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Religion of The High Father

At the begining of time all that was and ever will be was The Highfather. And as an artist he fashioned the universe from his blank canvis. He put extra detail into his pride and joy, which he called The World. He shaped it with his hands it to the way he liked and yet something was missing. So he created a spark, the first Souls, and living creatures came to The World.

He watched his children grow and change over time but realized that he had neglected the rest of the universe. So to watch over his pride and joy he crafted the Ancients to look over The World from the wind and the rain, the stone and the sun. Thus while the Ancients cared for The World The Highfather looked after the universe.

The Ancients did as they were instructed and cared for The World as The Highfather directed; but being creatures of the wind and the rain they did not understand the trials of the Soul and could not help the living creatures on The World. So it came to pass that violence and darkness took root across The World and poisoned the land. Some of the Ancinets began to empathize with this, as it was entertaning and soon medeling in the affaris of the Soul became common place.

The others did not agree with their brothers rebellion against The Highfather and their disregard for the balance of The World. They struggled against their former allies and attempted to keep the balance but with so many renouncing The Highfather defeate seemed certain. In the end the loyal Ancients used all their power to weaken their race, stunting their power and limiting their influence.

Limited as they were the Ancients of the Highfather took to guiding the creatures of Soul and helped them develop civilization and culture. While those disloyal to their lord goaded the Soul to become war-like beings, brutish in nature and lacking in culture. And so the we find ourselves now in the Age of Strife where the will of The Highfather is tested against the Traitors. It is now up to us to preseve The Highfather's will; the Ancients have given us their help but it is up to us to make Mankind prosper and grow.

It is by our hands that culture and civilization will spread; by our actions that The World will be rid of the Traitors. So let us go forth and make The World as The Highfather wished.
Alrukard, Arch Priest of Valentia