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Ran from 7/4/2019 through 9/12/2019
Ran from 7/4/2019 through 9/12/2019

Content Warning: Depictions of Violence


Latest revision as of 04:26, 8 July 2020

Ran from 7/4/2019 through 9/12/2019

Content Warning: Depictions of Violence



Alyssa watched her troops as they marched through the Dimwood. She had learned a few of their names but they didn't mean anything to her. To her they looked the same as her old company. A nervous boy, a fat spearman, a warrior woman, a bright confident bravo, thieves, farmers and sellswords. The young nervous lad squirmed as she laid her eyes on him. All she could see was young Karl's dead body after the battle in Bescanon.

She turned back towards her march and bit her lip in thought. These were faceless men, fodder for spears and banquets for crows. They would live and march and fight and die and no one would remember who they were. Even now the names and faces of her previous company were already slipping. She looked at Tanner, riding on his horse. He was one of the only ones who survived. Gordon, Cal, Jan were the others, along with herself and Graham. She wondered how many more battles he might survive, and what his replacement might look like. Another faceless man.

"Reporting my lady." Said Sullen Gordon, as he rode up alongside her. She had made him, Tanner, and Cal officers alongside the unit's captain Jan.

"What have you to report?"

"There's grumbling amongst the men my lady. And not just me this time." Sullen Gord noted. He was known for his frequent complaining and grim outlook, earning him the nickname Sullen.

"What is the cause of their discomfort?"

"They're complaining they haven't been paid yet."

Alyssa remembered having this conversation with Jan before in the mountains they would soon be travelling through. It was only a few weeks ago, but seemed like another life already.

"They are to be paid their wages once every week. They have not even seen fighting yet."

"No my lady. I tried telling them as much. Jan even said so too. Said it wasn't a fight worth having with you." That sounds like Jan. Aly thought.

"See," Gordon continued, "I was only saying we should be glad we should have some time to march before we all get killed in battle." And that sounds like Gordon.

"Well I was just trying to comfort them, you know at least we'll get paid before we get stabbed to death on Caligan spears. But then they started complaining about how they haven't even been paid."

Alyssa narrowed her eyes. "This sounds like the problem was your doing."

"Aye." he said with a sigh. "Never asked for an officership, my lady."

"You did. With your deeds. You are a survivor." She reached into her bag and pulled out a small sack of coins, handing it to him.

He shrugged. "For all the good it's done me. I'll see to it, my lady." He took the bag and rode back in line with the column. Alyssa glanced over at Tanner again. He was looking at her, but turned away when she caught his eye.

She was a survivor too. Maybe she was fit for command. At least this time she knew what she was doing. She hoped.

The Vale


Aly loved the Vale. It was bright, and colourful, and lovely. If it was beautiful from the mountain passes above, it was even more so being here.

Today the Moyale Valley was filled with rich greens and golds and peasants were busy working hard in the fields. The sun lowering in the west meant those peasants would soon be heading home for the night. The sunset shone orange rays on the golden wheat that filled the Vale's fertile fields; a lovely sight. If she could, she would consider staying here forever. But she knew she could not. She was a knight. She had a duty to her lord, her realm, her king, her people, and her family. And she would not abandon those duties, not even for the most beautiful valley in the world, which Moyale must certainly be.

Besides, Vix was a strange realm where all men's voices were heard, no matter how small. She wondered how they got anything done with every minor knight and noble having the same voice as a high lord. No, she was a Kingsley wolf and a Lion of Perdan, not a fox slinking into hen houses.

In any case she had much bigger problems to worry about. Alyssa's unit had been lost in the mountains and as such found itself just behind the army proper. She felt a fool, and was trying hard to keep up. It was Graham's fault truly, the old squire's maps of the region were outdated and they ended up taking a longer route, but she blamed herself. Graham seemed insistent in taking the blame for their lateness, but he gave in when Aly refused to back down. He did seem to appreciate that at least.

Alyssa and Lady's Luck found some true luck when they came across a roadside inn. Aly rode into the inn's palisade with Graham and her captain, Jan, at her side. Her white cloak billowed softly in the breeze and the hood bounced slightly as they trotted through the gates. As she turned her horse in and dismounted she noticed numerous eyes of Vixen smallfolk eyeing her. The inn, though three full floors tall would have to be full in order to house these many. A stableboy came up and looked at her expectantly.

"Is there room in the stable for my horse?" She asked, nodding back towards the white mare she rode in on.

"There's room in me purse." The boy said insolently. When she glowered at him for his remark, he cowed. "My lady..." He added. Aly wondered if all Vixen peasants were this way. Perhaps the nature of Vix's governance left their smallfolk more brazen than the quiet and simple folk of Perdan. She supposed she wold find out soon enough. She handed the boy a silver coin and he quickly took the reins and led the horses away.

