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"Hey."  Alyssa said breathily as she took in the sight of the beautiful woman before her and the delightful and intimate situation they found themselves in.
"Hey."  Alyssa said breathily as she took in the sight of the beautiful woman before her and the delightful and intimate situation they found themselves in.
Sloughing off her dirty road clothes in the quiet room had given Isana a moment to relax her racing pulse, to think, and then to daydream about her dearheart and sharing the bath together. Excitement sent shivers rolling across her shoulders. The hot water began to stream into the bath and she went straight in to test it on her tired feet. A deep sigh escaped her lips as the water enveloped her, so hot that it tingled.
Alyssa returned as she was halfway in. Isana looked over her shoulder and grinned flirtatiously at her partner who stared back with wide eyes. Isana turned to continue her descent into the pool, moving slowly in case those darling bright blue eyes wished to wander.
"Oh dear it is amazing.." Isana sighed appreciatively. She sank deeply into the pool and let the hot water embrace her sore fighting muscles.
Still dressed, Alyssa walked over to begin a careful exploration of all the amenities on the shelf. Isana peered out of one eye to see what she was up to, and raised one brow.
"Only one very important element..." Isana called teasingly from the pool looking up at her from the edge.
"Hasty darling."
Isana grinned at the saucy scolding and watched as her love deftly spun her long golden hair up into a bun. She was about to protest as Alyssa walked away from the pool again, then fabric found the floor and it was Isana’s turn to stare. Healed scars decorated the smooth skin that curved from her shoulders down to her hips. The dark-haired knight realized she had never had an opportunity to admire her love’s beautiful body like this, on display where she could see, not in the dark or hidden under blankets. She was mesmerized as Alyssa turned and sauntered slowly toward her, reflected light off the pool’s water dancing across her athletic form. She reached one hand up to guide Alyssa down the steps into the pool, and as their fingers touched, the room disappeared as her attention was focused entirely on the siren of a woman sinking into the water beside her. The sky in which she glowed.
Isana replied in a whisper. Her eyes were bright, and a soft open smile curved her lips. She lifted Alyssa’s hand out of the water and kissed it. “You are astounding, my Sky,” She said softly. She glided closer through the deep water until their legs touched, sliding against each other in the heat. Their eyes met, startled with the intense sensuality of the feeling.
Isana took a deep breath. She had been vividly imagining being together exquisitely close in the pool, yet still the sensation and immediacy of it stunned her. She blinked twice and offered a startled grin. “I um, that feels really nice,” she murmured.
Alyssa nodded, her eyes wide and a smile playing about her lips. The younger woman leaned forward delicately toward the adorably flustered face of her gallant knight and, careful not to touch her under water, gave her love a sweet little kiss. Isana beamed at her, stars in her eyes, and moved to gather her closer, but Alyssa was moving in the other direction. She felt a tug at her hand once again and let herself be drawn to the pool's edge near the basket of fragrant soaps and brushes. Rose, lavender, citrus, mint, and sandalwood wafted to Isana’s nose.
“Now, let’s get you properly clean so we can... relax, mm?” Alyssa queried, still with that little breathlessness in her voice.
The tip of Isana's tongue poked out between her smiling teeth in jovial admission of the arrangement. “Of course My Lady,” she said with a head tilt for a bow as she drifted close. Her free arm brushed along Alyssa’s back as she approached the side of the pool and she innocently pretended not to notice, instead peering into the basket, long dark hair a waterfall across her shoulders. “Is lavender acceptable?”

Revision as of 04:21, 9 September 2020

Content Warning: Nudity, Sexual Content


Alyssa inspected the room carefully. Her staff tidied and cleaned her chambers daily, though Alyssa herself kept her bedroom neat and organized at all times which gave the cleaning staff little to do most times. Making it even easier was the fact that the Imperatrix's personal chamber was not particularly grandiose, and was spartan in its furnishings, and even moreso in its decor.

