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The other thing I found being what I came looking for in the first place, and I impart the knowledge of what that is as a demonstration of trust.
The other thing I found being what I came looking for in the first place, and I impart the knowledge of what that is as a demonstration of trust.

I came seeking the vault of Salantin. Remember that old nation? I barely do myself, but the writings of the infiltrator Andro during the Occupation of Melhed mentioned the kingdom during the joint attack with Fronen. He described a vault and the treasures there in. For the most part it was the usual boring stuff really, gold and jewels, but there is one monster artifact I hope to find which should help crack the daimon language, or at least translate some of the ancient texts cluttering the library.
I came seeking the vault of Silantin. Remember that old nation? I barely do myself, but the writings of the infiltrator Andro during the Occupation of Melhed mentioned the kingdom during the joint attack with Fronen. He described a vault and the treasures there in. For the most part it was the usual boring stuff really, gold and jewels, but there is one monster artifact I hope to find which should help crack the daimon language, or at least translate some of the ancient texts cluttering the library.

As for your offer, it has interesting possibilities. I can understand your position, just as I could understand the position behind your offer of an alliance. The two of us have been in our respective chairs for a long time now Handkor, perhaps a frank discussion might server better then the usual dance?
As for your offer, it has interesting possibilities. I can understand your position, just as I could understand the position behind your offer of an alliance. The two of us have been in our respective chairs for a long time now Handkor, perhaps a frank discussion might server better then the usual dance?

Latest revision as of 21:15, 31 July 2020

Request from Valhalla Valentine
Message sent to the Rulers of this world
Consul Aldo,

I have allowed both yourself and your forces to remain in Wudenkin to conduct your excursion for a lengthy time now, however there has now come a time where I must ask you and your forces to leave my lands.

I know this will cut your research journey short and for that I can only apologise but in the best interests of my people and your own, I must ask you to leave. The reasons of which are my own and do not merit an explanation.

I am sure that in time my gates will be open to Melhed once more but at this present time I'm afraid that I cannot allow Melhed forces to remain within my lands.

If you need help navigating your forces back to Melhed lands then I have expert scouts who can assist you. Good luck and have a safe journey home, Consul.
Valhalla Valentine (Emperor and High Merchant of Valhus, Duke of Wudenkin)

Letter from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Valhalla
I see. Do you know the difference between telling a scholar to shove off and a scholar-king? The scholar will send a letter of protest, the scholar-king; has many more options at his disposal. However we do not need to go down that road, because we have no interest in getting involved nor in causing any problems, and you are surly not looking for trouble yourself when you have so much to do already. Perhaps if you share what has become so clear to you, we can smooth things over without unnecessary complications.
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Letter from Valhalla Valentine
Message sent to Aldo
Until the war with Avalon is over I'm afraid that I cannot allow any friend of Avalon within my realm, especially one of whom we are not at peace. It is really that simple.

Nezumi wishes to involve you in our negotiations because I have, to my best efforts, been attempting to come to peace with Avalon and have even gone so far as to offer my aid against the Diamons.

My terms were Qrelg and Vur Hagin. Initially I wished not to move further than Vale but since Nezumi took it upon himself to send an assassin after me, I felt it prudent to up the tariff as my people were angered by the cowardly attempt on my life.
Valhalla Valentine (Emperor and High Merchant of Valhus, Duke of Wudenkin)

Letter from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Valhalla
I didn't take you as one who was so easily swayed by their enemies to do something foolish. At the moment we have no interest in getting involved, but you are making that a difficult position to maintain.
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Letter from Valhalla Valentine
Message sent to Aldo
Difficult? How exactly, by asking you to leave my city? I'm sure that as a private investor your people would not wish you to bring such personal issues into the light of their eyes. Regardless the issue stands. Our gates will open to you once more after the war, which hopefully should be soon if the Chancellor and I come to an agreement.
Valhalla Valentine (Emperor and High Merchant of Valhus, Duke of Wudenkin)