"Charming lad." Jan noted sarcastically. "A silver for the horse, a sliver for a bed, a silver for a bowl and a silver for an ale. Don't forget the silver for the pillow and a silver for the chair by the hearth." the sellsword grumbled as they walked towards the old wooden building.

"Will you be quiet, we should be lucky to find a bed." Aly snapped at her captain.

"You are a knight my lady." Graham reminded her. "They will not refuse you.

Aly frowned slightly at that. "These people paid coin or labour for their bed tonight, I shall not turn them out."

Jan snorted. "What good is a highborn title if you aren't going to use it! You'd sleep in the dirt over a bed?

"If you don't silence yourself," Alyssa said to her captain through clenched teeth, "You will be sleeping in the dirt tonight." Jan merely rolled his eyes but he said nothing else.

As they entered, Aly felt the warmth of hearth and of crowded inn. No one took real notice of their highborn visitors and the roguish man who accompanied them. They approached the innkeeper, a large older woman with a dark red birthmark upon her neck. Alyssa held her head up nobly. "Have you any rooms available for myself or my company?"

"No, girl. and no for your company as well." She grunted, eyeing the two men at either side.

"This is a highborn lady you speak to, you ought to do so more courteously. Lady Alyssa is a knight of Perdan." Graham noted with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

The woman waved a hand dismissively. "You lions, brave and proud always think ye can run off me guests. Well in this realm our lords respect their people!"

Aly was shocked. She did so respect her people. She swore an oath to defend them and their way of life. How could this insolent woman accuse her of not. She almost said as much when she looked at Jan and his stupid amused expression. He wants to watch someone else be at the brunt of my frustration for once. Well she refused to give him the satisfaction.

"I have no intention of doing so, good lady." Alyssa said as diplomatically as possible. "If we cannot find shelter in your establishment, may we set our camp up outside of your walls? My soldiers have silver in their pockets and our march as been long. I suspect they may wish to spend some of it."

The woman shrugged. "Outside my wall, you can sleep in whatever dirt you like." But soldiers cause trouble. especially lions, so if they don't behave I spank them like a child and you will start your march early, my lady."

Alyssa nodded. "I shall make sure they cause no harm." Alyssa turned back towards the door.

"Dirt it is then." Jan said with a sarcastic chuckle.

"My lady," the old squire said quietly, leaning towards her ear. "The men will not be happy about this. I would not advise allowing smallfolk to walk over you."

She shot him a defiant look. "Nor mine own council. I already said, we will not put these good people out." Graham glanced over at Jan who shrugged.

"As you say my lady." He deferred.

As they made to leave, a shout rang out from behind them. Alyssa turned to see a man shoving his way through the tavern hall, holding a lute with one hand and his cap in the other. As he dashed towards her Alyssa laid her hand on her sword, but he stopped short a yard or so away, on one knee. He was dressed in fine clothes and his chestnut hair flowed elegantly down to his shoulders. He was a young man to be sure, but clearly older than Alyssa. His goatee and mustache made his face seem more somewhat pointed.

"My lady." He said looking up at her, almost reverentially. "I shall surrender mine own room to thee."

Alyssa looked at him confused. "Why would you do this? Who are you?"

He stood back up and gave a dramatic bow. "I am Maron, my lady, the singer, the lutest, the poet, the storyteller, the writer, the lover, the adventurer, the humble wanderer. And I offer you my room, my service, and my heart for thee, my lady, for thou art the most beautiful creature this humble bard has ever laid his eyes upon."

"What?" was all she could say. Aly knew she was comely but no one had ever told her that so strongly as this man did. Still in shock, she looked at Graham who was looking at the bard with something that seemed like a mix of pity and disdain, while Jan was trying his hardest not to laugh. The rest of the floor was silent, and everyone was looking at her. She could only stare at the man, still unsure how to react to such a sudden and public confession.

"My lady is speechless." He said breaking the awkward silence. "Is she unaware of the effects her beauty can have? I cannot believe I am the first to say such a thing. Her grace and gentle spirit will be the muse of a thousand of my songs." He took a step towards her, taking her hand in his. "Darling Lady Alyssa. You may have my room and anything else you could ask of me. I am yours."

She pulled her hand away quickly. "You are not familiar, sir. Do not presume to touch me again."

"One touch from you is all a man could ever dream of my dearest lady. I could ask for no more, and I shant deign to do so without your leave."

She looked back up at the tavern goers who were all watching the scene eagerly and whispering among themselves. She shifted uncomfortably. "And you would make a fool of me, the lady you love so well?"

"I would make a fool of myself if only to hear the sweet tenderness of your voice, my sweet lady."

"Well, you have. Keep your room minstrel. I do not intend to sleep in a bed while the soldiers I lead sleep in the grass."

"So gallant. My lady is-"

"I thank you for your kind words, Sir Minstrel. The dusk is settling." She interrupted and quickly turned out the door, her face red as she stormed past Jan who was laughing loudly at her discomfort.