The big four-posted bed was perhaps the most lavish furnishing, and even it would be considered simple by most noble standards. A pair of sturdy chairs sat on the large rug that spanned most of the gray stone floor, by the hearth, whose mantle held one of the room's few decorations, a long, thin curved sword, traditional of the Isles, on a display hanging above. Beside the fire, lay a sleeping dog, resting from their play earlier in the morning.

Alyssa watched her pup sleep peacefully. Our peace ends soon, sweet boy. She thought to herself from her place in the window nook. It was then she heard a voice call out from the solar below. Shadow's ears perked up as he woke with a start, rushing quickly to the doorway. Alyssa's heart quickened as well, as hope welled within her. Footsteps echoed up the stairs which Shadow answered with a loud bark and a glance at Alyssa, in the event she had not heard it. She looked down at him, and pointed her finger at the floor and he sat obediently and quiet, though his tail still wagged with anticipation as the door opened.

As the door opened, Aly's heart soared; her woman, the tall dark-haired knightess met her eyes a smiled a joyful smile. A smile of love, and gentleness, and reunion. Shadow was first on her of course, rushing up to her and bouncing excitedly at the return of his mistress's lady. Alyssa's own smile turned into a line as she exasperatedly called him to heel. Isana only giggled at the dog's excitement, giving him a gentle pet and rushing forward herself to pull Alyssa into tight embrace, sweeping her off her feet for a moment, setting her down and touching their foreheads together.

Alyssa tilted her head up and met her lover's lips, giving a satisfied hmmm as her shoulders relaxed for perhaps the first time since Isana had left. "My warrior." She muttered nuzzling the other's chin sweetly.

Her eyes fell to the big wooden rondache still strapped to her arm. Her hand felt its way from Isana's back, up her arm to the strap, which she undid gracefully and slid it from her arm looking carefully at the front, their two crests together. "Did it keep you safe, my love?" Alyssa asked, spotting a couple places where the paint had been scraped. Good. She thought pleased with the shield's performance, keeping her darling safe, as she set it down near the bed, where her sword lay in its scabbard. She exhaled contentedly as she returned to her partner, taking both her hands in her own.

"Welcome home, Isana."


Shadow’s bark echoed down the staircase. That sound had once startled and worried Isana; now she felt the wide toothy grin of excitement spread across her face at the sound. She’s home!

The stairs disappeared two at a time under long riding boots up to the door of Alyssa’s chamber. She flung the door open without pause, her eager eyes rewarded with Alyssa waiting in anticipation. That moment the wriggling Shadow lost patience and leaped up to give his own greeting. Isana scruffled his ears for a half second, but would not be pulled from her intent. There was something she needed to do. Isana closed the distance between them and wrapped Aly up in a tight hug, lifting her darling love up off the floor in joyous homecoming. This is what life is for, she thought blissfully. They shared a sweet kiss, and Isana felt tense muscles relax under her hands as Alyssa nuzzled her.

“Hmmm. My warrior.”

Isana blushed with pride at the title. Her lips tingled from the kiss. She pressed them together then smiled. Alyssa’s fingers worked nimbly at the rondache straps around her arm and removed the favour. Isana flexed her tired arm and watched as her love’s eyes caressed the artwork of their combined heraldry, fingertips noting the few marks where lances had been turned aside by its sturdy surface. Mesmerized by the graceful movements, Isana stood rooted to the spot. How did I get so lucky?

“Did it keep you safe, my love?”

She felt warmth tingle up her neck at the care in those words, and nodded. Alyssa’s effortless steps across the room were a dance to the tall knight and she absorbed the sight like morning sunlight. Aly set the shield down by her own sword and returned to grasp her hands. Warm strength wrapped around Isana’s fingers dispelled her admiring reverie like a soap bubble and she focused again, feeling entirely in the moment.

“Welcome home, Isana.”

“Thank you, my sweet sky,” Isana replied reverently, her ocean-deep gaze taking in every detail of Alyssa’s lightly tanned, and quietly smiling face. “I missed you.”

She leaned in very slowly, slower still, felt the gentle warmth of her darling as they got closer, and caught a tiny quirk lift the corner of Alyssa’s mouth from this teasing behaviour. Isana giggled, leaned down and kissed her love full on those beautiful, sternly-smiling lips.