Letter from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Valhalla
You ask us to depart from the excavation site before we are finished and that makes it difficult for me to remain uninvolved in the present affairs. And you are quite right, the senate would rather not get involved over a private matter. There is however nothing that says I can't fund a second private expedition. We don't care about your meaningless war, leave us to finish our work in peace and there will be no trouble, because one way or another, I will find what I seek.
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Letter from Valhalla Valentine
Message sent to Aldo
You can find whatever it is you seek, but you will not do so within Valhus lands at this time. I expect your forces to be out of my city by tomorrow. Good luck.
Valhalla Valentine (Emperor and High Merchant of Valhus, Duke of Wudenkin)

Request from Valhalla Valentine
Message sent to the Rulers of this world
Letter from Aldo Unti (3 hours, 8 minutes ago)

You ask us to depart from the excavation site before we are finished and that makes it difficult for me to remain uninvolved in the present affairs. And you are quite right, the senate would rather not get involved over a private matter. There is however nothing that says I can't fund a second private expidition.

We don't care about your meaningless war, leave us to finish our work in peace and there will be no trouble, because one way or another, I will find what I seek.

Aldo Unti Consul of Melhed

A threat from Melhed or a private investor?

Consul Aldo,

I have asked you to leave my city and instead you threaten me? That is not the actions of the leader of Melhed, I once knew the man to be reasonable and respectful, perhaps that man is dead, I don't know.

Regardless, I have asked you to leave my city and thus you must.
Valhalla Valentine (Emperor and High Merchant of Valhus, Duke of Wudenkin)

Request from Valhalla Valentine
Message sent to the Rulers of this world
Currently, Valhus is in a state of warfare as it is very clear to you all. Thus in times of warfare ones peoples safety is a major issue. I do not mean to say that Melhed threaten my peoples safety, by no means, but these activities that you speak of Aldo speak of danger and such things cannot go unquestioned within Valhus at this time, that is the reason I have asked you to leave and that is the reason you will leave.

You claim to have no interest in our war, yet Chancellor Nezumi seems almost adamant to involve you in our diplomatic talks? And you yourself remain within my lands and refuse to leave.... this to me spells out more than is wanted within my lands.

If you truly are not interested in our war then you will leave my lands. You are here as a private investor and such I have declared that you do not have the rights as a private investor to conduct such excursions within my realm and if one continues to do so it will be punishable under Valhus law - given that you are acting as a private investor and not the Consul of Melhed of course, which is what you yourself have said.

The fact remains that you are currently within my lands and you do not have any right to be there.

So, as I have said, I expect your forces to leave my realm by tomorrow morning and it is not a negotiable aspect I'm afraid.

Once again, good luck on your journey home and if you need help in regards to navigation, I will be more than happy to assist.
Valhalla Valentine (Emperor and High Merchant of Valhus, Duke of Wudenkin)

Request from Fror Dwarvenite
Message sent to the Rulers of this world
Consul Aldo,

I have been keeping a watchful eye over the happenings of the ruler channel for quite some time now without comment, for i feel a lot of it is not my place to give input.

I do not condone War against humans while there is still the presence of daimons on this land, but seeing as Avalon and Valhus have still yet to settle theirs I would suggest an un-biased realm such as Melhed be curtious to the rulers that allow you to so freely travel through their realm.

If i were to travel to Melhed on a simple research expedition, something akin to what you are conducting now in Valhus, i would be sure to be polite and respectful to you as i would be in your lands. I can see why Emperor Valhalla is slightly irked by your tone of voice seeing as he has had the grace to allow you into his capital to begin with.

He has also had the generosity to grant you entry once again the war is complete and an agreement has been settled.

I personally can only see the good will in his request, there is no malaice and thret, merely a procautionary measure to ensure the safety of his people. Something i no doubt you yourself would take into account were your roles reversed.