She could hear him as she retreated. "If that girl is sweet, then I'm the Shadow King."

Love and War


Aly stood by the trebuchet marveling at its size. She had seem them packed up but never assembled as such and it towered over her making an impressive sight.

"I've seen bigger." Jan, her captain, noted nonchalantly over the din of the construction. Alyssa shot him a look before turning her gaze to the walls of Hamadan. They were not large, and she suspected the catapults and ladders would be enough. She hoped the battle would be over quick, for everyone's sake.

From behind she heard some sound, so she turned around and groaned at what she saw. Maron the singer who had been following her unit for several days since their journey through Moyale Valley. Several men stopped their working to look up and see what the commotion was. As he approached Aly heard the song he was singing. The same one he had been singing for days. She heard it everywhere, even in her sleep as he played it outside her tent in the evenings, in some foolish hope it might make her fall in love with him. That would never happen, and she had tried to dismiss him many times already but he always came back, claiming that her beauty and grace drew him back like a moth to a flame.

Oh the lady I love is the Lady in White She's soft and she's sweet as the morning light I watch from afar as she leads and she fights Her blade is so quick, her foes turn afright

Oh the lady I love is so darling and dear Fierce as a lion, she cuts through the drear Gallant yet sweet, her beauty so bright No maid is as fair as my Lady in White.

Alyssa pinched the bridge of her nose as he approached. Perhaps I should have one of the commanders load him into the catapult. At least then I will no longer have to hear that fool song again.

"Maron why are you here?" She asked flatly.

"Why, for inspiration my dear lady. There's to be a battle on the morn. And my lady shall be in the thick of it. I would be worried for her safety but I know she is the fiercest lion in all of Perdan."

"Lion cub." Jan said with a smirk. "She fought in one battle and was present at a handful of skirmishes. She's only fierce to hide her fear."

"I do not fear battle!"

"Then you're a fool. People get killed in battle, you know that better than anyone."

Alyssa bit her lip. He was right. Jan had been a bit more amenable since he found her weeping after the battle in Bescanon. She didn't like that he felt sorry for her, but at least he listened to her now, usually. But he was still insolent as ever. He should not speak to her like that.

"You should not speak to her like that!" Maron complained. "She is a lady, and a gentle one at that. You serve her, you should not dishonour her so."

Jan merely shrugged. "Well someone has to take her down a peg. She already thinks she's some mighty hero. Last thing she needs is you getting it in her head she's some legend, then running off and getting killed." He turned to Alyssa. "You asked for my tactical advice. Stay alive, don't take risks. Run away if things start going bad. If things start going worse, join the enemy. That way you live and you still get paid."

"Run away!?" Maron exclaimed. "No that won't do. My darling lady Alyssa would never do such a thing."

"I am not your darling." Alyssa warned sternly. "If you want to be useful to me, find my squire Graham and send him to me. Then go away."

"I shall do these at once, though I fear your daring and your grace will bring me ba-"

"See that they don't." Alyssa warned sternly. "If I see you again before the battle, I will conscript you and you shall be first up the ladders."

He nodded once and scurried off. Alyssa could see the faintest fear in his eyes. She counted that as win.



Alyssa was very tired. The march today had been a long one and she had not been sleeping well of late. Her mind had been wrapped up in kingly letters and the faces of soldiers weeks dead. She yawned as her squire Graham droned on about today's messages.

She scanned her command tent. They had no table because it had been scrapped when the bottom of one of the equipment carts had fallen out. Instead, her officers sat in chairs arranged in a wide ring. Her captain Jan to her left, then the lieutenant Tanner, the short quartermaster Cal Reed, then her old squire Graham, and finally a sullen lieutenant called Gordon.

"Sir Dodger has a lot to say today." Jan interrupted, looking over at Alyssa who was finishing her yawn. The old man looked up from the letter he was reading and shot daggers at the roguish captain. The sellsword just grinned.

"These are important orders. And it's Lord Dodger, he's the Imperator of Perdan." He looked to Alyssa for help but she just looked at him sleepily.

"What is next, Graham?" She asked him.

"Just reports of looting and razing being commited in the Mines."

Aly shook her head fretfully. "These raiders must be stopped. Are the Eponllynese incapable of controlling their soldiers?"

Graham looked at Jan again, this time with trepidation, before turning back to his liege. "My lady they were likely ordered to do so."

"Ordered?! By whom?!" Alyssa said, sitting up in her chair, now alert.

Graham shifted somewhat uncomfortably. "There are Epononllynese knights in the Mines, my lady."

Alyssa look at him, struck. "You're saying knights are slaughtering peasants and burning down granaries?"

"Probably collapsing mine shafts, and doing some rapings and pillagings as well. My uncle got pillaged once. Took everything but his shoes, then someone else came and took them too, just his luck." Sullen Gordon added.

Alyssa ignored him and rose to her feet. "Why would they do that?!" she pleaded.