Their foreheads rested together gently. “There is nobody as delightful as you, Aly,” Isana professed, and nuzzled her love’s nose. There was a feeling of impending wry sarcasm at this wholesale compliment to her stoic darling, so Isana continued, “None in the world. An’ I’ve lived on two continents, you know. So I’m an expert.”

Aly let out a peal of surprised laughter at the ridiculous statement and Isana grinned. “You doubt it!” she exclaimed in mock insult. She wrapped her arms tightly around her dearest woman again and lifted and spun her in the room. Shadow jumped and barked, dancing alongside the laughing lovers.

Several kisses and four feet on the ground later (eight if you counted Shadow), the two women stood embracing in the middle of what was now their bedchamber.

It was an enormous thought, Isana mused, with Alyssa's hair soft against her face as she buried her nose into the hollow of her shoulder. Togetherness. It was overwhelming and amazing. There was little consideration in her mind for the scenarios that had previously worried her: this woman, beloved of her heart, was also her liege and general. Once she had been concerned about what the realm would think, what powerful nobles like Sir Nemean might imply of their relationship. It went against her own traditional sense of order and propriety, the Way Things Are Done as she had been taught. And yet here there was such trust, strength, and acceptance, she could not even consider anything to be awry, would defend this love til the end of her days. Perhaps it would be wise to keep an eye on that horizon. Later.

Isana stood back with her hands rested around Alyssa’s waist and sighed happily. “My love, may I regale you with tales of the grandeur and frivolity of the Tournament?” She made as though to lead them to the bed to sit, then paused. “Mmm, Aly? Do you always keep your sword beside the bed?”



"Mhm." Alyssa nodded assuringly as her love walked her towards the bed, hand in hand. "Something I picked up pretty quickly after I was knighted. An attack can come at any time, even night. A knight should always be ready to protect herself, the weak, and the one she loves." She said with a matter-of-fact nod. Alyssa sat down on the edge of their bed, facing Isana and holding her hands. She did not really want to talk about her sword right now. Their reunion was to be a happy one and thinking about night attacks and the potential assassins her sword might fend off would only put both of them on edge. Not today. Today will be for us.

She mustered a sweet smile, looking up adoringly at her partner who met her eyes. Alyssa let go of her hands only to wrap her arms around her and lay her head against her chest, closing her eyes as she listened to the comforting rhythm of the heart that she knew beat for her, pounding in time with her own that beat for Isana. The tower had always felt lonely, detached. It was so far away from most of the rest of the palace, and there were no other nobles that ever came to the tower. Just her staff and her soldiers occupied the tower, and while she took pride in them, they were not company, and they were certainly not her love. To have her here, now, meant everything. She would no longer spend her days alone, but with the woman who could make her smile, whose warmth comforted her in the cold dark of night, and whose spirit inspired and livened her. This was no longer Alyssa's home. It was theirs.

She opened her eyes again, spotting the sword leaned against the wall, and watching it for a moment. The grip was worn from use. I'll need to get that replaced soon.

"So." Alyssa said tilting her chin up with a warm smile to meet her eyes and resting her arms lightly and casually on Isana's hips. "Tell me my sweet handsome knight of your gallantry. Tell me of fellowship, and bravery and honour. Leave out no detail. Especially your gallantry."



Isana grinned.

“Keeping your knight protector safe, my dear, you’re so sweet.”

She winked. Alyssa’s hands on her hips were more than a little bit distracting and she felt entirely flirtatious despite being tired and covered in road dust. Isana placed her hands over Alyssa’s and wrapped her fingers underneath. She lifted the entwined hands and stepped back to kneel, maintaining the hands reverently in front of her gallantly smiling face, almost as though she were being knighted once more.

“As you wish, a tale you shall have! It all began with a parade of much ceremony and grandeur, wherein my most beloved liege, commander, and dearest heart presented to me an inspiration of unsurpassed merit and beauty, just like herself.”