Humble Regards,
Fror Dwarvenite (Great Malik of Heen)

Letter from Nezumi Vecchio Ratto
Message sent to : Aldo, Fror, Valhalla
Letter from Valhalla Valentine (24 minutes ago)

Chancellor Nezumi,

I think we have an opportunity on our hands. With Melhed forces so close, if our war was to end then we could aid you in defeating the Diamons if Valhus, Avalon and Melhed were to join forces. We could rid the Diamons of your capital and get Avalon back on its feet. I am sure that I could also persuade my federated ally to cease hostilities also.

My terms remain the same, Qrelg and Vur Hagin. I ask for no more and no less. I urge you to take me up on this offer, I will even allow three nobles of Avalon to accompany the regions within Valhus lands, so they may join us as a sign that our people can live together within the boundaries of a mutual respect. Sir Valhalla Valentine Emperor and High Merchant of Valhus, Duke of Wudenkin


seem like now Conusl Aldo can't be anymore the impartial supervisor to the trattative, i will ask to the Great malik Fror, if you can agree on this.

I'm really sorry for the delay to Lord Aldo research, i don't know of this.

I want just tell i never ask any military aid aganist any human reign, nor RoF nor Valhus. I find pathetic make war aganist human while my capital is in flame for the deamon assault. and i find offensive the request of one duchy for the Valhus help.

plus i wanna ask if Emperor Valhalla speak for Consul Aldo with this paper who have send me.

I repeat my counter offer to Valhalla, end the hostility, fall back from avalon land, and we will lift any claim on Valhus actual land.

i don't need an help imposed by force.

I will add to this paper this notice Lord Apothes was exiled from avalon and deposed from any charge. I invite all the present to refuse Hospitality to him.

In faith,

Humble Regards,
Nezumi Vecchio Ratto (Chancellor of Avalon)

Letter from Handkor Zotral
Message sent to Aldo

Did you found anything interesting in Wudenkin?

As I am sure that there can be a lot of interesting things found there. Maybe you could need to help of our army to search?

Humble Regards,
Handkor Zotral (Ruler and Banker of Enweil)

Letter from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Handkor
Greetings Handkor,

I'm sorry for not contacting you sooner, as you can now see I've been busy arguing with a certain ruler for the last week rather then doing anything useful.

So far the only thing I've found is questions of how Valhalla got back on a throne after the mess he made last time.

The other thing I found being what I came looking for in the first place, and I impart the knowledge of what that is as a demonstration of trust.

I came seeking the vault of Silantin. Remember that old nation? I barely do myself, but the writings of the infiltrator Andro during the Occupation of Melhed mentioned the kingdom during the joint attack with Fronen. He described a vault and the treasures there in. For the most part it was the usual boring stuff really, gold and jewels, but there is one monster artifact I hope to find which should help crack the daimon language, or at least translate some of the ancient texts cluttering the library.

As for your offer, it has interesting possibilities. I can understand your position, just as I could understand the position behind your offer of an alliance. The two of us have been in our respective chairs for a long time now Handkor, perhaps a frank discussion might server better then the usual dance?
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to everyone in the region Wudenkin
Gritting his teeth over the latest letters, Aldo incinerates each with a tongue of Incindia, the violet flames flickering until ashes alone remain. Shouting for his scribe the poor man jumps under his master's baleful gaze, "Report."

"Uh... C-Consul, we-we've managed to find the..." swallowing the scribe smiles weakly, "We've managed to find the right passage, the volunteers," coughs at that, "have made great progress. We should be in the vault by Friday morning...."

Frowning Aldo nods, his gaze scanning outside the tent at the temporary wall being built around the dig, "That might just be enough. Well done."

Sighing in visible relief the scribe bows, "You are generous Consul. Is there anything else?"

Shaking his head, "For now that is all, but remain close, these are uncertain times after all."
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Request from Benton Aelradir
Message sent to the Rulers of this world
Consul Aldo,

I am somewhat astonished at the unfriendly and hostile attitude towards the friendly and generous hospitality Emperor Valhalla has granted you.

