Summus Ecclesiae Luria: Difference between revisions

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*Kaennji Shenron
*Kaennji Shenron
*Koli Bedwyr
*Koli Bedwyr
*[[Summus Ecclesiae Luria/Katerina Arundel]]
*[[Summus Ecclesiae Luria/Katerina Arundel|Katerina Arundel]]
*Alice Arundel
*Alice Arundel

Revision as of 07:20, 21 October 2013

Praise to the Glorious Mother

The Supreme Church of Luria, we venerate the Lurian Pantheon. The great Kings and Queens, Emperors and Empresses, granted divinity by the Divine Mother, the Silver lady. Through her Prophet, Jonsu Himoura, she has revealed the Himoura Sequence, which is the pattern for all creation, and the existence of the Lurian Pantheon. It was the death of the Empress Alice Arundel that fueled the need for our Divine Mother to reveal herself to the world.

The gods inspire their followers to strive for perfection in all things. They are the the flash of inspiration the artist relies on, they are the heat of the forge, the strength in the soldier's sword arm. Strength, courage, subtlety are the virtues of the gods, and it can be seen in the long history of their people. Civil war and strife have long been common occurrences in Luria, leading to a stronger, unified Empire, destined for great glory. For the Gods teach us that only in the fires of strife, are we as a people tempered. Our glorious Mother challenges us, so that we may rise to the occasion when it is demanded of us.

Our Divine Mother holds her children dear, and gathers them unto her upon her passing. The greatest of her Children become Gods in their own right, and when a God is born, a new star rises in the Night sky, for all stars are children of the Sun. Notable deities include Alice Arundel, the Goddess of Unification; Koli Bedwyr, the Lurian God of War; Kaennji Shenron, the Founder; and Katerina Arundel, the Hanged Goddess.

The Tenets of the Faith

  1. One people, one faith. Tolerate not the Heretic, the Traitor, or the Daimon.
  2. By word or deed, do not the Gods.
  3. Magic is a gift to be used by the few, on behalf of the many.
  4. Strive to better oneself, so that one may better the many.
  5. Seek perfection in all of your endeavors, repetition and patience are the greatest teachers.

The Ranks of the Faith

The Ecumenical Council is composed of all members holding the rank of Patriarch/Matriarch and above. They are all equals, and are the head of the faith in their Patriarchate/Matriarchate.


  1. Prima Ecumenical Matriarch. The Prophet of the faith, and first among equals. Matriarch of the Matriarchate of Askileon.
  2. Ecumenical Patriarch/Matriarch (not in use). First among equals, and the successor to the Prima Ecumenical Matriarch. Patriarch/Matriarch of the Patriarchate/Matriarchate of Askileon.
  3. Matriarch.
  4. Patriarch.

Full Members

  1. Imperator - for our most glorious Emperors and Empresses
  2. Rex - Kings and Queens
  3. Sacerdos - Senior Priest
  4. Servus - Priest
  5. Fidei Defensor
  6. Magus
  7. Secularus


  1. Novitius
  2. Initio

Of the Priesthood

The Silver Priests of Luria are all given robes of cloth of silver upon their initiation, to emulate the likeness of the Silver Lady. The priesthood puts little stock into the elaborate hierarchies of other faiths, and only have five ranks, the top three of which are all equal in standing. Those priests of the ranks of Servus and Sacerdos are tasked with learning, so that they may become Matriarchs and Patriarchs themselves in time. Priests will often take up a trade themselves, to venerate the Silver Lady. Noble priests usually pursue the profession of diplomats and ambassadors, or as traders, while the base born priests tend to take up smithing, brewing, baking, etc.

The God's Revelation

For many a year, the Gods stayed hidden from their children, choosing to guide them without acknowledgement, so that they would grow strong and independent, able to perfect their crafts with confidence in their own abilities. It was only after Empress Alice Arundel was assassinated that the Gods chose to reveal themselves, at the urging of the late Empress, who had since joined with our beloved Mother. So the Divine Mother reached out to her children, and found one who was listening, waiting, watching. She found Jonsu Himoura, our Prima Ecumenical Matriarch, and revealed herself in the Silver Flames of the Lurian pyromancers.

Writings of the Faith

The Gods