She kissed each of the hands held in her own and maintained Alyssa’s gaze unblinkingly as she did so, blush still high on her tanned cheeks. Humour quirked at the corners of her lips and Isana made an effort to hold a serious, heroic, storytelling tone.

“Amor vincit omnia - love conquers all! None can fight so gallantly as those who have been so honoured. Victory certain, onward we journeyed, Cedric and I alone, carried by the fine steeds Blizzard and Tempus. We had a splendid and spirited ride through the foothills and up to Castle Ubent’s impressive walls. Arriving at dusk, the grounds were lit with torches, banners from across the continent hanging high in the shadows.”

Isana squeezed the hands held in her own and stood up to continue the tale. Alyssa sat quietly, a bemused smile about her lips.

"Cedric, dutiful lad, took the horses. All around there was sound: music, voices, frivolity! Within moments I had spotted Dustiria, young Jacelyn Goldwater, and a very well-watered Lucius Poe speaking together in the avenue. Sir Poe was in excellent spirits, and willing to show us all back to the tavern. We set up at a large table in the midst of nobility from across the continent. Drinks were flowing, the mead was delicious--though not quite Belmont quality, I'm certain the atmosphere was partly to credit. There were toasts! And then Delphine appeared..."

She leaned in conspiratorially close to Alyssa and continued.

"The Lady Delphine joined the group in a unique fashion--with a hearty swat to Jacelyn's backside and downing a pint in one go!"



Alyssa gazed at her partner fondly, a warm weary smile fixed on her face as her gallant knightess kneeled before her, their hands clasped together. Alyssa let out a brief, rare chuckle as Isana began her tale, and allowed herself a slight blush at the compliment of her merit and beauty. The other was quite handsome herself, Alyssa thought, but dared not interrupt her lover's tale. She wore her smile throughout, and turned her head upwards as Isana stood before her and gave her hands a loving little squeeze while she continued. She found it amazing what an effect a little pressure could have on her, her heart beating quickly with love for the woman before her.

Then she leaned in and Alyssa felt very much their closeness, and would have put an arm around her had her hands not been otherwise occupied with Isana's. "The Lady Delphine joined the group in a unique fashion--with a hearty swat to Jacelyn's backside and downing a pint in one go!"

Isana finished with giggle and a smile.

Alyssa frowned slightly at the mention of Delphine and her assault upon Sir Jacelyn. "I hope Sir Jacelyn was not... embarassed at this display. It is a bit inappropriate to do such a thing."

Isana's tilted her head in curiousity, though her face quickly broke into a mischievous grin. "So." She said, gently swaying their arms back and forth "You're saying I shouldn't do that the next the king has a party."

Alyssa returned a concerned glare. "Isana..." She said somewhat scandalously. "You would embarrass your lady?" She raised an eyebrow with playful challenge. "Before the realm?"

"Hm..." Isana continued with an exaggerated gesture and a wink. "Maybe not before the realm then."

"Mhmmm...." Alyssa trailed off trying to look serious but failing. "We'll see, darling. First." She paused matter-of-factly. "You must tell me what happened next at this tavern. And of course I desire to hear of my love's bravery on the field." Alyssa gave her partner's hands a squeeze and pulled her gently towards her into her lap. Isana was still a bit dusty from the road, but Alyssa did not care. She was here now, in her arms. Isana wrapped her arms around Alyssa's shoulder, excitedly continuing her tale.



Isana resisted her love’s pull in an attempt to keep her road dust to herself, but found the strong swordswoman’s gentle tug was insistent and finally fell onto the waiting lap.

“Augh! Aly-dear, you’re so clean and dressed so nicely, and now I’ve gotten sweaty road dust all over you,” Isana protested mournfully.

“You already spun me about, ‘Sana darling; the deed is done. I would not have you remain outside my touch,” Alyssa chided back, mischief in her sensible tone and the slightest sparkle in those blue eyes.

Isana paused at this and held her love’s gaze with chagrin as she realized that yes, Alyssa’s outfit had already been subtly dusted in her enthusiastic greeting. Sheepishly she bit her lip and brushed at the traces of reddish dust that clung to Alyssa’s front.