I hope that it was nothing but a misunderstanding.
Benton Aelradir (Pontifex of Sint)

Letter from Nezumi Vecchio Ratto
Message sent to : Aldo
Consul Aldo,

how all the Valhus affair goes?

i'm really sorry if i ruined your expedition i wasn't aware of it.

if i can do anything for riparation.

Most part of wudekin archive was bring in cteduul after the deimon invasion, maybe there's something can interest you, and i think something was bring in vur hagin from Fronen.

In faith,

Humble Regards,
Nezumi Vecchio Ratto (Chancellor of Avalon)

Letter from Handkor Zotral
Message sent to Aldo
Aldo, Reguarding your previous letter I will reply later. For now I want to know if your troop that were supposed to go help Avalon against the daimon are still moving to help or block somewhere.
Handkor Zotral (Ruler and Banker of Enweil)

Letter from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Handkor
As you say. The expidition forces were to assist Avalon after escorting me to the excavation site, however the efforts of Valhalla to claim the vault for himself meant they were recalled to defend us in Wudenkin.
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Request from Valhalla Valentine
Message sent to the Rulers of this world
Consul Aldo, Why are your forces still in my realm?
Valhalla Valentine (Emperor and High Merchant of Valhus, Duke of Wudenkin)

Roleplay from Silvianna Pathfinder
Message sent to everyone in the region Wudenkin
Lady Silvianna sat in her chair drinking a warm glass of wine while her servents busied themselves with the excavation.

"Lady Silvianna?" asked a short little balding man.

"Ah, Henri, good. How are the preparations for departure going?"

"They are moving swiftly my Lord" replied Henri. "We shall be ready to move out by Friday."

"Ah, good good. See to it that there is a place set aside for whatever we may find in the vault."

"Of course my Lord. As you request."
Silvianna Pathfinder (Senator of Bil Havil)

Letter from Handkor Zotral
Message sent to Aldo
Greeting Aldo,

That old nation that you are speaking of I have sadly never heard of it.

I do think that a more direct discussion could have some interesting result

Also would you be interested in seeing that war between RoF and Avalon end and to be part of the solution?

Nemuzi have kill our hears as how he don't trust Avalon. So he would have no reason to fear Avalon if he know that should they breach the treaty and attack them that Enweil and Melhed would attack them. But for some reason, I doubt that he would take it. Also land that RoF have taken would have to be returned.

Handkor Zotral (Ruler and Banker of Enweil)

Request from Aldo Unti
Message sent to the Rulers of this world
You have my sincerest apologies rulers of the kingdoms of this world, I had not wanted to bore you with this trivial matter.

Despite the grand standing that this issue seems to have evoked there is only two paths before us. On the one hand Valhalla can ignore the peaceful scholars while they work, after which they will leave. On the other, he could forcibly attempt to remove them by assaulting their small camp with soldiers, after which I will have to try again.

It is because of that simple choice that my words are neither a threat from Melhed or my person, merely a statement of intent. The scholars of Melhed have grown frustrated with the lack of cooperation, or down right betrayal of human kingdoms during this invasion, who's actions have caused it to drag on so very long. I myself have grown wiery of others impeding the end of this invasion, and decided to take matters into my own hands. I mean, who would dare to try and halt an effort led by the Consul of the Republic? I wish I could say I was surprised to once again find you, Valhalla, safeguarding the inhuman's interests.

I shall take it as a compliment that scholars and excavators are sufficient threat to your realm's security to warrant such a harsh response, and must admit I am curious to see what you would do if a legion were present as well.

Now as for the few who decided to comment:

Great Malik Fror, The safety of the plebeians is hardly of interest to the patricians, only the authority of the senate. On that note if you entered our lands you wouldn't need to be polite and respectful unless you wished it, that is our way. Though one is treated in accordance to how they act. You would however be expected to follow our laws, as are clearly outlined for all to see.