"Cause that's what knights are best at is killing folks." Jan noted unceremoniously, as he leaned back in his chair. Alyssa shot him a dangerous look, and Graham sighed.

"Chevauchee, my lady. It's a common tactic to demoralize the enemy." he explained with a look sullen enough to challenge Gordon himself.

"It's barbarism and murder."

"It's war my lady." Graham sighed.

"And you claim you've served two dozen knights, my squire. How many of those ordered you to burn fields, kill peasants, and steal shoes?" Aly challenged him with fire in her voice.

"My lady-"

"And how many orders did you follow?"

The old squire gave no answer.

"Get out." She turned to address all of her officers. "And if I hear of a single man under my command steal, rape, burn, or kill a peasant you will bring them to me at once."

Tanner nodded at once. Cal Reed stared at the floor. Gordon said nothing, and Graham avoided her gaze.

"That includes my officers." she said looking at Jan. He held his hands up.

"You pay me, I won't have to." She gave him a glare that could kill, but he was not as easily cowed as her squire. "As you say my lady." He said with a bow and a smile. "I'll keep an eye on the old man there, make sure old habits die."

Graham still avoided Aly's eyes, but met Jan's with a fierceness she had not seen from him before. He then turned and walked out of the tent. Gordon followed out in a hurry, likely trying to escape before her wrath reached him as well. Cal gave her a professional salute and joined them. Tanner stayed a moment longer to say: "It shall be done my lady. I will not let you down."

She nodded and waved him off as he left. Aly sighed and let her hair down. What sort of knight kills villagers and steals from peasants? Knights are supposed to protect smallfolk. Even enemy smallfolk are to be left in peace. The quarrel was not with them, but the lords who rule over them. The thought made Aly mad again. Who are they to come to our home and burn it down. He claims their home was taken from them. And so now Perdan's people must suffer? She kicked the chair over and sighed. Anger would not make things better. But she must. She has to protect the people of Perdan. She is a knight, not like the false ones of the north. A true knight.

A Taste of Smoke


Alyssa gazed out over the wall, the smoke still rising from the Northeast. The fires were mostly put out by now but some still raged; the land was destroyed. Fisheries burned to the ground, mines collapsed, people killed, their property stolen or destroyed. Aly could only stand and look out in horror over the remains. Though anger and sadness boiled up inside her, her face showed nothing. I cannot look weak. They need to see us be strong for them, when they cannot be.

She had spoken to some of the refugees her company had met on the way in. They told of armoured knights riding through the foothills, soldiers with torches setting ablaze everything they could. Almost all of them had their possessions taken from them, a few had been killed trying to defend themselves, and one young man told her about how his brothers had tried to steal some of their things back in the night, only to be caught and hung. One poor woman told her about her young child who had sought shelter in the mines, only for the knights to collapse the entire tunnel around him.

She didn't know what to feel, if she had to tell it true. She wanted to be angry, furious, to smash everything the Eponnlynese held dear. But what would that gain? She wanted to be sad and weep with the woman for her children or the man for his brothers. But that would gain them nothing either. She clenched her fists and took a deep breath. I have to do something

Aly stepped out of her tent onto the training grounds where much of the army had set up camp during the refits. People were scurrying about with letters and messages, carrying equipment, and drilling. The clang of the forges caught her attention and she looked up to see the smoke rising as weapons and armour were being created and repaired. All she could see was the smoke over the walls of Perdan. She shook her head and looked to her own camp. It was crowded, moreso than most. Alyssa had taken it upon herself to ensure the refugees she had encountered were not forgotten. She had extra provisions bought and some small, crude tents set up. Jan and Graham had both complained in a rare moment of agreement, but she had shouted both of them down and ordered it done anyway. Thank god for Tanner and Cal Reed. Cal, her short and stocky quartermaster had made all the arangements for her. "My lady should not worry. Give me the gold and I'll make sure every belly has a fresh serving of bread." She gave him the gold and he did not disappoint. Her lieutenant Tanner took over what responsibilities she suspected Jan would ignore. He saw to their needs and made sure her soldiers treated them kindly. It was clear Graham had much less love for the smallfolk than Alyssa did, and it had been clear for weeks that Jan had no love for anyone but himself.

She passed by a family eating their supper and gave them a reassuring smile. The matron, a woman Alyssa put around 40 handed her bread to one of her children and took to her knees before Alyssa, taking her hand. "Bless ye m'lady! Bless ye!"

Aly was taken aback and instinctively jerked her hand away. "Um..." she mumbled unsure of how to react. "It is our duty as knights..." She got out before taking a step back. The woman's eyes went wide and straight to the ground.

"Apologies m'lady..."

Alyssa pitied her. The woman was dirty and in poor clothing. She wondered what this mother had lost. Aly squatted, to her level. "You should not be sorry to me. It was us who failed to protect you. I do now only what I can to make it right."