“Ah, sorry dear. Or, not sorry? Mmm. To your first question, yes I did think it strange and improper for Delphine to behave in such a way. It came out over the evening that perhaps they were more than passing familiar. Either way, that did not cause such a stir as what happened next!”

Isana grinned in remembered mischief and resumed her gallant recounting. Alyssa settled her animated dearheart more evenly on her lap as the tall woman spoke.

“Sir Lucius began a spectacular tale, standing high on a chair. He seemed possessed by the spirit of the tale, quite strange really. As it concluded he rode the chair in a topple down to the ground among cheers! Soon after Sir Berwin, the Lady Storme, Sir Kenneth, and Lady Chamberlain all arrived, and we Perdanese were by far the loudest crew in the tavern! Rounds all round! Some foreign fellow stumbled past outside clad in… well, unclad, entirely. That’s about the latest event I recall… after that point, I remember waking up next morning to Cedric’s harassment to get suited up for the tournament.”

She blushed at this admission of drunkenness, feeling in hindsight that perhaps she ought to have been more conscientious. She forged on bravely with the story, putting the apprehensive anticipation of some disapproval from her love to the back of her mind and looking away as she spoke so as not to catch any wayward expression.

“The day dawned grey and moody, but soon the cloud was burnt away by blazing mountain sun as we suited up for honest combat. Your Lady, finely armed with new shield proclaiming for all the world her allegiance and inspiration, bested her first opponent in less than half a minute! Your overrun strategy was the key,” Isana beamed proudly and continued. “The next match was a tough one against the eventual second-place finisher in the tournament, and I turned aside many blows with strength and fervour but in the end was no match. Unhurt and full of fire, I stood by with Tempus to await the joust. Oh Aly, it was such a grand day for jousting! Just enough of a breeze to catch the banners high and keep the mounts cool, but not enough to stir the dust. The first two matches were incredible. A single hit…”

Isana jumped to her feet to pantomime the motion. She scurried across the room excitedly in the telling.

“A feint on the first dismounted my opponent in one run, and almost the same for the second, though such a large man he was, taking him down nearly unhorsed me! Thus I reached the third round, for the first time since moving to Perdan!”

Isana stooped to pick up the rondache and brought it closer to Aly, running her fingers across two of the marks to note them where she could see.

“Alas, there would be progress no further this tournament. It was well you had this built so sturdy, my love. Being in your favour kept me horsed through two real solid hits. I couldn’ hold after that, though. I fell in the third round to a worthy opponent, having done you proud, I hope.”

She let the rondache sink down toward the floor once more, squared her shoulders, and looked admiringly to Alyssa with a quieter, one-sided smile.

“I’ve never fought with a favour of inspiration,” she said softly, as she met the smiling pools of blue looking up at her and felt a thrill race up her spine that had nothing to do with the tournament, “it sure works. And I thank you for inspiring me every day, darling.”



Alyssa felt a little pang of loss as the lovely woman on her lap departed back to her two agile feet, but that pang was replaced with delight as her morning star animatedly recounted her tale, gesturing with her arms in sweeping motions. She smiled a wide, bright smile, one she did not often show and one that perhaps Isana herself may be the only person to have ever seen. A light and breezy giggle escaped her lips. In this moment she knew was pure happiness, joy and love. The ghosts, the army, the city; the battles she could not forget and the wars to come, all melted away from her as this sweet, pure, and honest woman excitedly told her tale. I love you, Isana Everlight.

“I’ve never fought with a favour of inspiration,” she said softly, as she met the smiling pools of blue looking up at her and felt a thrill race up her spine that had nothing to do with the tournament, “it sure works. And I thank you for inspiring me every day, darling.”

"I could say the same about you. Every battle I've fought, defeat I've suffered, hardship faced has been worth it to be here with you right now. And if I can inspire you, my love, then I shall continue work relentlessly to so." She reached up and gently placed her hand on her love's cheek. Her skin was soft and Alyssa felt her lean slightly into her palm. The pair smiled adoringly at each other for what felt like blissful eternity. Alyssa moved her hand from Isana's cheek to her waist as she wrapped her arms around and hugged her tightly, resting her head once more against Isana's heart.

