came up to the table and threw his bag on the floor.

"Hey Night Hawk! How ya been? You' been gone for a while now. Somethin' like a month." He leans in and whispers something to Night Hawk. The smell of a lot of alcohol was on his breath. "Listen. I just got an excellent job opportunity, and thought I'd offer you a chance to join in on the fun. If you want in you'll be making forty percent. What do you think?"

"I think that if you want to live you can do better than that or forget it." He pushed the man back and he fell to the floor. As usual, few people turned from their business.

The man stumbled as he stood back up. "Sorry sir. How about fifty-fifty?"



"Leave! Or I'll end your worthless life now." One glare from Night Hawk caused the man to run.

The man ran away just as the serving girl appeared with his beer. "H-here you go sir. That'll be two coppers." He gave her three and with a quick nod she was one. He sat at the table just listening to some of the surrounding conversations.

"So. Can you kill him?"

"...worth it?"

"Maybe, but...




Then he takes his mug and drains it. He gets up and decides to go outside once more. He goes into his bag and takes out his cloak. Sitting in the guild hall wouldn't get him anywhere. Most of his deals were done outside. He only spent time there just for show.

Once outside he decided to take a walk through town, and maybe get some food. It was about midafternoon now. How long was he in the guild? The wind had picked up and he had to shield his eyes a bit. He hadn't eaten in a while and his stomach began to growl. He walked along the side streets and alleys. He didn't care. With a bow and sword on his back, confrontation was the least of his concerns. In fact he almost wanted trouble. He had an urge to do something that was bothering him for a while now. Unfortunately there weren't any shops in these side streets.

After a few hours of wandering around the town he found his way back to the merchant's square. It was about sunset at this point, he was still hungry, and the stands were still there bearing their many different colors all over the streets, and most of the vendors were closing up for the day.

As he came up on a corner he heard yelling. Just as he came around the side of a building someone ran into him and fell to the ground. He looked down and saw a young woman, barely out of girlhood kneeling on the ground wearing rags, and scrambling around trying to grab a bunch of fruit she'd dropped. "Watch where you're going!"

"What was that? You were the one r-"

He was cut short as a heavy man in the clothes of a merchant came running down the road shouting, "Thief! Thief!"

The girl got up, but just as she started to run Night Hawk grabbed her and held her there. "Sir? What seems to be the problem?"

"That girl you've got there is a thief. I want you to turn her in to the local patrols immediately."

Night Hawk looked at her and had to pity the girl. "You know she'll likely be made a servant or a brothel worker."

"Filth like her deserve it."

Night Hawk looked at her again, and under her short brown hair, her pleading, bright green eyes showed signs of hope that he'd be kind and help her out. Almost like he was a last hope. He thought for a moment about what to do but was once again interupted by the furious merchant.

"What are you waiting for? Go turn her in. Now!"

He decided it wouldn't be too bad to help her. What's another theif in the world? She'd probably be caught again anyway. "Was that an order?"

By this point a vein was bulging on the man's forehead. He was really angry now. "I suppose it was. Now do it."

With his free hand Night Hawk pinned the merchant to the wall of the nearest house. "Unless you're paying me, I'm not taking orders from you." To do this he had to release the girl.

The girl hesitated for a brief moment and thought she may have a chance to run. As she turned he let out an order like a bark. "Don't move, girl!" He gave the girl a piercing stare that hit her soul. By this time others who were leaving were stopping to look at the commotion. All they saw was a terrified girl, a merchant pinned to the wall by a warrior, and a bunch of apples on the ground.

Night Hawk reached into his pocket and pulled out three gold coins. He put the coins in the merchants hands. "This should be more than enough for the fruit. Get out of here before I change my mind." He gave the man the same stare that he gave the now shivering girl.

"Sir. I demand-"


"Of c-c-course." Night Hawk released the man who took the coins and ran.

Night Hawk ignored the girl for a moment and picked up a couple of the apples. He handed one to the girl, and after wiping his off on his sleeve he took a bite. The girl wasn't sure what to do, and stood motionless. "Why is a girl like you stealing?"

At this point many of the by standers were leaving, and only a couple watched to see if anything else would happen.

The girl ave him a matter-of-fact look before answering, "Why else? I have no money, and no home. I've never known my family. Plus I'm an orphan."

He leans against the building for a moment, and then sits down with his back against the wall. He motions for her to sit down next to him and she does. "So you tempt fate by stealing. What are you going to do now that you've been caught?"

As he said that the girl became incredibly tense. She stood up and started to back away. "I don't know. I've never been caught before... I can't stay here anymore. I'll be hunted by the local patrols in less than a week." She continued to back away. "What did you plan on doing with me?"


"Nothing? You can't be serious. You're just going to let me go? No strings attached?"

Night Hawk smiled and let out a short laugh. "Why should I care what happens to you? You're a thief."

The girl seemed taen aback by what he said and started to get angry. "Just a thief! I'm a human too, you know! How can you just leave a helpless girl like me alone in a town that will kill her?"

"So. Your helpless now? You seemed pretty brave and tough before."

"The girl was clearly angry. What kind of person are you?"

"I'm a mercenary. I have no attachments to anyone."

All of a sudden the anger seemed to subside. "You're a mercenary?"


"And you travel places to do work for money?"

"Part of the job."

"You really travel!?" The girl was excited now, and not angry. Her green eyes were brighter than ever. "Can I come with you? Please? I won't get in the way. I promise."


