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It was growing.
It was growing.
The group sat on the ground making final preparations.At sunset they would enter the howling waste.
The landscape meant that the horses would have to be left in the eaves of the forest.They had found a natural hollow in the ground that sheltered them from the elements.They had to make ready for battle.
Tadhg pulled on his breastplate.He buckled it on with a sense of purpose.The rest of his armour soon followed.
Finally all that was left was the helmet made by the armourer in Tara.He looked over it and remembered those days that seemed an age ago.
He noticed a symbol covered in the blood of recent battles.He rubbed it off and discovered the symbol of the wolfhound that he had forgotten was there.He pulled on the helmet with a sigh.
He looked round at the men that surrounded him.He thought back on the day when he had entered the council hall full of excitement at a great adventure.It had been something he had wished for for since he was a boy of six.
It had finally come and it was something different than he had ever expected.The only thing that kept him going was the thought that he could someday return to Tara.
He petted wolfbane unconciously and waited for Dusk to approach.
Aeryck watched as his friend donned his armour. There was oviously alot on Tadhg's mind. Aeryck imagined that it would probably serve better not to trouble him at this early hour. Instead, he would only sit and wait, keeping watch over Tadhg in the meantime.
The group walked through the murky forest.The gloom sucked the strength from Tadhg.
"I hear whispering.There is something in the forest."
Tadhg gripped his axe as tightly as he was able.He was sweating profusely,despite the freezing wind.
He looked around and saw the point where the gloom was darkest.
"Its coming from that clearing" he said rather unnecessarily.The entire party were already staring at the point.
Tadhg felt a pull.His body seemed to have a mind of its own.He started walking towards the clearing.His mind was screaming stop but his body did not respond.He knew the rest of them were feeling the same.
They stepped into the clearing and blackness closed in on them.....
As Aeryck felt the strange tug at his body it seemed that he should want to move into the clearing as the others were doing, yet he didn't move at first. He could feel the pull, but at the same time, it was as if he had a choice to go or not. Perhaps this breastplate had stranger properties than he had first imagined.
Seeing Tadhg lead the group, Aeryck quickly decided to stay at his friend's side. Tadhg had been acting strangely these last few days of travel, and Aeryck had been quite concerned. He would not abandon him now. He would fall by his side, or see his brother home, one or the other.
Aeryck moved forward into the clearing, at Wolfbane's flank, and was suddenly surrounded by darkness...

Revision as of 20:54, 3 April 2006

The end of the journey fast approaches.The greatest test the group has faced is coming.In the north they will find their destiny.In the Howling Waste

The group camped on the border.The snow fell hard and there was no chance for a fire.

Tadhg sat scratching wolfbane's head as he looked at the waste that confonted them.

The Barony of Makar was a desolate place as far as he could see.The ice spread out like a giant sheet spread over the landscape.In the distance he could see the beginning of trees.

Even here he could see the darkness spreading around it.

It was as if a gloom emanated from it.They called it the Howling Waste.

Something even more sinister was there than the usual wolves and bloodthirsty northmen.

"We move out,now" he said as he walked towards the huddled group.

He could feel a darkness hanging within his soul.It was like a great weight around his neck.

He hefted Dunmharu and stuck it on his back.

When they were mounted they rode out.They could not help but think of the darkness ahead of them.

It was growing.

The group sat on the ground making final preparations.At sunset they would enter the howling waste.

The landscape meant that the horses would have to be left in the eaves of the forest.They had found a natural hollow in the ground that sheltered them from the elements.They had to make ready for battle.

Tadhg pulled on his breastplate.He buckled it on with a sense of purpose.The rest of his armour soon followed.

Finally all that was left was the helmet made by the armourer in Tara.He looked over it and remembered those days that seemed an age ago.

He noticed a symbol covered in the blood of recent battles.He rubbed it off and discovered the symbol of the wolfhound that he had forgotten was there.He pulled on the helmet with a sigh.

He looked round at the men that surrounded him.He thought back on the day when he had entered the council hall full of excitement at a great adventure.It had been something he had wished for for since he was a boy of six.

It had finally come and it was something different than he had ever expected.The only thing that kept him going was the thought that he could someday return to Tara.

He petted wolfbane unconciously and waited for Dusk to approach.

Aeryck watched as his friend donned his armour. There was oviously alot on Tadhg's mind. Aeryck imagined that it would probably serve better not to trouble him at this early hour. Instead, he would only sit and wait, keeping watch over Tadhg in the meantime.

The group walked through the murky forest.The gloom sucked the strength from Tadhg.

"I hear whispering.There is something in the forest."

Tadhg gripped his axe as tightly as he was able.He was sweating profusely,despite the freezing wind.

He looked around and saw the point where the gloom was darkest.

"Its coming from that clearing" he said rather unnecessarily.The entire party were already staring at the point.

Tadhg felt a pull.His body seemed to have a mind of its own.He started walking towards the clearing.His mind was screaming stop but his body did not respond.He knew the rest of them were feeling the same.

They stepped into the clearing and blackness closed in on them.....

As Aeryck felt the strange tug at his body it seemed that he should want to move into the clearing as the others were doing, yet he didn't move at first. He could feel the pull, but at the same time, it was as if he had a choice to go or not. Perhaps this breastplate had stranger properties than he had first imagined.

Seeing Tadhg lead the group, Aeryck quickly decided to stay at his friend's side. Tadhg had been acting strangely these last few days of travel, and Aeryck had been quite concerned. He would not abandon him now. He would fall by his side, or see his brother home, one or the other.

Aeryck moved forward into the clearing, at Wolfbane's flank, and was suddenly surrounded by darkness...