The woman had tears in her eyes and a look of fury. "You will make it right, my lady." she said through clenched teeth.

I will. She thought.

Meusan March


Alyssa rode at the front of her column, where she liked to be. Here her men would see her leading from the front, and they mostly left her alone to stay closer to the equipment. She was hesitant to get to know her soldiers personally after her old unit was wiped out during the Battle of Bescanon. Presently they were mingling with troops from another unit, as the thick forests pressed the army together as they passed through the valley. The sigil seemed familiar, a golden pegasus on white and blue, though she did not know to whom the unit belonged.

Her lieutenant Tanner and her elderly squire Graham were at her side, saying nothing. They were both there that day in Bescanon, her loyal survivors. Both of them walked this very path with her on their way to the battle which claimed the lives of nearly every man who followed her. She was getting better about getting away from those thoughts, but always they kept coming back.

Her officers were quiet today too, thankfully. Tanner never troubled her and followed her orders without question. Graham was a loyal man but he had a tendancy to treat her like a child sometimes. She hated when he did that, at least he had stopped doing it in front of her men though he still did it among her officers and in private from time to time. It was the faint song from behind that brought her back from thoughts of Bescanon, however. That blasted singer again. She thought gritting her teeth. Maron had been following her and her unit around since the last outing, singing songs of love and beauty in hopes to win her heart. She tried to ignore the singing but it inched closer and closer as she began to make out the words.

Well I fell into prison, about a quarter to four Where I found in my cell, a lass I could adore So I took her in hand And I pulled off me vest But he stood in the corner Pointing right at me chest He said "You love when you're lonely" No I love when I want! He said "you'll never be married" No why would I want that? I only love to be merry but unfortunately I'm in the wrong prison cell and the wrong company

To her surprise it was not the bard who was here to pester her, but her the captain of her unit, a black-hearted sellsword called Jan. He led his horse lazily through the forest trotting back and forth through the trees in s's as he sang his tune and approached her.

Alyssa just sighed as the man approached her. "What is it?" she asked tiredly.

"Oh nothin' my lady." he said jauntily, pulling an apple from his saddlebag and offering it to her. Aly shook her head. He took a bite of it instead, smirking. "Just noticed you seem to be in the wrong company." he continued, motioning toward Tanner and Graham. Graham scowled, while Tanner said nothing.

"Tan," Jan called past Alyssa to the lieutenant. "We were wondering where you got off to, how come you're so far up?"

"He can ride where he pleases, scoundrel." Graham barked back at him.

"That's enough both of you." Alyssa said idly for what must have been the hundreth time in the past two weeks.

Tanner answered dutifully. "I am here with my lady and her squire in case she requires an additional sword in the event we are ambushed."

Jan laughed at that answer. "Oh ho a brave hero indeed. Well I'm sure my lady will need you lest some dashing knight comes to sweep her off her feet." He grinned wickedly at her. She returned his look with a scowl.

"I am not a damsel, I can defend myself." she huffed unsure of who she was directing that towards.

"Well you are a damsel, my lady, owing to your rank and your sex." Graham noted truthfully enough. She decided her previous comment was directed at him.

"Why how could you my lord!" Jan exclaimed, mockingly. "My lady is a knight of Perdan! The Lady in White! Haven't you heard the songs? She defeated a knight of Eponllyn in single combat!"

"What?" Aly replied flatly, before Graham could speak. His face was red with anger and she decided it would be better to interrupt the old squire than to have to try to tear the two apart. "What knight? What songs do you speak of?"

The dark-haired captain smirked "Oh something that Maron fellow was singing about yesterday. A song about how an evil Eponllynese knight tried to ride against a fair Lady of Perdan clad in white armour and cape but was struck him from his horse by the beautiful maiden."

"And where did he hear about such a tale I wonder," Aly asked somewhat threateningly. "I sent him far away from the battle, and our unit was scattered about at the time of the fighting only you and Cal Reed remained with my person."

"Well I couldn't say m'lady, perhaps you should ask him yourself, or maybe our beloved quartermaster." Jan replied happily.

She clenched her teeth and dismissed her squire who glared at the Captain as he rode off.

Annoyed, Aly reined her horse around trotted off back towards her unit to find this singer who had been troubling her so. Tanner followed close behind. She could hear Jan laughing as she turned around and the crunch of an apple before he continued his song.

Well I fell into prison, about a quarter to three Where I found in my cell, a glass waiting for me...

All of Us


"She's awake!"

Aly heard a faint voice call from the other side of the room. Her head was still ringing and it ached fiercely. All she could see was a faint candlelight in the doorway, it flickered softly in the surrounding darkness. The air here was musty and warm, and the smell was musty and unpleasant.

And her side hurt.