"No!? You didn't even think about it. Come on. Please?"

Night Hawk stood so he could leave, and she moved closer to him. "I need to get out of this town."

"I said no."

"I can use a dagger and with some training could use a sword."

Night Hawk was starting to get impatient now. "No."

The girl at this point was sounding very desperate. "Please?"


As Night Hawk was walking off she continued to follow him. "I'll follow every order you give, and will try my best to stay out of the way."

Night Hawk got an idea, and decided to give in. Her whining would be more annoying than abandoning her at the first chance he got. "What's your name?"

Caught off guard by his question she hesitated before answering. "I'm Kali. Wait... What does that have to do with anything?"

"I'm leaving town tomorrow at dawn. Either you're ready to leave or your not. I'll leave without you if you're not."

"You mean I can come?"

"If you obey my every order and stay out of my way."

Kali was so happy that she was going to go with him that she threw her arms around Night Hawk.

He pushed her off of himself immediately. "Get off of me." His look told her she'd crossed a line and immediately left him alone.

"Tomorrow. Outside of the Mercenary Guild. At dawn. If you're not there I'm leaving."

It then dawned on Kali that she didn't even know who she was traveling with. "Wait! I don't know you're name."

"You can call me Night Hawk. It's what everyone else calls me."

Night Hawk. She'd remember that. If only because of his piercing eyes hawk-like eyes, and the darkness behind them.

"Alright then. I'll be there. Tomorrow at dawn."

Then they parted leaving the area empty of everything but sand, rocks, and the occasional lizard. When they were no longer within sight of each other she realized one more thing. She didn't know where the mercenary guild was.

Night Hawk walked through the streets. What had he gotten himself into? What if the girl did show up? He'd have to travel with her. The idea wasn't that appealing.

Eventually he found a supply shop marked by the crossed candles. He went inside and looked around. The shop keeper was an older woman who had seen many years in her time. She greeted him with a quick glance and a smile, and then she ignored him while he looked around.

He studied the goods on the shelves, looking for the better quality ones. There was no real place for them. They were just grouped together by what they were. He eventually decided on a small cloak, a travel bag, some cheese, travel biscuts, dried fruit, a couple of water bottles, and a few other miscellanious things.

As he approached the woman looked at the goods. "You know that cloak looks to be too small for you."

"Don't worry about it. How much?"

"For all of it I'd say four golds, two silvers, and a copper. However, since you are buying such a small cloak I'll let you have it for four and three."

"Fine." Night Hawk extracted the coins and decided that he'd gone crazy. Why did he expect the girl to show up? Why was he buying extra supplies for her? Was it because he was an orphan like her? Maybe. Then again, maybe he was just crazy. He'd go with that. He had no room for sympathy. Not for anyone.

Shortly afterwards he walked back to the mercenary guild. He'd stay there for the night and be ready just before dawn.

Kali walked down the street in a cheerful mood. She could finally leave this town and not have to worry about being caught and enslaved or being forced to work in the whore houses.

She walked quickly down the dark streets, and searched for the mercenary guild. She had to find it. It was her only chance to escape this life of hers.

As she walked she found one of the few people who walked around after dark. She was cautious since most of these people were criminals. The tall man was partly hidden by the shadows, and looked at her as she approached.

"What's a little girl like you doing out at this hour?"

Kali was a little scared by how he spoke to her and backed up a step. "E-excuse me. Where is the mercenary guild located?"

"Mercenary guild? Ha! You are mine girl."

"Stay away from me!" Kali pulled out her dagger and lunged at the mand stabbing him in the side with the dagger. As she pulled it out the man screamed in pain and threw her aside.

After a minute the man got up and started after her holding his bleeding side in pain. "You bitch! Get over here!"

Kali turned and ran. She quickly moved through the side streets and the man lumbered after her. She was still faster and kept ahead of the shadowy giant. Just as quickly as she escaped she realized she'd found a dead end. She could hear the man coming closer from the street. She looked around desperately and found a few overhangs. If she could reach them from the small pile of barrels she could escape.

She quickly climbed the barrels and had to jump to reach the first overhang. The second was a bit easier to reach. The man had come around the corner just as he pulled herself onto the roof of the building. The man cursed at her, but she didn't pay any attention to it. She didn't want to leave and risk finding that man again. She was also tired. She'd worn herself out from running. She'd have to get up early and look for the mercenary guild then. She then blacked out on the roof of the building.

The next morning she woke up. She looked and saw that the sun was rising. She'd overslept! She was going to lose her only opportunity to find a new life! She had to get down quickly.

She then heard the door slam to the building she was in. She looked over the roof and she couldn't believe her eyes. It was Night Hawk! She'd somehow found the right building and didn't even know it. With a quick leap she jumped down to an overhang and then let go and lightly dropped down the last six feet to the ground.

The next day just before dawn Night Hawk was packed and ready to go. He looked to the east and saw the sun rising. If she wasn't there in another minute he was going to leave and be rid of her for good.

The thought of that made him smile until he heard a light thud behind him. He turned around and there was Kali. Wearing clothes slightly better than the rags from yesterday, but not much. "Hi!" She was cheerful too. This wasn't going to be good.

"You'd better be ready. I may not come back here."

The girl began to get a little nervous at that thought, but shook it off and let out a simple answer, "Ready."