"I don't mind a little dust, my darling, Our Lady knows I have worn my fair share of it too. And in some ways it is a bit ruggedly handsome..." She slid her hand to Isana's hip and gazed up at her fancifully. Isana's cheeks flushed slightly where Alyssa's hand had been. Alyssa stood up and took her hand, feeling a bit bold. "Still, our bedroom was just cleaned this morning, it won't do for the two of us to get dirt about so soon. So come, dear woman. You know I have little interest in vain luxury, but there are a few good things about living in a palace."

She took her hand and strode boldly towards the bedchamber door.

She had always found Duke Smiddich's palatial bathhouses garish and overtly lavish. The main pool was enormous and frequently used though Alyssa never came there. She had always been a naturally private person, and she had heard that when the bath was full it could be quite noisy. She frowned slightly at the thought as they passed the corridor leading to the main chamber and instead Aly led her partner by the hand to a hallway with a series of expertly frosted, nearly opaque glass doors.

"It's a bit far from the Tower to walk for an every-day cleaning, but... I do like to come down here sometimes to relax. They have boilers below that keep the bathwater hot." Alyssa explained as Isana opened the room to reveal a similarly luxurious suite with a stone pool large enough easily for three or four people set slightly off center, pipes built into the stone pouring water into the pool. Lush green plants and bright cushions decorated the rest of the floorspace, while cushioned benches lined the walls nearby alongside ornate shelves filled with drying cloths, vials of scented oils, soaps, hairpins, razors, and other assorted grooming tools. "Technically..." Alyssa continued, biting her lip "The private suites are for the duke and his guests, but I have never been questioned when I use them. I am not sure if I count as a guest." Isana seemed to smile at that.

Alyssa fidgeted as the image of her partner bathing in the small warm pool flashed into her mind. "I will go let the attendants know you'll be using it. I... will need to change at some point too." She said looking down at her dress still somewhat dirty from Isana's bounding hug earlier. "Is there... anything else you'll need, dearest?"



Lightheaded from the excitement of relating her tournament experience, with fire racing on her skin where Alyssa’s hands had touched, Isana felt in a daze as she nodded and followed her fair-haired lady out of the bedchamber and away. Alyssa’s hand holding hers was warm and smooth. Isana smiled in comfort and belonging as she realized: she would follow this woman anywhere she had a mind to take her. I love you so, Alyssa Kingsley.

As Alyssa led them into the palatial bathhouse, wide-eyed amazement dispelled Isana’s daze. It was beautifully over-warm in here dressed as she was, humid, with water sparkling everywhere, fine polished stone underfoot, and everything her wildest dreams could have imagined for the most luxuriant bath. As Isana feasted on the sights, Alyssa spoke.

"I will go let the attendants know you'll be using it. I... will need to change at some point too." She said looking down at her dress still somewhat dirty from Isana's bounding hug earlier. "Is there... anything else you'll need, dearest?"

Isana glanced up at the hesitant tone in her voice and noted Alyssa was fidgeting with the seam of her gown. She intends to leave? But… this bathhouse, a private room... that bold tone earlier… Have I been wrong to imagine it was intended as a perfectly romantic homecoming tryst? Perhaps Alyssa has business to attend to. Isana squashed the tendrils of disappointment that began to tug at her. That is your own assumption, Isana! Don’t project that on someone else. Another thought wiggled in, and Isana looked up through her lashes to try and gauge... Perhaps her darling was feeling shy..? Let’s see…

“Mmm, I have an idea, love.”

Isana closed the small distance between them in the floral-scented heat of the bathing room. She slowly lifted her arms to drape over Alyssa’s shoulders and lightly cross behind her head, bringing their faces close together. Alyssa tensed slightly in reaction, then met Isana’s green-blue gaze and quirked an eyebrow, a smile hinting about her mouth. They were so close Isana could feel Aly’s breath cool across her skin. A fetching blush coloured the blonde woman’s cheekbones in the heat, and Isana’s breath caught at how beautiful she was in the glow.