She touched the place where the bolt had gone through and felt bandages wrapped tightly around her sides. She could feel the hole through them scabbed over, but the bandages were still a bit wet with blood. Her other arm she could not move, it was splinted tightly to her chest. She looked up at the light coming closer to her and instinctively reached to her hip. When she could not find her sword, she felt around with her good hand. Nothing but straw. She leaned over, feeling a sharp pain in her side, groaning as she slid her fingers around a thick piece of firewood. When the candle reached her it lowered slightly and she made her move.

She sat up suddenly and struck with what strength she had, slamming the wood across the jaw of the approaching figure. The man yelped a familiar yelp of pain.

"Ow!" cried Gordon, her sullen lieutenant. In the candlelight, she could make out his usual disappointed frown. "Course it would be me to find you awake. Me own bloody fault, the one time I convince him to take an hour away..."

She reached out to him as he set the candle down. "Gordon..." She stammered. "I'm sorry I didn't know who you were, are you alright?!"

He held up a hand and spit out some blood and a tooth. "Rather a club to the face than a bolt to the side m'lady." He wiped off the blood that had settled on his now scruffy chin. "Though a bolt to the face would probably be less painful than either. We'll consider us both unlucky."

She heard footsteps approaching from the doorway. Her head still ached, as did her shoulder and her side. Others quickly entered. Another lieutenant, Tanner rushed to her side. He placed her white cloak over her bare shoulders. She pulled it around her She was not cold but she felt better with more than the cloth wrappings over her breasts and the bandages around her waist. He was a good soldier, and she was glad he had survived the battle. Her healer Chance entered with his wife.

"Stand back the lot of you." he commanded softly with a concerned scowl. The man usually kept to himself so long as he was paid, but he took his work seriously. Aly admired that about him so she always made sure she was respectful around him and that his wages were paid on time.

He quickly checked her for fever and inspected her bandages, holding a candle nearby.

Aly leaned back against the wall she had lay by and closed her eyes, sighing deeply.

"Where are we?" she muttered as her her shoulder flamed.

"A hovel." Chance answered without looking up from his work.

"Where is the hovel..."

"Hush girl." he replied unraveling a fresh set of bandages. Aly opened her eyes and glared at him. She thought she might have made out a faint smile in the candlelight or maybe it was a frown. The light was dancing and her head hurt so bad.

"My Lady was shot with a crossbow bolt and fell from her horse. Her questions can be answered but first I need to determine whether she can ride because unless she wishes to fall off her horse again from infection, her energy is better spent healing."

She didn't like his tone but at least he corrected his honorifics. Don't be a stupid petty girl, this man is saving your life. Aly said nothing as he changed her bandages. Tanner paced nervously across the little homestead's one room while Sullen Gordon played with his now loose tooth.

"I believe you are well enough to ride my lady." Chance said as he tucked the last of the bandages around her waist. "With luck the wound will not re-open but we must go quickly and we are in unfamiliar territory. The ride will not be easy, and I suspect I will have to sew you up at least once more before we arrive home."

He put away his medical equipment while Tanner helped her onto her feet. He looked at Gordon expectantly. Gordon looked back at the two of them and shook his head. "Oh no. Last time I got close she hit me with a plank!"

Aly couldn't help but smile slightly while Tanner frowned.

"Oh alright. What's one more strike in the jaw anyway. We're all gonna die out here regardless" he grumbled as he helped her walk out the door. What was left of her company were milling about outside the little homestead as the pale moonlight shone down onto her, lighting up the yard. Her elderly squire Graham approached.

"My lady, glad to see you are well. We must leave here at once."

Alyssa nodded. "I agree. Have Jan get everyone together."

Tanner grimaced. "My lady," he said. "Captain Jan disappeared after the battle."

"Desertion?" She asked, her nostrils flaring.

Graham shrugged. "Him? Almost certainly. Greed and Cowardice, a sellsword's finest friends. Tanner has taken up the duty of the captain."

"Just so. Congratulations Captain." She said gritting her teeth through the pain in her side and shoulder. Tanner and Graham helped her onto her horse while Gordon squinted at his tooth in the moonlight. "Better you than me Tanner. I'd be a terrible captain. They'd hang the four of us and Cal Reed too after a day mark my words."

"Will you shut up and get the rest ready?" Graham replied with furrowed eyebrows. "Or I could hang you instead."

"That's quite enough Graham." Aly said, looking off towards the woodlands to the south. For an old man he certainly has a temper

Gordon shrugged. "Well someone's like to. You, our men, their men. Getting hanged is a soldier's most beloved pastime" he mumbled as he headed off to gather the other soldiers in her band.

Aly suspected everyone would be on edge in the coming days. So far from home and with nothing but the moon to guide them. She took a deep breath. We will make it home. All of us.



Aly sat atop her white mare, gazing over the hill to Perdan City. Her pale cloak once, pristine was now coated in grime and stained with her blood, fluttered behind her in the breeze. She had taken in this view before, on her first time to the city, during the Festival of Lights Duke Smiddich had organized. Where once she felt wonder and joy, now she felt only relief. Her journey from Oligarch had been long and dangerous and painful. Her wound had mostly healed during the journey, but still pained her slightly and had left a scar where the healer had sewn her flesh together. Her swollen shoulder was still a little sore, but gave her little trouble.