Pontifex Benton, hospitality is rarely extended by those whom are not present. Besides the expedition the city has been quite empty of nobles that could offer hospitality. Such a snub, they would not even remain to see us settled, though they'd direct us to the palace on their way out.
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)

Request from Valhalla Valentine
Message sent to the Rulers of this world
Despite the grand standing that this issue seems to have evoked there is only two paths before us. On the one hand Valhalla can ignore the peaceful scholars while they work, after which they will leave. On the other, he could forcibly attempt to remove them by assaulting their small camp with soldiers, after which I will have to try again.

There will be no force but it does not help your social standing with other realms.

It is because of that simple choice that my words are neither a threat from Melhed or my person, merely a statement of intent.

I'm sorry but it came across differently but I will not take it as a threat since you have explained this. Now, you are still welcome to return to my city after the war which, if myself and Nezumi work hard enough, will be very soon. I ask that you extend your own curtsy and show the respect that you have been given be leaving my city until further notice - but with all eyes to see, I will allow you access back into my city as soon as the war is over.

The scholars of Melhed have grown frustrated with the lack of cooperation, or down right betrayal of human kingdoms during this invasion, who's actions have caused it to drag on so very long. I myself have grown wiery of others impeding the end of this invasion, and decided to take matters into my own hands.

Betrayal of humanity? I can understand the frustration but to take this frustration out on one realm is hardly just is it? Nor it is laudable.

I mean, who would dare to try and halt an effort led by the Consul of the Republic?

You are here as a private investor, remember. Not the Consul of the Republic.

I wish I could say I was surprised to once again find you, Valhalla, safeguarding the inhuman's interests.

Once again? Firstly you know little of me and your words come from only bias word of mouth so I will take no offence.

And how exactly? You are in my city and looking for what? You haven't told me or anyone else for that matter. If there is a weapon in Wudenkin that could end the Diamon reign then by all means let me know but until then it is merely you digging holes in my city - which for me in hardly something that defends the inhuman's interests.

If you want to go and aid Avalon against this Diamon threat and safeguard their interests then be my guest for that is what you are so patriotically speaking about.

I shall take it as a compliment that scholars and excavators are sufficient threat to your realm's security to warrant such a harsh response, and must admit I am curious to see what you would do if a legion were present as well.

Scholars with a unit over 100 men. If a legion were present? Well that would speak for itself for you would clearly be an aggressor.

Great Malik Fror, The safety of the plebeians is hardly of interest to the patricians, only the authority of the senate. On that note if you entered our lands you wouldn't need to be polite and respectful unless you wished it, that is our way. Though one is treated in accordance to how they act. You would however be expected to follow our laws, as are clearly outlined for all to see.

Our people are very different and the least you can do is show the respect that you have been shown.

Pontifex Benton, hospitality is rarely extended by those whom are not present. Besides the expedition the city has been quite empty of nobles that could offer hospitality. Such a snub, they would not even remain to see us settled, though they'd direct us to the palace on their way out.

We will not halt a war for you, and how many others gain the pleasure of private chambers within the Palace of Wudenkin? Not many I tell you.

I would like an answer to this, what on this land are you doing that could possibly aid in the salvation of man? You claim to be holding true to a cause that nobody knows anything about.
Valhalla Valentine (Emperor and High Merchant of Valhus, Duke of Wudenkin)

Request from Valhalla Valentine
Message sent to the Rulers of this world
This matter is taking up far too much of my time.

Consul Aldo,

You wish to remain within the city of Wudenkin to conduct your excursion, as such I will allow you to stay under one condition. If you do not have hostile intent then there will be no hesitance to accept this condition.

As the gods and eyes of the rulers are our witnesses, do you promise not to enter this war?
Valhalla Valentine (Emperor and High Merchant of Valhus, Duke of Wudenkin)

Request from Aldo Unti
Message sent to the Rulers of this world
There will be no force but it does not help your social standing with other realms.

Excellent, then we should be finished by the end of Friday as par the projections you were given and out of your hair.