“Maybe...” She began, then Isana’s eyes glanced to the lips that curved inches from hers. She paused to brush a light kiss there, slowly and temptingly. “Maybe your gallant knight sends a note,” another kiss, “to tell her Page to fetch us fresh garments,” a longer kiss this time, and Isana caught Alyssa’s lower lip in a gentle nibble. “...and you stay awhile,” a fleeting kiss to her blushing cheekbone, “ make sure your knight’s cleanliness is to your liking?”

The last few words were murmured against Alyssa’s parted lips and soft cheek. Isana’s heart raced as though she were lined up for a joust, without the tension. Alyssa relaxed against her, their hips leaned comfortably together. Beloved sapphire eyes lifted slowly to meet hers and Isana gazed adoringly into them, an elated smile widening across her lips at the togetherness of the moment--whether it was to be the start of an extended afternoon together, or just a fleeting heartbeat. I am the luckiest knight in Perdan. She continued, her voice low and warm.

“Because this bath has nearly everything, my love, but it would be missing a very important element that has been missing for several days, and I wish to bear that absence no longer…” she leaned slightly to touch their foreheads together. “...You.”

Isana slowly loosened her arms and curved them to run her hands down Alyssa’s back and clasp around her waist, holding her gently and sensually close. She nuzzled at the tanned nose and queried sweetly.

“Would you grant me the delight, darling, of sharing this exquisite bath for a spell?” She grinned in good humour, “Now that I’ve done my utmost to convince you that it is a good plan?”



“Would you grant me the delight, darling, of sharing this exquisite bath for a spell?” She grinned in good humour, “Now that I’ve done my utmost to convince you that it is a good plan?”

"Uh huh..." Alyssa nodded dumbly without breaking contact from the deep blue-green she matched with.  She herself, mostly without thinking had leaned into her partner, pressing herself tightly against her, as her heart thrummed quickly, her face flushed with excitement at Isana's boldness and the sudden intimacy.  Alyssa felt very warm all of a sudden and she realized the heated water had not even been started yet, and no steam yet filled the room; she gulped as her breathing settled into a heavy rhythm.

"We should... do that."

Isana's smiled widened brightly at this and she took a step back, her hands lingering for a second on Alyssa's waist before they parted and Isana began towards the frosted glass door.  Before she got far Alyssa reached out and took her hand, giving her a gentle tug.  She looked back at her with a sweet curiosity.

"My Dawn," She began, clasping her other hand around their intertwined fingers.  "Please you've been gone all week, I'll take care of getting everything set up.  I'll have them start the water and go find Cedric for some fresh clothes.  Isana acquiesced with a smile as Alyssa left her with a long kiss, hesitatingly parted from as Alyssa left to find the attendants, and dispatched a messenger for her knight's young page.  By the time she slid the door open the pool had already mostly filled and her heart's desire was already halfway down the stone steps into the pool, steaming water up to her waist.  She turned her head around to Alyssa's intrusion and lifted her bare shoulder playfully wearing a tempting smile.  Alyssa stared shamelessly as her partner continued her descent into the steaming bath.

"Oh dear it is amazing.." She said with a sigh as she took the last step down into the pool, the water up to her shoulders.  Alyssa smiled at her partner's contentment as she crossed the room towards the shelf inspecting the variety of soaps and scented oils displayed, carefully looking for a suitable one fragrance.  "Only one very important element..." Isana called teasingly from the pool look up at her from the edge.

Alyssa smiled at that giving her partner a mock-stern glare and grabbing a basket of soaps and brushes.  "Hasty darling."  she replied in her own rare playful tone while she tied her hair up into a messy bun.  She set the basket near the pool and returned to the bench near the wall, turning her back momentarily towards the pool as she reached behind her to unlace her dress, pulling her arms through and sliding it and the chemise beneath past her hips to the floor, revealing along with her bare figure the scarred flesh of a gnole claw across her back and the smaller faded one upon her shoulder.  She stole a glance at her partner in the water, who still rested against the pool's edge and was not looking in the direction her eyes would have been until she turned around.  Alyssa decided she liked that and turned around and walked to her love trying a bit of sultry sway as the steam from the bath began to fill the room around them.

