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12. The Regent serve a term of 2 years.  They shall be elected following the Consul election.  The election shall run for 3 days following the Consul election.  Light votes shall be weighted as 10, Luminary votes shall be weighted as 5, Consul votes shall be weighted as 10 and Priest votes shall be weighted as 1.
12. The Regent serve a term of 2 years.  They shall be elected following the Consul election.  The election shall run for 3 days following the Consul election.  Light votes shall be weighted as 10, Luminary votes shall be weighted as 5, Consul votes shall be weighted as 10 and Priest votes shall be weighted as 1.
13.  The Church of Sanguis Astroism declares that all lands on Dwilight are open to preaching from all Faiths.  This is to encourage our priests to bring the Stars to the heathens and to be fair and non confrontational with other Faiths of Dwilight as they are afforded the same courtesy.

Revision as of 11:06, 27 March 2012

Charter of Sanguis Astroism

1.We believe that the Divine Bloodstars, acting through our blood, influence everything that we do.

We believe that the Maddening Star influences our raw emotions and impulses.

We believe that the Auspicious Star influences our reason and capacity for logical thought.

We believe that the Austere Star influences our soul and capacity for serenity.

We believe that above all else, men should seek to reach a state of Harmony with the influence of all three Stars, so that we may act with Wisdom according to our knowledge.

We believe that to succeed at this is to attain Enlightenment, as the First Prophet Mathurin did.

We hold the spiritual writings of the First Prophet Mathurin to come from the greatest understanding of the Stars we have yet achieved. All should study them so we can better understand and study the Stars themselves.

We believe that everyone should know and believe this creed to be true. We do not shun those who seek honest enlightenment, and we seek always to spread our knowledge of the Truth to the unenlightened.

All this we believe.

2.Each Elder may cast 1 vote.

3.Amending this charter requires a 2/3rds majority.

4. The Prophet may veto any vote by the Elders Council if he so deems it necessary. This veto is independent of any for/against vote (meaning that the Prophet can still vote against a proposal without vetoing it).

5. Amendment Protocol: After a motion has been seconded there will be Four days of discussion. After which will be 2 days of voting. Each Elder shall have an opportunity to present amendments. No more than 2 amendments may be discussed at one time.

6. A Light shall have the authority to choose his Luminary with the approval of at least 1 other Light. If a Lights seat is empty, the Luminary shall become the Light.

7. Consuls are elected every 2 years (6 months) by the full members of the church. Each member is able to cast 3 votes. They are weighted 1: 4 votes, 2: 2 votes, 3: 1 vote. The 3 with the most votes are elected for a 2 year term.

8. The duties of the Office of the Austere are as follows:

Temporal Duties: The Light of the Austere is responsible for the management of the Temples and treasury. The Light, aided by the priests of the Cup is responsible for ensuring that currant temples are well funded as well as overseeing the construction of new temples and the expansion of old ones. He is also to monitor the global treasury and to raise money from the nobility if more funds are sorely needed. Also it is the duty of the priests of the Cup to offer information about the faith to our novices, as too often we have found the Church filled with converts in name only.

Spiritual Duties: The Light of the Austere is responsible for the perseverance of the Faith. It is his duty enact the decisions of the Magestratum in the Church and the priests of the Cup may be used as inquisitors for the Magestratum, investigating situation that the Magistrates themselves cannot tend to and serving to root out heretics once the trial of concluded.

9. The duties of the Office of the Auspcious are as follows:

Temporal Duties: The Light of the Auspicious is responsible for the missionary work of the Faith. It is his duty to send out priests into heathen lands and coordinate their efforts to convert peasantry and nobility, preferably obtaining permission from the local authorities. It is also the duty of the Light with the aid of the priests of the Open Hand to establish relations with other religions and to act as diplomatic envoys for the Church if the Regent and Elders Council are in need of far-travelling messengers.

Spiritual Duties: The Light of the Auspicious is responsible for the intellectual advancement of the Faith. Any new theological treatise should be submitted to the Light of the Auspicious where it will be first debated amongst the priests of the Open Hand, before then being put forward to the priesthood as a whole. Taking this into account the Light will then decide whether or not to add it to the temple libraries, add an accompanying commentary or call upon the Magestratum.

10. The duties of the Office of the Maddening are as follows:

Temporal Duties: The Light of the Maddening is responsible for the direction of hostile ecclesiastical action. It is his duty, and aided by his Luminary and priests of the Sword, to direct such actions as religious takeovers, auto-de-fe, influencing the peasantry and preaching unrest in heathen lands. He is also responsible for the use of temple funds in aiding the military armies of the faith in battle.

Spiritual Duties: The Light of the Maddening is responsible for the declaration of Holy Crusades. Any petition of a crusade will be sent to the Light of the Maddening and first debated amongst the priests of the Sword. It is then to be debated in the Elders Council before the Light of the Maddening reaches the final decision.

As part of his duties both temporal and spiritual the Light of the Maddening is to keep in contact with the various theocratic rulers and generals in order to assess the military feasibility of crusades as well as managing successful ecclesiastical action during them

11. The duties of the Office of the Regent are as follows:

The Regent acts as the figurehead of the Church, second only to the Holy Prophet himself. His primary duties are to oversee discussion and debate within the Elders Council, to aid the Lights in the fulfilment of their duties, and to conduct official Church diplomacy both in person and via the Office of the Auspicious. He is responsible, in conjunction with the Council as a whole, for negotiating agreements between the Church and other bodies that go beyond simple preaching rights which come under the purview of the Auspicious.

12. The Regent serve a term of 2 years. They shall be elected following the Consul election. The election shall run for 3 days following the Consul election. Light votes shall be weighted as 10, Luminary votes shall be weighted as 5, Consul votes shall be weighted as 10 and Priest votes shall be weighted as 1.