She wasn't sure which was worse, the pain or the humiliation of being captured by a peasant militia. The wound she had recovered from quickly, and her capture was understandable as her King had said. The highwaymen outnumbered her easily. In fact the worst part had been leaving her men behind. When she heard the bandits coming she ordered them away, back to Perdan. She felt helpless with her sprained shoulder and wounded side as they closed around her. Her old squire Graham would be a suitable leader for her ragtag little group and with a little luck they would make it back to Perdan. Lady's Luck, she had thought to herself as the armed men approached. They are my luck, and now I have none.

Her cell had been comfortable, not a dungeon, but a well furnished room. Though the window had been bricked in some time before, the guards had given her many candles to light her cell, as well as books to read when she asked for them. The food was pleasant, much better than she had expected. Lord Preston had even visited her himself, and they had what she believed to be a pleasant conversation before releasing her shortly after. The Caligans had even kept and cared for her horse. Still, the journey home would be long and all she had to protect her was a writ of passage. If anyone had chanced to ignore it... though she was good with a sword, she was only one young girl.

Fortunately the rest of the long journey had been quiet except the burn in her side. She gritted her teeth as she rode down the hill towards the city as it flared up once again. Her side was not the only thing burning as the fields of Brive were all black and coated in ash. She gritted her teeth again.

When she reached the gate she showed him her writ and her seal and they allowed her through. The city was sealed off due to the nearby enemy, in case they decided to attempt an assault. I have to find Graham. Aly thought to herself as she rode through the city streets. The masses looked up at her as she passed, dirt on their faces and skinny as posts. She pitied them. How can we fail them when they look to us so desperately. She wanted to help them, but she did not know how. Not even the King seemed to know. There must be a way to end this horror for them. She thought, still gritting her teeth. I have to try. That's what she told the king. That was her duty now. She rode towards the Golden Keep, where the army would often gather before they set out on campaign. She suspected she would find her squire and what was left of her humble company.

What she did not expect was a host of two score armed and drilling as she entered the training camp outside the keep. She recognized a few of them as she rode up to where some of her officers were watching.

"It seems you made it back without trouble." she couldn't help smiling as she called to them.

Her new captain, Tanner, was the first to turn to her. "My lady!" he said somewhat startled. He immediately went to one knee. As he knelt for her she felt for the first time the absence of her former captain, the rogue Jan. He was a vile man, who preferred whores and ale to duty, and gold to everything else. She would not miss him, but some part of her wondered where he had gone to. Graham was next to kneel. Gordon, her sullen lieutenant had fallen asleep standing up only woken when Tanner tugged at his coat. Upon seeing his lady, he saluted.

"As you were." She began. "Who are these men?" "They're your men, my lady." her squire said struggling to stand up. The others helped him. "We arrived unhassled and set to work immediately to build a new host for you."

That made her giddy enough to flash them a warm smile. She was afraid she would be stuck in the capital for days attending to such matters but now her luck had returned to her.

"Ah!" Said a nearby voice who she had not yet noticed. "A smile!? My lady smiles upon me, oh she is fair as the sun!" She took a deep breath and turned her attention to Maron, the singer who had followed her over hill and dale from Moyale professing his undying love to her.

"My men kept you safe, I see."

"Oh what an adventure it was my lady, the story shall be told for generations. After your brave and noble sacrifice to allow our escape from those brigands we-"

Graham interrupted him. "We met with little trouble, except this one's mouth. He's too clever for his own good, but not clever enough to keep quiet." Well the journey did not soften Graham. she thought.

"I prepared a full report of our situation my lady. I'll have it brought to you. You should get some rest. You have had quite the ordeal m'lady." he noted sincerely.

She waved her hand dismissively. "I shall be quite alright." She lied. She did not want to seem weak in front of her subordinates. But the truth was she was exhausted. "Graham," she said, dismounting. "Will you see Starlight to the stables?" He nodded and took the reins. "I would like those reports sent to me as soon as you are able, Captain."

"I'll fetch them right away, m'lady." Tanner said with a slight bow, rushing off to his task.

"Maron." she said to the singer who bowed graciously.

"I am at my lady's service. If it is relaxation she needs I can assist with a soothing melody or-"

"Go and write a song about something other than me." She commanded. Aly had heard two dozen songs about herself in the past few weeks and no matter what she did she could not rid herself of this troublesome singer. With this it would at least get him out of her hair for a few hours while he worked. Maron smiled gleefully as he too set off for his task. She turned to the sleepy-looking lieutenant who remained. "If you see the quartermaster have him report to me as well." He gave her another half-hearted salute and returned to the men.