Isana held out her hand to guide her lady down the steps into the water which Alyssa accepted gracefully as she felt the heat of the water rise around her, and she melted into the pool of hot steaming water.  She closed her eyes and her muscles relaxed as she was swallowed up with the heat of the bath.  Her senses were overwhelmed at the heat, the feeling of the water and the tension on the surface and the smell of the soaps nearby.  Grounded to the moment by the hand holding hers she took a deep relaxed breath and opened her eyes to see her Morning Light take a move closer to her, still clasping her hand.

"Hey."  Alyssa said breathily as she took in the sight of the beautiful woman before her and the delightful and intimate situation they found themselves in.



Sloughing off her dirty road clothes in the quiet room had given Isana a moment to relax her racing pulse, to think, and then to daydream about her dearheart and sharing the bath together. Excitement sent shivers rolling across her shoulders. The hot water began to stream into the bath and she went straight in to test it on her tired feet. A deep sigh escaped her lips as the water enveloped her, so hot that it tingled.

Alyssa returned as she was halfway in. Isana looked over her shoulder and grinned flirtatiously at her partner who stared back with wide eyes. Isana turned to continue her descent into the pool, moving slowly in case those darling bright blue eyes wished to wander.

"Oh dear it is amazing.." Isana sighed appreciatively. She sank deeply into the pool and let the hot water embrace her sore fighting muscles.

Still dressed, Alyssa walked over to begin a careful exploration of all the amenities on the shelf. Isana peered out of one eye to see what she was up to, and raised one brow.

"Only one very important element..." Isana called teasingly from the pool looking up at her from the edge.

"Hasty darling."

Isana grinned at the saucy scolding and watched as her love deftly spun her long golden hair up into a bun. She was about to protest as Alyssa walked away from the pool again, then fabric found the floor and it was Isana’s turn to stare. Healed scars decorated the smooth skin that curved from her shoulders down to her hips. The dark-haired knight realized she had never had an opportunity to admire her love’s beautiful body like this, on display where she could see, not in the dark or hidden under blankets. She was mesmerized as Alyssa turned and sauntered slowly toward her, reflected light off the pool’s water dancing across her athletic form. She reached one hand up to guide Alyssa down the steps into the pool, and as their fingers touched, the room disappeared as her attention was focused entirely on the siren of a woman sinking into the water beside her. The sky in which she glowed.



Isana replied in a whisper. Her eyes were bright, and a soft open smile curved her lips. She lifted Alyssa’s hand out of the water and kissed it. “You are astounding, my Sky,” She said softly. She glided closer through the deep water until their legs touched, sliding against each other in the heat. Their eyes met, startled with the intense sensuality of the feeling.


Isana took a deep breath. She had been vividly imagining being together exquisitely close in the pool, yet still the sensation and immediacy of it stunned her. She blinked twice and offered a startled grin. “I um, that feels really nice,” she murmured.

Alyssa nodded, her eyes wide and a smile playing about her lips. The younger woman leaned forward delicately toward the adorably flustered face of her gallant knight and, careful not to touch her under water, gave her love a sweet little kiss. Isana beamed at her, stars in her eyes, and moved to gather her closer, but Alyssa was moving in the other direction. She felt a tug at her hand once again and let herself be drawn to the pool's edge near the basket of fragrant soaps and brushes. Rose, lavender, citrus, mint, and sandalwood wafted to Isana’s nose.

“Now, let’s get you properly clean so we can... relax, mm?” Alyssa queried, still with that little breathlessness in her voice.

The tip of Isana's tongue poked out between her smiling teeth in jovial admission of the arrangement. “Of course My Lady,” she said with a head tilt for a bow as she drifted close. Her free arm brushed along Alyssa’s back as she approached the side of the pool and she innocently pretended not to notice, instead peering into the basket, long dark hair a waterfall across her shoulders. “Is lavender acceptable?”