Betrayal of humanity? I can understand the frustration but to take this frustration out on one realm is hardly just is it? Nor it is laudable.

We're not taking it out on one realm, we're not taking it out on anyone, we're just not putting up with it any more.

You are here as a private investor, remember. Not the Consul of the Republic.

Yes subtle is difficult for some isn't it? Let me see I think Senator Ottakar said it very well when he said:

Basically, Aldo is an influential private citizen of Melhed. Otherwise, he would not have been elected as Consul. So, to leave a bad impression on him may have consequences that involves the entire Melhed. Valhalla's treatment of Aldo has already caused some grumbling amoung many other private citizens in Melhed, who are in positions of power, and whose judgement can be clouded by what they perceive as an unfair treatment towards a popular Melite citizen. It is different from "Melhed hates you". It is just the effects of bad PR comes with kicking out a peaceful expedition led by a popular citizen. Of course if he'd been on official senate business that would have been completely different.

Once again? Firstly you know little of me and your words come from only bias word of mouth so I will take no offence.

I can hardly believe what you have written. I know you very well indeed Valhalla. Your words when you were ruler of Vlaandarin were carefully recorded and are one of the lessons on the topics of rhetoric and grammar. We remember everything you've said to us, all of it.

And how exactly? You are in my city and looking for what? You haven't told me or anyone else for that matter. If there is a weapon in Wudenkin that could end the Diamon reign then by all means let me know but until then it is merely you digging holes in my city - which for me in hardly something that defends the inhuman's interests.

Ah yes a weapon, that is exactly what everyone would like to believe isn't it? Why go to all this trouble for something that couldn't be used to kill, as though that wasn't far too easy already. And you are quite right, I have not put what I seek on paper as a letter. I'd not trust the page to stay out of hands that it should not be in. However as the few who bothered to find out could attest, those who wished to discuss the matter in person have been welcome and know exactly what I seek.

If you want to go and aid Avalon against this Diamon threat and safeguard their interests then be my guest for that is what you are so patriotically speaking about.

Well I wanted to, though the official decision had still been in the works. So I informed Chancellor Terra that some body guards would be joining us on the expedition, dangerous times you know. We'd split at Vale, some of us going to fight, others to dig. But there was this little disagreement with a ruler, and it was decided to recall the guards to make sure the body was protected.

Scholars with a unit over 100 men. If a legion were present? Well that would speak for itself for you would clearly be an aggressor.

You didn't think I was going to be digging in the dirt myself did you? In order to complete the excavation in a week there needed to be enough people to do the work. And in a vain hope not to alarm you we only brought a tiny contingent. In retrospect I should have brought only children or something.

Our people are very different and the least you can do is show the respect that you have been shown.

We are showing you the respect you have shown us. Just because you don't remember a few months ago doesn't mean we don't. Not to mention the more recent slights. We are a very patient people however, anyone else would probably have tried to kill you by now or something.

We will not halt a war for you, and how many others gain the pleasure of private chambers within the Palace of Wudenkin? Not many I tell you.

Your kind are always fighting some war or another, it is amazing you have time to do anything. However the private chambers were certainly something to write home about.

I would like an answer to this, what on this land are you doing that could possibly aid in the salvation of man? You claim to be holding true to a cause that nobody knows anything about.

Sadly true, though not for lack of trying. No matter how many times I try to explain no one will listen, so I've stopped trying for now. Perhaps in a little bit I'll give it another go, who can say.

As the gods and eyes of the rulers are our witnesses, do you promise not to enter this war?

This is amusing, and impossible. At least impossible how you want it. Maybe I can explain this.... I don't rule Melhed, so I can't promise that they won't enter the conflict, or at least any promise I make would be officially meaningless. No I'm afraid the only thing stopping Melhed from getting involved is your... charismatic charm. The best I can do is argue in your favour on the senate floor, and I must say I just don't picture myself giving a top rated effort given all the trouble I've had to go through in the last little while.
Aldo Unti (Consul of Melhed)