By the time she had cleaned and bathed and was able to return to her chambers the reports were already waiting for her. She glanced at them and noticed they were not in the usual short scribbled notes she had been used to in the captain's reports. They were written by a scribe, clearly by the hand, and were detailed and organized. Perhaps she should have chosen Tanner herself back in Bisciye those many weeks ago. She tried to read through them but found the exhaustion creeping in. Despite it, she could not fall asleep. She put her hair up and donned a plain blue dress, wrapping the new clean white cloak Graham had left for her around her shoulders. She smiled at the little wolf brooch that held the clasp and headed out for a walk.

The sunset was lovely as she walked through Perdan's summer gardens. She had seen the lovely hedges and flowers and trees that made this place up a few weeks ago during the festival. The lights had been so beautiful then, and she had felt so much hope for the future. If only the girl that had walked through these gardens then would know what that future would be. Just pain, and toil, and even more death. So much more death. Death that felt like it would never stop. I have to try. That was what she said. That was her duty.

She had been lost in thought, wandering around the gardens as the sun began to dip beneath the horizon. She found herself near a marble fountain, where a statue of a Lion stood in the center, roaring as water flowed from around it. A young woman sat upon the fountains edge, seemingly lost in thought as well. Aly might not have paid her any mind but the necklace she wore caught her eye. A grisly trophy of large teeth and claws, something about it seemed familiar to her.

The Killing Fields


Alyssa removed her helmet, her hair tangled up as it fell to her shoulders. Normally it was kept up in braids when she went into battle, but the call to battle had come in the night, and she had no time before her squire was ready with her armor. The dead were all around her as she and Graham split up to find what remained of her men. Looking at them she couldn't tell if they were Northern or Southern. A crow pecked at the face of one of the corpses. She couldn't tell what he looked like, as blood covered his face. She couldn't tell if the blood on her face was hers or not either. It was beginning to dry, a red streak running from her hair down to her jaw. A drop fell from her jaw and landed in the puddles of gore she stood in.

She hated it.

All of this. What glory was there in this? How many more people had to die for Selenia's vengence? This was not what she wanted when she accepted her knighthood. She kneeled down to look at a dead man. Perhaps it was one of hers, she couldn't know. He was young. She saw the young boy Karl who travelled with her on her first campaign. He died too, sprawled out just like this on a battlefield, his blood spilling into the earth. She took a deep breath. Then another. Then another. She had to to keep from crying. Her old captain Jan once told her that it wouldn't take long for her to not even notice the death anymore. That couldn't be further from the truth. she thought, it only gets worse each time.

"My lady!" a voice called to her. She stood up snapping to attention. She pushed her thoughts away. Duty.

One of her lieutenants approached. The dark-haired and dour Gordon. "Are you alright?" She asked stoically.

The man panted as he approached. "Well just survived getting murdered by a bunch of northern field hands with spears but other than that alright. It's the King you ought to worry about though." He noted

"The King?!" Alyssa asked with some shock, before quickly regaining her composure. "What happened?"

"Wounded, during the fighting."

Eyes wide she started off past her lieutenant. "Go find Graham, gather the rest of the men." Without looking back she headed off to discover the fate of her King.

The Lion


Alyssa stared at the letter. This was not what she had imagined when she rose a knight only a few moons ago. It was not even what she wanted but she saw no other choice.

No one had stepped forward. Perdan is a realm of warriors. She thought to herself. Where are the brave knights in our darkest hour? They were silent as the fate of the realm itself may hang in the balance. Perhaps they are like me. Uncertain. She was only a knight after all, and nothing more. She never asked for honours or laurels, it was unbecoming. One should take what they earn and no more.

Alyssa read the letter again, running her fingers through her hair. Setting the letter down, she stood up from the small writing desk in her tent and grabbed her sword, tying the scabbard to her belt, then pulling her hair up into a ponytail. Stepping out into the nighttime air she strolled up and down the army camp watching the banners fly in the breeze. All the houses of Perdan. She thought to herself. She felt their weight on her shoulders and she grimaced as she passed the blue-and-white banner she recognized now as Old Sir Druzil's then the black and red of Sir Ulric. All of them could take the sword and lead Perdan to glory. But none of them had. Near the fringes of the encampment she spotted the purple falcon of the Eponlli that had joined their cause. A kind girl, Alyssa felt, eager to prove herself. Good traits that would be welcome in their country. Alyssa recalled the conversation she shared with her only a few days before.

Perhaps more important is showing Perdan what you can do for her.

The words she herself had spoken danced around in her head as she looked up at the moon. Alyssa about-faced and stepped dutifully back to her tent, where she opened her letter and quickly signed. She picked up her seal and found her squire, in his own tent polishing her mail. He stood at attention when she lifted the flap, and gave her a salute.

"My lady," Graham began, "The hour is late, I was just finishing up."

Alyssa held out the letter to him. "I need you to ensure this is sent."

"To whom, my lady?" He asked as she looked at him wearily.
